Chapter 7

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Layne's POV:

So its Saturday night the night of the date that im panicing about i dont know what to wear Kelly told me to wear something nice like a dress again i havent seen kelly since early friday morning since he went back to his apartment with Phil. " TAIME COME HERE PLEASE!" I shout from my bedroom as i hold up two different dresses in the mirror. " What is it?" Taime asks looking at me " Which dress do you think he would like more? Red or Blue i said holding one up to me at a time " well i know he would like that red one but i think that could be more for the third date he said smiling so i pick the blue one" i smiled " Thank you and push him out of the room " Now go im nervous and need to get ready " I laughed  " ye yea he said rolling his eyes you do know you have like 2 and a halfhours til he picks you up right ?'' I stop and stare at him " Yes i do but i would like to look good and less like a bum like how he met me" i said sarcastically with my hands on my hips " And just so you know every girl you have taken out has put this much effort into her look for you and they have always looked stunning havent they?" i asked " You're right take your time if hes early ill destract him and make him go back outside and knock again " he said " ok " i say laughing and closing the door. I put on some Faster Pussycat and get into the shower. As i shower i think about how the dates gonna go i better not say anything weird or stupid i laugh to myself as i finish up and start on my hair and make up. What the hell am i gonna do for my hair i think as i take the towel off my head i cant just wear it like normal this is a special night. I got it i say as i take out the blow dryer and curling iron and my make up will be somewhat natural with some blue in there maybe as i blow dry and begin curling my hair. An hour later im finnished with my hair adding the finishing touches of Aqua Net and start on my make up as i dance in my seat listening to the music, suddenly i jump and nearly poke my eye out as Taime bangs on my door " Hour till show time" he says " Thank you " i say as i put on my eyeliner " Couldve just walked in here ad said that there's less chance of me loosing an eye that way." "Oh sorry he laugh boy you're sarcastic tonight " No you're just stomping on all my buttons right now" i laugh as he watches me finish my make up . "Ok out i have to get in the dress " i say going back into the bathroom" Ok youn could say please once in awhile" he pouts " Ok PLEASE go " I laugh peaking out of the bathroom door with a smile. " Thats better " About the time i walk out of the bathroom i hear the door and i take one last glance in the mirror as Taime yells for me " LAYNE YOUR BOYFRIENDS HERE!!" I walk out and Kellys jaw drops as i walk out to the livingroom

" Wow he says with a big smile " You look Gorgeous " He said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek handing me flowers he had behind his back " Aww thank you baby i said kissing his Cheek wiping off my lipstick on his cheek as he blushed " You loo...

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" Wow he says with a big smile " You look Gorgeous " He said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek handing me flowers he had behind his back " Aww thank you baby i said kissing his Cheek wiping off my lipstick on his cheek as he blushed " You look great i say looking at his outfit again .

" Wow he says with a big smile " You look Gorgeous " He said hugging me and kissing me on the cheek handing me flowers he had behind his back " Aww thank you baby i said kissing his Cheek wiping off my lipstick on his cheek as he blushed " You loo...

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Kelly's POV:

Layne looks amazing like always she looks gorgeous i cant stop staring at her as she hugs Taime and heads out the door me following behind. " So how long did it take you to get ready?" I asked because by the looks this took all day " Umm about 2 and a half hours she said smiling as she spun around in her dress outside the car . " Why? " She asked giggling " Just wondering i know girls take ahile and now i know why." I said with a smirk pullig her close wrapping my arm around her waist as she still stood on her tip toes to kiss me. " Are you ready Honey?" i asked opening her door for her as i hels her hand. She nodded and jumped in the car as i kissed her hand and shut the door. " So where are we going she asked excitedly as i got in the car and started it. " Its a surprise i said as we drove off  " You'll love it though i smile and grab her hand as i drive. Layne rested her hand on my shoulder as she turned on the tape i had on and played " One Way Ticket"  as we drove i notice Layne drumming with her feet and i notice that she took her brace off " Babe did you take your brace off? You know you cant do that what if you mess up your leg ?" i ask looking at her as she pouts " It didnt match the dress " she laughed as she tried to keep pouting " Just be careful when we get there i laugh as we pull up to the spot. " Cover your eyes " i say opening her door " Umm OK " she covers her eyes as i take her free hand and walk a little ways up to the spot i had set up by the Hollywood sign with a picnic Blanket and candles and music from the car " ok open your eyes i say letting her go "Oh my god Kelly this is beautiful" She says with a smile as i see her tear up " Aww baby dont cry i say hugging her and kissing her softly "Im just so happy its beautiful" She walks to the blanket and its down as she watches the last of the sunset as i just stand back andstare at her and how perfect she is as well as this moment. I walk over to her and open the basket setting out plates and glasses " I made Alfredo and got some wine or... coke i say holding up two glass coke bottles " Hmm i think ill have a glass of wine then some coke "she says with a smile as she takes a bite of the noodles." So Do you have any siblings?" i ask since i dont really know family stuff about her yet, " Yea i have one brother who is 2 years younger than me" she says looking up as she takes another bite " You?"  " yea i have a brother hes older " i say taking a bite as i watch her " what she laughs and blushes covering her face " Nothing just enjoying the view" i say smiling at her as she gets shy. she smiles and moves closer to me and kisses my cheek " Oops i got sauce on your face she says getting a napkin " Oh no not sauce " i say with a laugh as she smiles and wipes it off and smiles at me while i look in her eyes. " Wow do your eyes change colors?" "yea they go from blue, to green, to grey. It depends on my mood and clothes. I get it from my dad"  I smile and stare at her eyes some more " You just get more amazing and beautiful every second " I say as she looks away blushing " Stop kelly if you want me to be able to talk you have to stop making me blush" She says giggling" Aww its cute though you get all shy and stutter its adorable baby i say kissing the side of her head " I stand up and walk to the car to put some music on. " Are we leaving already ?" Layne says trying to get up without hurting her leg " no i say putting in my led zepplin tape and put " Thank You" I walk back to Layne and hold my hand out " Dance with me?" she smiles and takes my hand putting her head on my shoulder along with her hand while i hold the other and we sway back and fourth slowly as i hum the song and layne just stares up at me and the song nears the end i sing "  If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you, Mountains crumble to the sea, There will still be you and me." I say and kiss her softly wrapping my arms around her pulling her close as she wraps her arms around me kissing me slowly. " You're perfect Kelly this date was perfect i love it." She said holding my cheek kissing me again " Not as perfect as you i say leading her back to the  car. " Why dont you come back to my house and spend the night i say as i get in the car with her. " Sure she says smiling and laying her head on my shoulder as i drive off to my place.

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