Chapter 9

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A/N: Smut warning ( you dont have to read if you dont want) this is my first smut writing im nervous as hell posting this so yea lol umm i hope its okay.

Kelly's POV:

I woke up earlier than normal with Layne still in my arms as i smilled and kissed her forehead making her shift and roll over pressing her back against my chest as she settled snuggling real close. i moved her hair from her face and watch her as she slept her fiery hair all over the place as she lightly snored and looked as peaceful as can be. Im in love with her i thought to myself as i smiled and kissed her shoulder when i suddenly heard tracii playing his guitar and phil singing i think. Fuck i didnt think the guys would come back here i told phil to stay at Tracii's for the night what are they even doing up this early i thought when i felt Layne turn over and snuggle into my chest as she kissed it and said " Good morning Kelly" As she rub my chest and looked up with sleepy eyes " Good Morning Babygirl " i said kissing her softly as she blushed and hid her face in my chest " what is it baby?" I said with a chuckle " I like that name for me she said just above a whisper " Babygirl?" I said smiling acting like i didnt hear her, She nodded and giggled"Well im glad you like it " I leaned down and kissed her softly as i laid down pulling her on top of me as she put her hands on either side of my pillow to hold herself up. " Mmmm " Layne moaned quietly as i grabbed her hips and held her there. I stopped and smiled at her as she sat up flipping her hair out of her face and looked back at me sticking her tongue out as a strand of hair fell back in front of her face, i laughed and put my hand up to her cheek as she nuzzled into it " My beautiful Babygirl " i said as she smiled and leaned down kissing my neck right on my spot making me groan in pleasure as she giggled and started sucking on my neck and rolling her hips into me" Mmmm fuck " i moan as i grabbed her ass while she continued which made her moan right into my ear as she sat up smiling as she contiued rocking her hips" B-baby we cant do this right now the guys are outside" i said breathlessly as she kissed me and ran her hand down my chest and stopped above my boxers barely sliping her hand under the waistband and stop bitting my bottom lip as she pulled away" Ok Kelly" she smiled leaving me speechless as she sat down next to me. " What?" she asked with a chuckle as i stared at her still speechless " Why did you stop?" " Baby you said the guys were outside" she laughed as she layed down next to me " Shit i did say that didnt i?" i laughed as i sat up. " Baby i dont have any clothes to wear today? " Layne says as i sit up and light a smoke. " Well what do you need i can have Taime bring it over or..... you can just wear pjs all day bc i dont think we are going anywhere today." i said laying back as i put my head in her lap blowing smoke out. She lifts my hand up and takes a drag of my cigerrete and smiles as she blows out the smoke" ill just stay in pjs she said as she smelled the shirt" i like smelling like you anyway " she said playing with my hair " Babe i have an idea why dont i send the guys out to get breakfast and we keep making out" i said with a Smirk. She smiled and answered " Tell them we want a big breakfast so they are gone awhile" she smlied " Really?" I said getting up she nods and lays down " Hell Yea i say as i run out of the bedroom " Hey guys want to go get us breakfast i said as they looked at me confused " Uhhh Sure" Mick said " Come on guys he said grabbing the keys as phil looks at Me and smirks. I walk back in the bedroom and smile at Layne as i get back in bed " Well hello again cutie " She said as she kissed my cheek " where were we?" i asked as i leaned down and kissed her deeply and slowly as she held onto my sides and wrapped her legs around me . I smiled as we kissed and slid my hand under her shirt and stopped before i got to her breasts and she whispered "its ok baby go ahead" and started kissing my jaw down to my neck as i squeezed her breasts and ran my thumb over her hard nipples as she moaned and ran her fingers up my back scartching lightly as i moved to her neck and kissed it making her other hand tug at my hair lightly as i moaned lightly as she pulled it. I began to suck and nip at her neck while she moaned and her hand traveled back down to my boxers and she squeezed my member lightly making me moan loudly thowing my head back as she smiled with flushed cheeks and slipped her hand in them and slowly began jerking me off " Oh fuck babygirl" i moaned as she kissed my chest and looked into my eyes. I lean down and breathe heavily in her ear as i hear her moan quietly and speed up, she suddenly stops and flips me over as she kisses down my chest and stops before she gets to my member as she looks up into my eyes and slowly licks from the base all the way up to the tip " Fuck " i moan quietly and thorw my head back then she puts it all in her mouth and goes down as far as she can gagging a litle as i grip her hair and push her down slightly " Yes babygirl right there" i moan as i let go if her head and grip her hair as she goes faster and starts to jerk me off while she sucks " Fuuck oooh thats so good babygirl. Thats my good girl " i say as i pull her hair lightly making her moan on my cock making me lose control and cum in her mouth " AHH FUCK !" i smile as i see Layne sit up and swallow wipping the corners of her mouth with her thumb as she licks it off with a smile " How was that?" She asked sittin on her knees and smiling" That was fucking amazing" I said leaning forward kissing her tasting myself on her tongue. I Pull her down and cover us up as i turn on the radio and rub her head " We can do more later if you want" she says kissing my cheek  " Of course baby you need your turn too i said with a smile as i heard the guys enter the apartment again " WE ARE BACK!!!" Phil yelled i smiled and got out of bed and got dressed and me and layne headed out to the kitchen to eat.

A/N: Im gonna go hide now ( this sounded better in my head)

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