4: Beauty

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TW: Clear. Rating: PG.

"No, I'm done for now," Malfoy told Pansy, sinking down at a table with Crabbe and Goyle, both dateless. "I'm getting tired. Go talk to your friends," he dismissed.

Looking forward, he quietly asked, "Have you gotten word from your parents?"

"Nope," Crabbe muttered.

"Nothing about it," Goyle grunted.

"Alright," he murmured, settling in his seat slightly.

"Aye, you," someone said a few feet away, getting closer.

He looked up from his hands, which were folded in front of him. He saw a Beaux girl with straight brown hair and intense eyes.

"Blondie, you should dance with my friend over 'ere, no?" She pointed to a crowd of girls. "She is very pretty," the girl added.

"Yeah?" he asked.

"If you do not like her, I will make up for the time with money. But I doubt this will be the case."

"Go man," Crabbe encouraged, kicking the leg of Malfoy's chair.

"Alright," he murmured. "If Parkinson comes back, make sure she doesn't make a scene."

He followed the French girl over to the crowd, where she shoved people aside, and, at the center of the group, sat the most beautiful girl Draco had ever saw.

He couldn't put his finger on what exactly made her so beautiful, but she was. Maybe her lips, her nose, the sparkle of her eyes, her skin, her smile, the way she moved when she talked...

"Hey, Beauty!" the French girl shouted.

And to Malfoy's absolute delight, the radiant girl turned to them. Her eyes found him, and they widened. She started sputtering in French.

The brunette muttered in French to the beauty and pulled her out of her chair. Beauty protested until she was in front of Malfoy, when she suddenly fell quiet.

"Dance the night away, yes?" the brunette encouraged, pushing them both to the other. She whispered something in French, and the beauty looked down embarrassed. She grabbed his hand and led him to the dance floor.

She kept her head down as she put his hand against her waist and added the other. The beauty's gaze rose a bit as she put her hands on his shoulders. She looked up and closed the space between them slightly, moving her hands behind his neck. Finally, her eyes met his.


"Hi," she mumbled.

"Hello, beautiful," he replied, moving his hands behind her. "Let's get to know each other. I'm Draco Malfoy."

She introduced herself, and he couldn't move his eyes from her lips. Her lips...they curved like her hairpin. The hairpin curve of her lips, the hairpin curve of her lips, the hairpin curve of her lips, the hairpin curve of her-

"-minister's daughter. Now that that's clear, I have to ask, is someone in your family in the government? I've heard that name, I'm pretty sure."

"My father, Lucius Malfoy, was the school governor. Now, he's an official at the ministry."

"That must be it. What year are you?"

"Fourth," he answered.

"Me too. So I suppose you know Harry Potter?"

"I guess so," he grumbled.

"Not his biggest fan?" she asked with pursed lips.

"He's been a jerk to me since the day we've met. He polyjuiced himself and his friend into my best friends, trying to prove some off the wall theory that I was the heir of Salazar Slytherin. Can you imagine finding out someone stripped your best friends to their underwear after spiking their food? After that, we picked out questions to ask each other, just in case... But still, I just..."

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