Chapter Thirteen: Day One

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(Y/N) POV:

I went to school the next day with my head in the clouds. I made my way to the classroom and avoided the garden today. A new season meant a new set of flowers that I'd probably plant later today.

I sat in the classroom listening to music and staring out the window. Minutes passed and I felt a tap at my shoulder.

Pulling out my headphones, I turned around and saw Asahi in his seat. Not just that, the whole classroom had people in it.

"Good morning beautiful," He said in a warm voice.

"Good morning!" I smiled.

"Did you eat this morning?"

"No actually, kinda regretting it now." I placed my head on the desk.

"Here, it's not much but it's something." He put a drink on my desk with a melonpan.

"Where'd you get this?"

"I figured you probably didn't eat since you usually don't on Mondays. I stopped by the store on my way here to get this for you." Asahi scratched his cheek. "Now hurry, before the teacher gets here."

I opened the packaging and took a bite of the melonpan. It was so good with it's sweet taste. Exactly what I needed in the early morning. I opened the drink and took a sip.

"I should really pay you back for all this. You've been feeding me for months, I feel bad." I crumpled up the wrapper and stuck it in my bag to throw out later.

"I already said you don't need to. Just take care of yourself."

"But I want to." I pouted.

"Then how about this, you'll owe me a favor I can cash in at any time. I may use it or I may not."

I thought about it for a second, "Deal."

The teacher came in and settled the class down. She started teaching her lesson and the day passed without a problem.

After school I packed up my stuff and stood. "I'm sorry but I have to plant some new flowers in the garden today so I can't go to practice." I gave Asahi an apologetic look.

"Can I help?" He stood up and picked up his bag.

"I wish you could but you have practice. I'll meet you when I'm done." I quickly ran off to the office where I stored the flowers.

There was a few teachers in the office but they knew who I was and let me get the flowers. I had a few plants by the window that were growing indoors so they could bloom before taken outside. The plants were chrysanthemums and purple petunias.

I picked up the pots and set them on a tray to be carried easier. There wasn't many since my garden wasn't that big. I carried my tray downstairs as carefully as possible but probably not careful enough.

I stumbled a little on the last step outside and almost dropped a few pots. Almost, someone caught them before they hit the floor. I looked up to see who saved my precious flowers.

"Thank you so much-" I recognized their face and my expression dropped. "What do you want Hiro?"

"I just want to talk, please." Hiro carried the pots and started walking towards my garden.

My Love, My Flower (Asahi Azumane X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now