25: Bane

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TW: Clear. Rating: PG

I sat with Oliver in class very bored but glad I was beside him. It was entertaining to watch him draw strategies. It was something to focus on, at the very least. Every once in a while, he'd realize a flaw and stop for a few minutes, eyes clamped shut as he focused. Then he'd erase and add notes.

We walked back to the dorm together in silence and sat together on the couch.

"Did I tell you what happened earlier?" He shook his head. "Flint asked me out."

"What?" he asked, sitting up.

"He asked me to go to Madam Puddifoot's after Arithmancy."


"I said no, of course."

"Really? You're horrible at saying no," he teased.

"I know. But he's horrible. He's a purist, for one. He treats you like garbage, too. And he's an asshole in general."

"He could never deserve you either."

"Thanks, hun."

"It's true."

"You're the cutest," I sighed.

He smiled and nudged my foot. I laughed as I cuddled down to the couch and started studying.


It was time for the bane of my existence. I tied myself to the tree and my feet. Finally, I used a spell to tie my hands. My stomach lurched as the sun set. I clamped my eyes shut as the pain intensified.


I woke up in the middle of the woods as the sun rose. I was so lost... What happened? How did I get free? What did I chase?

I used point me to find my way out of the forest. I forced myself to get to the common room. I almost threw up as I climbed the stairs. As soon as I got to the common room, I collapsed by the door. I forced myself to get up at the sound of footsteps from the boys' side. I ran to the stairs and got out of view as quickly as possible. I collapsed on my bed a minute later.

I went to lunch exhausted. Oliver was sitting between Fred and George. Lee was across from him. Alicia, Katie, and Angelina were around them. And then more. I sat alone at the end of the table and barely ate before having to run to the bathroom and puke. After emptying my stomach of all food and quite a bit of acid, I forced myself to go to class.

I got to class late. Oliver was sitting with Jackie. Flint was the only person I could sit with. Fuck. Halfway through class, I started feeling dizzy. My muscles cramped, and my fingers twitched. Professor McGonagall noticed. She swept over and knelt down beside me.

"You need to go to the hospital wing before you faint," she whispered. I nodded and clamped my eyes shut as tears threatened to spill. "Can you get there?"

I nodded and rose. She seemed concerned immediately at how much I shook as I stood, but she let me leave by myself. As soon as I sat down, I feinted onto the cot.

I was surprised Oliver hadn't come over to check on me before dinner. After Madam Pomfrey signed off on my dismissal, I went to the common room. Everyone was eating, so I had the place to myself. I laid down on the couch and waited for Oliver.

The portrait door opened. I sat up and looked. It was Oliver.

"Hi," I greeted weakly.

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