Chapter Two: Sayuri

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(Y/N) POV:

"You're home late, something happen?" My thirty year old sister Cammy was flipping channels on the TV when I walked into the living room. We lived together, alone.

"Guys suck." I let out a loud sigh and sat back on the couch next to her.

"That's why they're not my romantic topic of interest." She turned off the TV and tossed the remote next to her.

"That's just a fancy way of saying that's why you're gay."

"Whatever (Y/N), something happen with Hiro?" Concern filled her greenish eyes before some of her fluffy black hair fell in her face.

I let out a loud groan in reply.

"Anddd that's a yes. What happened? Tell your sister everything." She pulled me tight against her chest and started stroking my hair.

"Cam! I can't breathe!" I started hitting at her arm.

She let me go and pouted "I just want a hug."

"You're strength will kill me rather than make me feel better." I leaned my head against her shoulder instead. "Tell me what I saw in Hiro."

"Are you really asking me this? Of all people, ask the sister who never liked him, what you saw in him." She gave a disgusted face to which I glared at. "Fine, fine. I honestly have no idea what you saw in him. Why?"

"He dumped me today for being too energetic, also said to his friend that he was never serious about our relationship. I'm so stupid, I should've known." I felt a choking feeling at my throat but no tears could leave my eyes.

"I know it hurts now but you'll be better off without someone like that. Not all men are bad. You're going to find someone who wants to be with you regardless of how much energy you have." Cammy started stroking my hair and leaned her head over mine.

"Yeah, not all men suck." I smiled just a little.

"Already have a new crush (Y/N)? That was quick!" Cammy said with a smirk.

"I do not!" I lifted my head in a rush. "Just met a guy who didn't suck is all." I smiled at the ground.

"Then wipe that smile off your face and tell me about him."

"Well let's see, he saw me crying in the classroom after Hiro decided to dump me and said that he couldn't ignore a girl who was crying. So he comforted me a little and bought me a drink to cheer me up then said he hoped to see me around." I shrugged and played it cool.

"He seems nice, you should be friends with this guy. I'm sorry but everyone knows Hiro and his group were your only friends."

"Rude, but correct. Yeah you're right."

"As always." She pulled a smug expression

"Really?" I lifted an eyebrow at her.

"Oh would you look at that, the doorbell is ringing." She stood and walked to the door.

"No it's not-"

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