Chapter 11

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2 months after/ the chapter pic is the pic at the end of the story:)

Kelly's POV:

The tour starts in two months, Layne and me have been dating for almost 3 months and im happy as ever everything is perfect. We just finished recording the album today and im going on a date with Layne. " Where are you taking Layne tonight?" mick asked as we took our smoke break outside the studio, Im taking her to this fancy Italian resturant and i requested a table outside with candles and everything" I say with a smile as i blow out the smoke. "Ooo whats the ocassion?" he asked looking up at me as he put his smoke out. " Umm i think tonight is the night im gonna tell her i love her." i say nervously messing with my rings " Dude thats awesome im happy for you" he said patting my back " I think you found the one Mr Nickels." he says with a smile " Thanks Mick, I know shes the one" i say with a smile as we head back into the studio. We finish the ablum around 5pm and my date is at 7 so i go home with Phil and get ready. " Hey do you think you can pick Layne up at 6:45 i wanna be at the resurant when she gets there but surprise her " I said as i chose my outfit and got ready " Sure thing man " he said with a smile " Thanks man" i say as i close the bedroom door and get ready," I wonder what Layne's doing right now" I think as i finish getting ready

 " Hey do you think you can pick Layne up at 6:45 i wanna be at the resurant when she gets there but surprise her " I said as i chose my outfit and got ready " Sure thing man " he said with a smile " Thanks man" i say as i close the bedroom door a...

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ayne's POV:

Tonight i have a date with Kelly and im so excited i have the perfect outfit for tonight since Kelly said it was fancy im gonna wear my red dress and the Leather Jacket he got me a few weeks ago.  Im going all out on this outfit ive decided in not wearing make up tonight im just gonna do my hair because i think i look beter without Make up. its 5:30 i dont have long i panic as i run to the shower. i wonder what he has planned tonight i feel like something really good and exciting is going to happen tonight, i smile to myself and start blow drying my hair. i curl my hair and then get dressed all done by 6:40 and i sit on the counter and look at my legs, im so glad i dont have to wear that damn brace anymore and my leg doesnt swell as much so my legs look good in this dress i hope kelly likes it.

I hear a kmock at the door and open it to see Phil standing there instead of Kelly and i panic " Whats wrong, wheres Kelly?" i say looking out the door to try and find him " Is he okay?" i say looking at Phil " Hey hes fine calm down hun he says a...

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I hear a kmock at the door and open it to see Phil standing there instead of Kelly and i panic " Whats wrong, wheres Kelly?" i say looking out the door to try and find him " Is he okay?" i say looking at Phil " Hey hes fine calm down hun he says as we walk out of the apartment. You Look nice he says with a smile " Kelly's definetly gonna love that outfit he says as he opens my door " Thanks thats what i was hoping" i smile as he gets in the car " Im Nervous i feel like something really exciting is gonna happen" I say as i play with my fingers anxouisly " Its gonna be great you'll be fine he says as we pull up to the resturant. " Thanks for the ride" i say as i hug him tightly " No problem Tell me how everything goes tonight" he says as he heads back to the car. " Will do" i say with a laugh and head in. " Hi, Im suppose to meet someone here i say nervously to the hostess, " ah you must be Layne." "yes thats me " I smile " Right this way Ms she says leading me outside to a candle lit table with roses everywhere and champgne in an ice bucket and quiet music playing. Wow you walk around looking at everything and smell some of the roses when you hear someone clear their throat. You jump and turn around to see a very well dressed up Kelly standing with a single red rose " Hi baby." he says walking towards me with a smile and kisses me " God you Look fantastic he says checking me out as i spin slowly " Thats my babygirl" he says as he kisses my cheek and pulls my chair out as i sit down.  " So how was today babe?" you ask taking a sip of the wine " Good the album is done so we should have it out soon" He says excitedly " Thats good baby Im Proud of you " You grab his hand and smile " Here is you Spaghetti Mr and Mrs. Nickels" the waiter says setting your plates down  " Thank you " Kelly says as he looks at me " Why are you blushing baby?" He asks with a small Laugh. " nothing the waiter just said Mrs. Nickels is all " i say as i blush more looking away shyly " Oh, The guys call you that all the time when they talk about you"  he says with a smile, as you giggle. So how was work?" he asked as he began to eat, you shrug " It was ok had a couple of rude costumers but it was ok" You say as you look up at him " Dont worry you wont be working there much longer he says as he smiles " why not?" i ask confused " Surprise cant tell yet" He says with a grin. As dinner wraps up Kelly moves closer and drinks the rest of the wine with you as you guys talk and laugh " Thank you for dinner Kelly" You say with a smile " Anything for you baby" He smiles at  you and leans in kissing you softly and slowly as he puts his hand on your cheek and deepens the kiss as you gently hold his wrist,n he pulls away resting his forehead on yours as he closes his eyes " I Love You Layne" He says as he rubs both his thumbs on your cheeks. You smile and kiss him deeply again and look up at him with tears in your eyes " I Love You Too Kelly" You say as you start to cry happy tears " Aww baby" He says pulling you into his arms and rubs your back" I love you baby " He says as he brushes hair out of your eyes and wipes your tears away " why are you crying honey?" he asks " I Love You Too, im just so happy because ive never had these strong of feelings for someone and im scared because of the past you know and and no-no ones ever said it to me besides my parents" I say as i wipe my eyes again. he stares and asks " No one you've dated has ever said it to you?'' you shake your head " No, they always leave after a couple months after we would have sex, and they would never really break up with me they just dissapear with no explanation " you say looking down sadly " Im not going anywhere baby " he says holding my hand. " I Love You i have since i laid eyes on you when i took you to that doctors appointment and you were so beautiful and shy and didnt say much i knew there was something special about you then" he said kissing your hand and looking into your eyes " I Love You so much Kelly " I smile and blush " I knew you were special when i saw you walk in with your hair covering your eyes and your jean jacket all tall " I smile and giggle. You are my goofball and my love" i say as i lean in and kiss him. " Come on lets go back to your place and listen to records" he says with a smile taking your hand and walkin to the car.

Kelly's POV:

I smile as i watch Layne look out the window in the car and admire her, shes my girl and im gonna love her and treat her the best i can. I Love her with all my heart and im not losing her. i think to myself as i pull up to her apartment. " so what do you wanna listen to ?" She asks as she walks into her room. " Umm there was a record you were playing when i spent the night when we first met its something you slept to i think" i answer as i sit on her floor " Oh i know what you're talking about she says pulling out " The Cure Disintergration" and puts it on " Play your favorite song" i say as i lean back agaisnt her bed, She smiles and it begins to play " Pictures of you" she sits by me and smiles as she lays her head on my shoulder as i hum the song to her and kiss her head ocassionaly. The song ends and i take my jacket off and lay back as layne gets her camera and i look at her " Cheese " She takes the photo and smiles as she shakes it waitin to see it " Aww i finally have a pic to keep with me always like you have of me" she smiles and kisses my cheek, I smile as we snuggle and listen to music the rest of the night eventually falling asleep holding eachother tightly.

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