Chapter 13

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The day before tour starts:

Kelly's POV:

Today is the day before the tour starts and i can tell Layne is acting weird shes very quiet and sad and more clingy, not in a bad way though just extra touchy and lovey but i can tell shes trying to be positive and have me not worry about her. I haven't told her that shes coming with us on tour because i want to surprise her and also she how she would be if she wasnt coming on tour," Baby what do you wanna do tonight ?" she asks as she sits behind me on the bed and wraps her legs around me as i play bass, " Whatever you want to do baby i just want to spend as much time as i can with you." i say as i put my bass down and pull her around to my lap "So What do you have in mind beautiful?" i rest my forehead on hers as she smiles. " how about we order some chinese takeout and snuggle and kiss and watch movies and take some goofy pictures?" She answers and pulls me close holding me as tight as she can. " Sounds perfect baby" i rub her back as i kiss her shoulder " Lets go order food" i say as i carry her bridal style to the kitchen counter and set her down" Ok we have a menu and heres the phone she says as she hands me the phone " What would you like babe?" she looks intently at the menu and chews on her cheek, " Lets get shrimp fried rice, crab rangoons, lomine noodles." I say as i sit on the barstool in front of her and kiss her softly .  I order the food and i watch Layne plug in her christmas lights she had all over the livingroom and bring out blankets and her camera and sits on the couch and puts on a movie." OK baby its all ready she says smiling happily" looks perfect just like you " I hug her and pull her onto me " Come here " i hold her tight and tickle her and kiss her all over her face and neck " St-stop kelly " she giggled as i kept going" Never not till i give you all of my kisses"  she laughs and sqiurms out of my grasp and grabs my wrists holding them down " Aww you dont want my kisses" i pout and look down " no i do baby just no tickling" she says poking my cheeks " kisses i need kisses" she pokes as she slowly lets go of my wrists i quickly wrap my arms around her and kiss her all over again" Ahh " she giggles as i slow down and she rests against me on my lap " I Love You Kelly " She says quietly as she plays with my fingers and kisses my jaw softly" I Love You Too Layne"  i smile " Is everything ok? be honest please" i say as i lift her head up" Well im very happy and excited that your tour starts tomorrow, im just gonna miss you and i wish i could be there for every show and be there for you and show support for you guys, but i also dont want you guys to have to act different since im there or feel like im ruining the band or something" She says looking at my eyes " I know this band is important to you and i support it i always will so im not trying to make you feel bad and have to ask me now im just being honest i know your married to the band and i will never try to get in the way ever " i smile and kiss her deeply " i love that you support me and the band, you would never ruin the band, im sure the guys would love to have you on tour and party with us, Im glad i know how you feel about this now" i rub her cheek as i look in her eyes" Of course baby i know this band is your life and the band was here before me plus im not gonna make you stop doing what you love even if im gonna miss you, because i know you'll come back, you'll be safe, and you will be living your dream. " she smiles and lays on my chest and listens to my heart beat and closes her eyes drifting to sleep. I love her i didnt think she could get more perfect but her supporting me and completely understanding how much this band and my life means to her made my heart beat faster and put the biggest smile on my face. I wanna marry her some day and treat her like a queen. The doorbell rings and Layne jumps and sits up rubbing her eyes " Yay food" She smiles as i walk to the door" Thamks man" i say handing him the tip " OK baby time for food and movies" i sit and hand her the shrimp fried rice. " Yummy " she smlies as she takes a bite.. we watch the  movies and halfway through the second one she gets up and starts taking goofy pictures of me" come take a picture with i say standing up and putting the camera on a tripod near the door (Camera flashes ) " how did it turn out?" i ask as she slows shaking the picture " its so cute " she smiles and shows me

I kiss her temple and pull her close to my chest," By the way baby, you are coming on tour with us "  She looks up shocked " REALLY?! "  " Yep asled phil a couple weeks ago and he said that would be great" "YES! ok you have to help me pack i have no idea what to wear or bring " She runs to her room. I smile and follow sitting on the bed packing with her the rest of the night. Tomorrow is gonna be perfect having my girl on tour with us.

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