Chapter Seven: Rooftop Garden

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(Y/N) POV:

After the proposal, Cammy was over the moon. She was running everywhere and hugging everything. It's like she had this sudden burst of energy.

"Cam! Cam!" Sayuri was pulling on Cammy's arm.

"Yeah?" Cammy turned around quickly with a huge smile on her face.

"I know you're really excited and I am too. I mean we're engaged now. I just don't think your boss wants you hugging every statue in sight."

"And you know that how?" Cammy already had her arms wrapped around yet another statue.

"He's glaring at you and walking this way." Sayuri subtly pointed to a man walking towards us.

Cammy yelped and got off the statue. That didn't stop the man from heading in our direction. He stopped just short of an embarrassed Cammy.

"(L/N) Cammy , rare seeing you in the park when you're not on duty. More so hugging statues. If you could please stop doing that, I'd very much appreciate it." The man spoke in a friendly manner despite the words spoken.

"Yes, yes Mr. Yamato." She smiled an awkward smile.

"You're off duty, Kiro is just fine. What brings you here though? You don't come often when you're on off hours." The man named Mr. Yamato became less tense.

"Ah just a sneaky plot for a proposal." Cammy held up her hand with the silver band on it.

"Oh congratulations! That makes a lot more sense as to why you were hugging statues." Mr. Yamato chuckled. "Let me guess, by the bridge?"

Sayuri nodded.

"Nice move." Mr. Yamato smirked

"Wait, was I the only one who didn't know about the bridge?" I chimed into the conversation. Everyone laughed at my comment. "Wait I'm confused! Was I the only one who didn't know?" I smiled a little.

"Quite possibly." Sayuri responded.

We talked and joked but before long, the sun started to set. That was a signal that we were out for too long.

"Crap it's getting dark. Should we go home?" Sayuri pulled on Cammy's arm a little.

"Yeah actually we should get going. I'll see you on my next shift Kiro, say hi to Taiyou for me." Cammy waved goodbye.

"I'll make sure my boyfriend knows you say hello." Mr Yamato left and we started our walk home.

We reached the front door of the building. Cammy was begging Sayuri to stay over since it was late.

"Can I?" Sayuri tilted her head.

"You will." Cammy lifted Sayuri bridal style and took her inside while I held the door.

"Ack! (Y/N) help me!" Sayuri yelled and laughed.

"Absolutely not." I opened the elevator door and walked in after Cammy.

"Can't refuse now." Cammy set Sayuri on the floor.

"You know that I could just come back down when I'm upstairs, right?" Sayuri crossed her arms.

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