Chapter 2

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Kelly's POV:

On the way to the appointment Layne didn't say much she just stared out the window and watched everything go by. She is beautiful her flowing red hair, pale skin, gorgeous green eyes , with freckles dusted on  her cheeks and across her nose, she's just perfect to me and she seemes to be different then most girls especially the girls i go for shes not so much a girly girl shes more like me, shes a tomboy and shes a little thicker and i dont mind that (like most assholes would)  too shes just amazing so far and i would love to get to know her more if taime will let me since they are friends and he is protective of her like a brother. "Kelly? Kelly!" Layne said pushing my arm snapping me from my thoughts of her. " Yes ?" I said looking at her once again, "Do you wanna listen to some music?" she asked looking through some of my Tapes i had in the car. "Sure pick one you like and pop it in." I said smiling at her as she looked up smiling.  She puts in Aerosmith Permanent vacation and skips ahead to what i think is her favorite song which is Ragdoll. I watch as she mouths the words and taps the beat on her leg as she starts to look out the window, as the somg ends we pull into the parking lot and i turn the car off and go around and open her door and help her out. I shut the door and turn to her but shes already half way to the door and i run up to catch her soi can open the door for her, " Woah there speedy calm down." I laugh as i open the door for her and she giggles. " sorry im just ready to get out of the cast and hopefully off  the crutches as well she said as she makes her way to the front desk. " I'll be over here when you get checked in ok." she nodded and talked to the lady and came over and sat down pulling a journal out of her bag and started writing. " Whatcha doing over there i ask looking at her just planning my room look drawing out where i want what and what i wanna paint just trying to make my room as cool as possilble. she leaned over and showed me her room plan and talked about it but i was suddenly in my thoughts again and thinking about how good she smelled she smells like flowers roses to be exact. I satrt to stare at her and her outfit she looks stunning in her cut off jean shorts that are all ripped up and her Faster Pussycat shirt that is cutup as well shes cut the sleves off low and it shows her bra thats black and lacey and shes wearing her black low top converse shoes i saw she had a bunch of those laying around her room which is cool because those are my favorite shows too, then i look up at her and shes still talking about her room and she has the biggest and best smile on her face andi notice shes put her sunglasses up pinning her hair up out of her face and i see she has a nose piercing and a freckle right before her lip all the rest are on her cheeks and nose. shes gorgeous, I suddenly realize she has stopped talking and is now blushing and looking down at the ground. " What ?" she asks as she looks back up into my eyes. "Nothing i was just looking at your drowing and listening" I say as i look down blushing slightly. she caught me staring shit real smooth kelly. I hear them call her name for the doctor and i hand her the crutches and walk with her to the room. " Do you want me to go in with you Layne?"  "Yea of course" she smiled. i followed her into the room with the nurse and  waited for the doctor as she starts drawing again. (Knock Knock on the door) " Hi Layne how are you today?" im good just ready to be out of this cast and start trying to walk like normal or somewhat normal. she laughed nervously hopping for a good answer. " Well we do have some good news, you are getting out of the cast today and you will be put in a brace that will be locked into place so you cant bend your leg,"  She smiled and thumbsed up in excitement" you can take the brace off to sleep but keep your leg elevated as much as you can like you have been and you no longer have to keep it bandaged it is better to let it breathe at this point so it heals faster." After 6 weeks we will come back and unlock it so you can bend your leg and you can practice some walking here, then after that you can take the brace off competely and walk normaly after 4 more weeks." They began to cut the cast off and unbandage it. she has a big scar on her knee down to the middle of her shin, she cringes and looks away. " My leg is so ugly now and it swells so now its bigger then the other leg most of the time." she says looking down. " Hey its ok i have a scar on my leg too from my motorcycle wreck" she nods and looks up " i know taime told me the story he said he put pressure on your leg because you were bleeding alot"........... After they put the brace on Layne and I head back to the car and i take her back to the house." Hey Kelly do you wanna help me decorate my room when we get home and hang with taime when he gets home i know you havent probably seen him in awhile" " sure that sounds fun"............. We get home and she heads to her room and puts on the record she had on before we left and i just know realised that its my band playing and shes kinda dancing to it as she paints and its so cute, I head over and grab a brush, "So what do you want me to paint?" Anything you want or are feeling. she says as she continues to pain a sunflower on her wall as she hums. I start to paint. " So what have you been doing lately" Layne asked as we take a break and she grabs her bass and starts to strum it. " well me and the band just got back from japan on our first world tour and i havent slept much because of jet lag so my whole sleep schdule is all screwed up because of it but really i just drive around and go to the record store"  She smiles as i talk while she keeps playing her bass. " What about you?" I ask as i stare again as i watch her play. " Well i cant do much with this leg shit going on" she laughs as she strumms looking down as she talks, " so i started playing bass again since I cant play drums right now either and I really miss going to the record store i havent been in months." she sighs sadly. "Well maybe I can tske you tomorrow if you wanna hang out again?" I ask nervously. " Yes" She replies quickly with a smile. She starts playing around on the bass as I watch and I start to think to myself " Man I  gotta take this slow shes different then the rest and im not gonna fuck this up even if its just as friends who knows she might not wanna be with anyone let alone a guy like me."

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