22: Jealous

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Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva

TW: Suicide. Rating: PG sexually.

I ran up behind the duo and gathered my confidence.

"Potter?" He turned to me. "The way you stood up to Professor Snape was...impressive to say the least. You...you might've doomed yourself though. I've heard that he holds a grudge like no other. So...uh, if you ever need help in his class, you can ask me. My dad was really good at potions back in his day."

"Okay, thanks," he answered slowly.

"No problem. If you know of anyone else who needs help, let me know. And I mean you too," I directed to the red-headed boy...Ron?

I introduced myself before skipping off, now sure of the red-head's name.

I became friends with them and then Hermione Granger quickly. And then I started getting teased by my fellow Skytherins. Especially...

"Oh look, the precious princess and her three rats!" Draco Malfoy called.

We kept walking, chatting away. I could feel the eye roll of dissatisfaction. But I paid no mind. None of us did.


I hugged Ron goodbye on the platform first. After bidding his goodbyes to Harry and Hermione, he joined his family. Hermione, Harry, and I crossed over the platform together. I hugged them both and promised to write. Immediately after, I ran to my parents. I hugged them and excitedly told them about stuff that was probably in the letters I sent. I looked over and saw Malfoy watching me as he trudged to his parents. I elected to just ignore him.


He watched her run to her parents happily and start talking to them. Part of him was infatuated with her cheeriness and caring nature, part jealous of the love she received and returned, and a small part hated her for not choosing him. And that part hated himself as well for not choosing her.

She noticed him. Or maybe not. She kept talking to her parents about something that didn't involve him. Next year...next year he'd force her to pay a bit more attention to him. He joined his parents, still lost in thought about what he should do.


"Oh look, isn't she so perfect? She's pretty and smart and talented and kind. But...a blood traitor," Malfoy sighed. "If only she wasn't. Then she'd be popular and respected," he lamented to his two minions, his eyes on me.

Part of me wondered if he thought that was all true. He was a jerk, but...sometimes he was sweet and the parent Crabbe and Goyle desperately needed. And he was cute.

No, it doesn't matter. I love my friends. He's a jerk. He hates me. And I hate him.


"Traitor," he hissed as she walked passed. She didn't even look at him. "You'd be worth something if you weren't," he whispered.

She didn't seem to mind.

"You're disgusting, constantly flipping between the blood-trading, poor bastard and perfect Potter, Boy Who Lived. It's like you're an animal, just desperately trying to find any mate. In nature, normally the girl finds the alpha, but you...you're comparing...and competing with...a Mudblood."

She turned around in her chair, and calmly stated, "Close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a more likable person. Now open them and weep."

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