chapter nine.

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TRIGGER WARNING | this chapter contains elements of violent sexual content, graphic and upsetting violence, forced cannibalism, and little to no aftercare. please proceed with caution.

your head was pounding and your eyes slowly opened, groaning from the pain you were in. your eyes observed the room and you frowned, being placed in some cold, dark room. the lights were barley even bright enough to give you a clear viewing of where things were.

your body was cold, and you sat up, being pulled back by something. your right wrist was chained to a pole of the bed frame and you started to panic, thinking about amputating your own hand so you could run again.

the room smelt like a fresh vanilla and that was because there was a candle burning on the dresser. you weren't in kylo's room, just some other room.

"morning, little flower." kylo's voice spoke, husky and deep, whom was sitting on the couch. "i gave you a warning and you still manage to disobey me."

you were only in a oversized long sleeve that belonged to kylo ren and you tugged at the chain that kept you hostage. "listen to me, i'm sorry. please, just let me go and i'll listen to you. we can talk this out.." you said, trying to sound genuine and he sat up, humming. "i'm really sorry, kylo. please, don't hurt me."

"why would i hurt you, hm? why do you think i would hurt you, darling?" kylo asked, taking a step closer to you with each word he spoke. he leaned over to you, tilting his head.

"i'm sorry, kylo. i really─"

your cheek was met with a struck of pain, as you whined from it and within seconds, he was on top of you, his hand on your throat. "i should make you bleed and sob until you're nothing but a braindead bitch, don't you think?" he wondered, your throat sinking into the bed and he continued to block your airway.

you couldn't breathe, at all.

kylo stared into your eyes, taking his hand away from your throat and you gained air again, gasping. he got off of you and the bed, his back turned to your face. "i ordered you a meal." he opened the hatch door, with a covered-up silver platter on a rolling cart and he brought it up to the side of your bed.

kylo took the chain off your wrist, wrapping it around your neck as if it was a collar. you felt like a pet from it.

"i'm not eating. i don't trust you with my meals." you refused, shaking your head and looked at the silver platter. "you can eat it, but just no thank you, kylo."

he took the lid off and the smell of meat caught your nostrils. "eat it or i'll shove it down your throat. this is me being nice, and you should be grateful for that." kylo said and you glared at him, pushing the cart away from you.

his hand grasped onto your jaw, forcing your mouth open and put two bits of meat into your mouth. it wasn't animal meat─ it was human meat. you could tell it was from a human because the meat was covered with too much spices, remembering back to holdo.

you couldn't eat it.

you cried and kylo worked your jaw to chew the meat. "if you think about spitting it out, i will toss you like a whore to my knights so they can take care of you, and trust me, they won't be easy." kylo threatened and you slowly swallowed down the meat, feeling ashamed.

he repeated the process and you swallowed more of it down, needing to throw it all up instead.

in minutes, the plate was cleared and kylo smirked in satisfaction. you were sobbing and felt gross. he pushed the rolling cart to the side and stroked your hair.

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