Chapter Twelve: I've always loved you

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(Y/N) POV:

That next morning I slept in to about 1pm since it was Sunday. I was so exhausted from the night before. I got up and checked my phone for any messages or notifications.

To my surprise, I had a message from Asahi. What I did the night before hit me and I reluctantly opened the message, fearing the contents.

Hey (Y/N), so I need your help with something. Do you mind meeting me on the rooftop around 2 today?

The rooftop at 2? I didn't really have anything to do so sure. I quickly sent him a message saying I'll meet him then.

I got up and went to the kitchen for food. Cammy and Sayuri were in the living room and saw me walk into the kitchen. They followed me in and stood by the entrance.

"Good morning, can I help you?" I made myself a bowl of cereal.

"How'd you sleep?" Cammy asked.

"Well enough, still a little tired from last night." I pushed past and sat at the dining table. "You?"

"Knocked out as soon as I hit the bed." Sayuri sat in front of me.

"Same here, weddings are exhausting." Cammy sat next to Sayuri and put her head on the table.

"Worth it tho." Sayuri fist bumped Cammy. "Also, I heard you're in love with Asahi. Why was I not notified of this?"

"Cammy!" I shot her a glare.

"I might've said something. Whoops." She flashed me a tired half smile.

"She's not wrong, what about it?" I looked back to Sayuri and finished my cereal.

"Smart choice, that's all." Sayuri shrugged.

"No, I don't plan on telling him." I stood up and put my bowl in the sink.

"Why not!? I'm pretty sure-" Cammy was cut off by Sayuri covering her mouth.

"That's your decision, I respect it."

I doubtfully eyed them and went to my room. I looked through my closet for something to wear. It was October now, I was in my second semester. That also meant it was starting to get a little colder here.

I pulled out a black t-shirt and some jeans. I slipped into my outfit and tied my hair up in a ponytail. It was about 1:50 so I figured I could head out now.

"I'll be on the rooftop!" I called out as I slipped into my sneakers.

"Okay!" Cammy yelled back.

I walked upstairs and opened the door to the roof. When I got outside, Asahi was already there. He was in a light sweater, white t-shirt and jeans, pacing with his hands behind his back. I checked my phone and the time read 1:57.

"You're early." I spoke loud enough for him to hear me.

Asahi jumped a little and sighed, "So are you."

"Yeah yeah, what'd you need my help with?" I closed the door behind me.

"S-so, a few months back you um.. you found out there was this girl that I loved and I wanted to uh... to tell her but I've never done this... thing before. I figured you could um.. help me out... maybe... hopefully?" Asahi was nervous.

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