Chapter Six: Surprise!

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(Y/N) POV:

When practice ended, Asahi and I walked home together. We do live in the same building anyway. It was also really dark out and we enjoyed each other's company.

"So, I think the guys really liked having you watch practice." Asahi opened the door to the building for me.

"Looks like I'll have to keep coming then." I made my way to the elevator.

"Really?" He stood in front of me, outside the elevator. "Sounds like a plan. I live on the first floor so I'll be going. See you tomorrow (Y/N)." Asahi waved goodbye with a smile and went to his apartment.

I pressed three on the elevator and waited. Once the elevator carried me up, I walked to the apartment and unlocked the door. Cammy was in the living room watching TV as always.

"You're extra late today. The sun isn't even up. Who were you with?" Cammy felt the drama and sat up.

"I was watching volleyball practice." I dropped my bag by the door and took off my shoes.

"And why the hell would you do that?"

"Because I wanted to." I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Cam raised an eyebrow. She didn't believe me, not even for a second.

"Fine, it was because Hiro wanted to talk to me and I needed an excuse not to talk to him. Asahi is on the team so I asked if I could watch his practice." I sighed and threw my head back.

"And Asahi is that boy I'm guessing?"

I nodded. "It was more entertaining that I expected so I'm going to be doing it every day."

"So prepare for you to come home late?" Cammy glanced at the TV playing in the background.

"Basically. Enough about me though, how was work?" I sat up again.

"Same as always." She shrugged, "Not much is really new when you work at a park. I did see another confession under the cherry blossoms while I was going through my rounds."

"Did they say yes?"

"Who couldn't say yes? It's under the cherry blossoms in the middle of spring, perfect conditions." Cammy was lovestruck.

"Ah yes, perfect conditions. So I'm tired, goodnight." I stood up and went to my room.

"Goodnight!" Cammy yelled from the living room.

I changed out of my uniform and into some pajamas instead. My phone was running low on battery so I plugged it in. Almost immediately I got a text message from Sayuri.

Are we still on for Saturday?

I quickly sent her a message back:

Of course, just bring Cammy to the location and you'll take care of the rest.

I turned my phone off and left it plugged in as I fell asleep.

~~mini timeskip~~

It was Saturday, the day of the plan. All I had to do was convince Cammy to go with me to the park. That shouldn't be too hard.

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