Chapter Eight: Return of Hiro

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(Y/N) POV:
Monday was around the corner and by that I mean I hated the fact that it was Monday. I got ready for school and rushed out the door. Cammy was asleep when I left so she didn't say anything.

I took a walk to school alone with my music and watered the plants as I do every Monday. This wasn't going to be every Monday though, I had different plans. I was going to talk to Hiro before school started and finally get everything off my chest.

I stopped by his classroom and looked in through the window. There he was, laughing with his friend as always. I never really talked to his friend much even though he is Hiro's best friend and Sayuri's brother.

I opened the door which drew Hiro's attention, "Can I speak to you? It'll only take a minute."

"Um, yeah sure." Hiro stood and walked outside. He closed the door behind us in the empty hallway. "What's up?"

"Okay so I don't really know what to phrase this but, after I'm done we don't have to speak to each other again." I looked up and Hiro modded.

"Wait what if I want to speak to you again, I'm still hung up on you." Hiro looked genuinely sad.

I shook my head, "You don't mean that, I heard you that day." I saw Hiro visibly tense at my words. "You said I was just a ploy to boost your popularity, am I wrong?"

"I was only saying that, I want you back. You can't say you haven't thought about getting back together. I'm giving you the free opportunity and you're denying it?" Hiro furrowed his brows like he's never been denied.

"I did think about it, once. I decided I was better off without you. I'm done with you, forever." I quietly turned around and started walking to my class.

"It's cuz of him isn't it!" Hiro yelled and I had to stop and turn around. "Who would've thought that a guy from the volleyball team would take my girlfriend from me. You know he's scary right? You shouldn't get involved with him, just come back (Y/N)."

"No, you get this through your fucking head. You've hurt me enough to use me again and I'm done, I'm not your girlfriend anymore. Leave Asahi out of this because you clearly don't know anything about him. I'd rather hang out with him than come back to you. Even if the other option wasn't to go back to you, I'd still hang out with him."

"You're in love with him aren't you? What do you even see in him? What does he have that I don't." Hiro spoke with more aggression.

"A heart, something you'll never get if you still think your popularity is everything. Honestly, thank you for dumping me. It really opened my eyes to how manipulative you are. You made me feel like it was my fault but it really wasn't. Goodbye Hiro." I left without another word and went back to my classroom.

When I entered the classroom, it was already filling in. I sat back at my desk only for Asahi to be in the one next to me.

"Where were you? You're usually here before me." Asahi looked a little concerned.

"Just taking your advice. I was talking to Hiro like you said I should." I sat facing him.

"How'd that go? Well?"

I shook my head and stared at the floor "It was not pretty. At least it's done with, I'm over him. I can definitely guarantee that."

"Already? What happened!?" Asahi was in shock.

"He said some things that I didn't like. I said some things he probably didn't like. I realized Hiro wasn't really all I made him out to be. Long story short, I definitely do not like him anymore." I shrugged and faced forward.

Asahi ruffled my hair and smiled, "Good. I'm happy you're moving on now. Seeing you so sad hurt."

"I'm not going to be sad anymore, I have you now." I smiled back at him and put my head on the table. "I wished I ate something though, I'm starving. I left without eating breakfast and my stomach is paying for it." I let out a loud groan which turned a few heads.

Asahi waved them off, a little panicked. "Here." He placed something on my desk.

I looked up and it was a bottle. Yet another drink. I didn't mind though, they were actually good and came from him.

"Where do you even get these!? Do you always have them on hand in case of an emergency? Not complaining or anything." I lifted my head off the desk.

"I might have got an extra because I had a feeling you'd want one." Asahi rubbed the back of his head.

"Let me at least pay you back." I started fishing around in my bag.

"I'm not going to accept money. Just take care of yourself and don't skip meals. That's payment enough."

I eyed him skeptically as I took a sip. Every drop tasted so much better on an empty stomach.

"I honestly owe you Asahi." I smiled at him. "Thank you!"

"Don't worry about it."

The teacher came into the classroom and started her class. The day passed by smoothly, nothing from Hiro. Maybe he was actually taking my words to mind.

After school I went to volleyball practice as I do daily. I didn't expect it but I was swarmed by most of the team when I walked into the gym. They were all excited to see me.

Coach made them start their drills and leave me alone. I stood off by the side with Kiyoko and Yachi. We were actually getting along really well.

"So, why were they all so excited?" I asked.

"Apperantly they thought you were going to stop coming to practice. I don't know why but they were happy to see you come by again." Yachi answered.

"I wouldn't leave you guys." I patted Yachi on the head.

"Hopefully not, everyone loves having you here." Kiyoko chimed in.

"That's good to hear, I love being here." I smiled at the floor and lifted my gaze.

Everyone was trying so hard to play their best. They all have their motivations and goals. It was just so refreshing to watch.

Practice didn't last long, Daichi wanted everyone to get home before the rain came. Once it started signaling rain even just a little, practice wrapped up. Asahi and I walked together, just trying to get home before the rain.

"You do have an umbrella in case we can't make it in time right?" Asahi asked.

"I didn't even eat this morning, much less check the weather for today. You have one?" I looked at the forming rain clouds above us.

"Fair point. I forgot mine at home."

"So we're both screwed?" I felt the rain starting to fall.

"Yeah." Asahi took my hand and started running.

We tried to stay as dry as possible which didn't work out well. When we got to the building, we were both soaking wet but laughing. I opened the door to the building and carefully made my way to the elevator.

"Lesson learned, check the forecast in the morning." I chuckled a little. "I'll see you tomorrow Asahi."

"No school tomorrow, remember?" Asahi laughed a little as he wringed water out of his sweater.

"Oh right, I'll see you when we go back then. Maybe tomorrow, you never know." I waved goodbye and went to my apartment.

When I got in, Cammy was already prepared for me to be drenched and laid towels along the floor.

"Go to your room and put the wet clothes in a bag! Then go shower and go to bed!" Cammy barked orders from the living room.

"Aye aye captain!" I followed her orders and went to sleep after a shower.

Just my luck though because I didn't wake up fine. I had a fever. I never had a great immune system but a fever is just great right now. Especially when Cammy has work today. What now?

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