Chapter Three: Girl's sleep over pt 1

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(Y/N) POV:

The second I stepped out of my room Sayuri was already changed and hugged me. It wasn't til she spoke in a soft and innocent voice that I realized what was happening.

"What did Cammy tell you?" I gently pushed her away.

"Whatever do you possibly mean?" She batted her violet eyes behind her black rimmed glasses.

"Don't gimme that crap Sayuri. Cammy what'd you say!?" I yelled and walked towards the kitchen where Cammy was picking out what we needed for the cake mix.

"Nothing at all my dear little sister. Why would you assume I said something?" She gave me a falsely innocent look.

"Because she's acting innocent, explain yourself Cam." I crossed my arms in the doorway and Sayuri walked past me.

She wrapped her arms around Cammy's waist from the side and pouted just a little, "Are you accusing me of not being innocent?"

"Um yes. What happened? What do you know about me?" I squinted my eyes as I looked at Sayuri.

"Fine fine, I heard you like a guy." Sayuri smirked and Cam hit her shoulder.

"Dude she wasn't supposed to know yet!"

"Do you really think we were tricking her with that fake expression." Sayuri half smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe," Cammy leaned against the counter.

"Yeah yeah we can talk about this later." I stepped up and pulled out a big bowl. "We have a cake to bake right now."

Cammy put the eggs milk and cake mix box on the counter. I poured the mix into the bowl and Sayuri cracked the eggs. As Sayuri washed her hands, Cammy opened the milk jug and poured what she thought was the right amount.

"Cam! We're supposed to measure that!" I was pulling out a wooden spoon from the drawer.

"It'll turn out fine," Sayuri dried her hands and looked over at the bowl. "I hope."

I handed Cammy the spoon, "You have more arm strength, you do it."

"No I don't." Cam preheated the oven.

"Yes you do, you're arm strength is crushing." Sayuri backed me up.

"I guess you could say I'm... crushing on you." Cammy winked at Sayuri.

Sayuri pressed her glasses up with a small blush and smile. "So cheesy. Anyways," she regained her composure, "cake or cupcakes?"

"Cake!" Cammy yelled.

"Cupcakes!" I called back.

"Only one way to settle this, rock paper scissors." Cammy glared at me.

"Rock, paper, scissors say shoot!" Sayuri yelled from the sidelines.

I threw up rock and saw Cammy did the same. Another round and we both threw scissors. One last time and she threw paper as I threw scissors again.

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