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* 10 years after the events of Chapter Fourteen

(Y/N) POV:
The door clicked open and I sat up in bed. I quickly picked up the cupcake that was on the nightstand and lit the candle on top. Carefully, I walked out to greet my husband at the door.

"Happy birthday!" I walked up to him and held out the cupcake, "Make a wish."

The tall brunette chuckled, "I have everything I could wish for."

"Then wish for it to rain pancakes."

Asahi closed his eyes and blew out the candle. He gently took it from my hands and set it on the table. With a smile, he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Thank you (Y/N)."

"Your welcome!" I took his hand and went to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to me. Asahi sat next to me and sighed.

"What happened? Work things?" I reached over and poked his cheek.

"Just tired, it's all worth it when I come home to you." Asahi leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Is it now?" I teased.

Asahi nodded in response, "Every second."

"Ah! Your gift, give me a second!" I quickly stood and ran to our room.

I reached under the bed and pulled out a box. Inside the box was a special book I had been filling out for years. I hugged the book and ran back to the living room, picking up the cupcake on my way.

I held out the book and cupcake to Asahi, "Here, for you."

Asahi took them and opened the book's pages, "Flowers, a flower press book." He looked back up to me with soft eyes.

"Not just any flowers, ones you gave me. Every date you'd show up at my door with a different flower, and every date I pressed the flower in that book." I sat back down next to Asahi.

He laid down with his head on my lap, "It's perfect, our journey."

I ran my hand through let down hair. Asahi took a bit of the cupcake frosting and swiped it on my nose with a laugh.

I took a bit of the frosting from my nose and licked it, "Still delicious."

Asahi took a bite of the cupcake, "You're right, it's really good."

"Of course it is, I made it. Had to call Sayuri for help but I still made it."

He chuckled a little, "Help or not, it's delicious."

"How was your day?" I asked him.

"I finished a dress and brought it home. That reminds me!" Asahi lifted his head to look at me, "Can you try it on? I want to see what it looks like on someone and what better girl than the prettiest one in the world." He smiled at me and walked to a bag he left on the table when he walked in.

"Are you sure I can?" I followed him.

"I want you to, please." Asahi held the bag out. "For me."

"Of course." I took the bag and went to our room.

I gently lifted the folded dress out of the bag and stared at it's beauty. The top half was a pitch black with vines going over the the edge of my chest. The bottom was a pure white.

I slipped into the knee length dress and spun once. I moved my hair into a high ponytail and opened the door.

I stepped out of the room, "How does it look?"

Asahi turned to face me with an unreadable expression. He stood in place, silently. His hands came up and cupped around his mouth.

"Does it look bad?" I crossed my arms over myself.

"No, no." Asahi came up and put his hands around my waist, "Quite the opposite actually. You're stunning."

"Well, you made a beautiful dress." I playfully poked his nose.

Asahi took my hand and led me to the living room. He stopped in front of me, "Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes tight and waited. After a bit of shuffling, some soft music rang out in our rather small apartment.

"You can open your eyes now," He quietly said. I opened my eyes to see Asahi with his hand held out. "May I have this dance?" He asked.

I giggled and took his hand, "Of course."

I threw my arms over his shoulders and he gently held on to my waist. We swayed to the gentle beat as I rested my head on his chest. Asahi hummed lightly to the music as I listened to his heartbeat.

"Was this just a large ploy to get a dance?" I asked.

"Maybe, I did want to see my wife in a dress made by me. The dance was a bonus."

"Sneaky." I laughed.

The song ended and I pulled away, "One more song please?" Asahi kept his hands at my waist.

"I could go for another song."

That one more turned into another, and that other to another. Before we knew it, we were dancing and talking deep into the night. I finally started to feel the effects as my feet tired out.

"No more for tonight, my feet hurt." I pouted.

"Mine are starting to hurt too. You go off to bed, I'll join you after a shower." Asahi placed a kiss atop my head.

"Okay." I walked to our room and changed out of the dress into a set on pajamas.

I laid in bed on my phone while I waited for Asahi to get out of the shower. He showered in a few minutes and walked into the bedroom in a light shirt and shorts. He sat at the edge of the bed drying his hair off with a towel.

I took the towel from his hands and started drying it myself, "let me."

I carefully dried off his hair and set the towel on the nightstand. I laid back in bed and Asahi laid next to me. Asahi turned off the lamp beside the bed.

I lightly pressed a kiss on his lips and curled up against his chest. "Goodnight, my love," I whispered.

"Goodnight, I love you."

I don't know what would've happened if Asahi didn't walk into the classroom that day, but I know that I'm glad he did. Now we're here, like this in each other's arms.

That day in the classroom changed my world, and now I know it.

A/N: Thank you all for following me on this journey!!! Sadly, this book has come go an end but feel free to check out my other books if you'd like. Thank you for voting, commenting, reading- for all your support. See you all in my other books hopefully~

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