Chapter Five: A Single Flower

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A/N: Sorry for not posting this last night! Though it's a little late, please vote for the chapter!

(Y/N) POV:

Monday came about and I was pretty much over Hiro... for the most part. I walked to school as always but got there earlier than I needed to. The classroom was my first stop. I left my bag there and walked to the teacher's office.

The office was empty but I had permission to be there in the morning for my watering can. All the teachers knew of this and allowed it.

The building itself was mostly empty except for some kids that have clubs or just like being early. I walked up to a small patch of flowers I was growing on the side of the building.

I crouched next to the tulips and peonies that were starting to bloom. I gently watered the patch and went inside to put the can back.

I made my way back to the classroom and sat at my desk. The classroom was empty save for one girl. One girl I've never seen before.

I had to make friends right? By some odd power that came over me, I went up to the small blond girl by the entrance.


"Eek!" She jumped up immediately, "S-sorry I was looking for Shimizu Kiyoko. I know she's a third year but I don't know what class."

"Shimizu Kiyoko.... There's no one named that in my class. Check class 2" I pointed her in the direction of that class.

"Ah thank you!" The girl ran off and I went back to my seat.

"That was weird." I walked back to my seat and put my headphones in.

I put on a relaxing playlist and laid my head on the desk, buried in my arms. I hadn't realized that people were coming into the classroom until I felt a tap at my shoulder.

"Hm?" I lifted my head and took out a headphone. "Oh, Asahi."

"Hey, (Y/N). How are holding up?" He took the seat next to me.

"I'm doing better, thank you." I turned off my music and shoved the headphones in my pocket.

"For?" He tilted his head.

"Cheering me up a little on Friday." I put my head on the desk sideways. "It really helped."

"O-oh no problem. Say um, well... So I've seen you around and um... I was think if... you'd maybe like to be... friends? Only if you want to of course!" Asahi started getting nervous.

I giggled a little and smiled. "I'd love to be friends with you Asahi."

Just then the teacher came in and started her class. I reached in my bag to pull out my notebook but pulled out something else instead. I felt what was like a flower stem in my bag. I knew I didn't put it there so I pulled out the mysterious object along with a notebook.

I laid the notebook on my desk and on it, a single purple hyacinth. On the flower was a sticky note. The note read meet me in front of your classroom after school -Hiro.

All throughout class, I thought about that hyacinth. The purple hyacinth, a flower meaning "I'm sorry" or "forgive me". Did Hiro want to apologize? Or was it instead another one of his games.

My Love, My Flower (Asahi Azumane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now