Chapter Four: Girls night pt 2

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(Y/N) POV:


The timer went off on the cupcakes and Cammy ran to the kitchen with me close behind. I grabbed an oven mitt and pushed Cammy away from the oven window. Sayuri walked in with a tub of cream cheese frosting, piping bags, and sprinkles. Cammy took the mitt from my hand and pulled the cupcakes out.

"Let them cool off for a second first and we'll frost them." Sayuri lifted herself on to sit on the counter next to the cupcakes.

"Who said you could sit up there?" Cammy walked up to Sayuri and crossed her arms.

Sayuri smirked, "That's not what you say when you have your tongue down-"

I lifted my hands to my ears and closed my eyes, "There's children!"

I opened one eye and saw Cammy laughing with Sayuri. Cammy pulled a chair against the counter and straddled it with her head on the counter.

"Can we frost the cupcakes yet!?" Cammy was getting impatient.

"Do you just want to sneak some frosting into your mouth?" Sayuri crossed her arms.

"Well... maybe." Cammy got quiet.

"We should be able to frost them now, right Sayuri?" I took out a spoon to put the frosting the bags.

Sayuri nodded and took a spoon. We started filling the piping bags with cream cheese frosting and twisted them closed at the top. I carefully popped out the cupcakes from the pan and put them on the table.

We each took one at the time and frosted them however we wanted. Each cupcake was topped with purple star sprinkles and pink pearl sprinkles.

"That's the last one!" Cam placed the last cupcake on the counter.

"No it's not." Sayuri looked over at Cam with a bit of frosting on her finger.

"Yes it is-" Cammy looked over at Sayuri and fell for the trap.

Sayuri swiped her finger down Cammy's pale nose and laughed, "My cupcake!"

"Shouldn't have done that Sayuri." I shook my head.


Almost immediately she got an answer when Cammy nuzzled her nose against Sayuri's cheek. Now it was Cammy's turn to laugh. I thought I was safe but apparently not when Cammy spread a little of frosting on my forehead.

"Everyone's a victim!" She yelled.

"Hey!" I laughed and started contaminating Cammy with frosting.

Within minutes, all three of us had frosting all over our faces and were laughing up a storm. The piping bags were empty bringing a tragic end to our game of frosting tag.

"I gotta wash my face before the pizza gets here." Cammy ran off to the bathroom and I heard a loud bang.

"Cam are you okay!?" I ran after her with Sayuri tailing close behind.

Sayuri ran to help Cammy up off the floor. She was surprisingly unhurt but laughing instead. Judging by the fact that Cam was sitting on the floor and facing a wall, she ran into it.

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