36: The Slytherin's Snake

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TW: Clear. Rating: PG.
[Complimentary to The Secret Garden.]

"The Triwizard Tournament?" Albus asked. "Even after..."

"Yes. It wasn't my decision, but yes," his father affirmed, frowning. "But I suppose things are different now. Delphini had to be the only thing left, the Ministries figure. They're honestly just hoping that this will help smooth things over."

"Did Aunt Hermione... Did she approve?"

"No, she didn't. But even Hermione couldn't shut this down."

"I think it'll be fun," James volunteered.

"Hopefully," Harry considered.

"I want to enter."

"What? No, you're not entering into the Triwizard Tournament," Harry argued.

"Why not? You did fine and so did Aunt Fleur. Nothing's going to happen this time," James argued.

"No one knows that! Just wait until your mother finds out about this little idea of yours, James Sirius Potter."

Albus took that as his cue to leave and wrote a letter to Scorpius.


On the first day of school, Albus and Scorpius sat together at the Slytherin table, immediately aware of how several placemats seemed to be gone compared to previous years. There was no explanation of the Triwizard Tournament until after the sorting ceremony. Finally, Professor McGonagall stepped forward for the welcoming speech.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts, students!" she called with a thin smile. "This year is special, very special, because for the first time in almost 30 years there will be a Triwizard Tournament. The Triwizard Tournament was last held twenty-eight years ago in Hogwarts with one of the contestants being Harry Potter. Tragically, that tournament marked the beginning of something terrible, which cast the tradition back to the vanishing cabinet.

"But this year, it returns! This great tradition of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Koldovstoretz represented with one sorcerer of legal age competing in three tasks will take place in France. This means that all seventh years will be staying with our host alongside myself until the final challenge ends. The rest of the school will be able to view the challenges from the quidditch pitch but will otherwise run as usual. This year will be full of learning regardless of festivities honoring this tradition.

"Now, let's shift to our ordinary-"

She continued with all the things the pair had heard every year. James was going to France? Definitely not fair. Would he enter even though mum and dad agreed he shouldn't? Most likely.

"Now, seventh years, please follow me to the Room of Requirement so we may travel to France. To all other students, behave. Have a good school year!" she called cheerily, the tables suddenly flooded with food.

Every seventh year rose and followed Professor McGonagall out of the Great Hall. Albus waved goodbye to James as he left, getting a cheeky grin that definitely said he would be entering himself and fully expected to be a champion.

If only he weren't so spot-on.

All of Hogwarts watched the introduction from the Great Hall as they ate. Once the three schools started eating, the entire illusion became boring.

However, after the feast, students entered their names into the Goblet of Fire. James was the first to enter his name.


The entire Great Hall watched the champion reveal in silence, waiting for their champion to be called. Finally, the goblet spit out the parchment from Hogwarts.

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