Chapter 8

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Layne's POV:

Tonight was amazing and so sweet. This is the best date ive ever been on and i dont think its over yet i smile to myself as i watch Kelly drive me to his apartment. " what are you thinking about ?" Kelly asked as he placed his hand on mine "oh umm just you " You say with a blush " Oh What about me he smiles" just how you are so amazing and different then the guys before ive dated and you dont act like most musicians " you say looking down sadly thinking you runined the moment with your answer" What do you mean i act different" he says as he pulls into the parkinglot and stops, putting a finger under your chin having you meet his gaze. " I  just mean you arent cocky, meaning you dont think just bc your in a band that you can get me into bed at anytime. You are just the sweetest goofiest ginuine guy ive ever met and you are a little shy and its cute. You arent an ass is what im getting at i just wanted to explain my answer more so i didnt ruin the date or the mome-" You were cut off by Kelly Kissing you and pulling you close putting his hand on your cheek as he deepened the kiss and the pulled away. You sat there dazed and tingly as he spoke " Calm down honey you arent ruining anything and thank you" he says with a smile "I might act like a dork when interviews ask me about girls but im not an ass to them ever.... I promise never to hurt you Layne" he says holding my hand as he rubs his thumb over it. You smile and think to yourself " Im in love i love Kelly Nickels "  i giggle and grab his face " Come here baby " I say as i cover his face in kisses and pull him in for a hug " Mine you say as you hug him tight kissing the top of his head as he laughs and starts to tickle you. " No Kelly s-stop you say as you squirm away no get back here he says as he grabs my ankles and pulls me back into his arms and kisses my forhead " You're My girl"he whispers to me before he kisses my cheek."Lets go in baby he says helping me out of the car and into his apartment.

Kelly's POV:

" so heres my room" I say as i open my bedroom door and she walks in "Nice i like it she says as she looks at pics ive taken while on the road and while im home. " Is that me she says pointing to a picture i had taken from her room" Umm yea" i blush and look down rubbing the back of my neck " Aww i remember that picture Taime took it like two years ago." She smiled as she handed me the picture of her smiling so big and laughing while she sat in this field with a handful of sunflowers she picked " Taime saw me looking at it alot so he took it and gave it to me, i just had to have it you looked so beautiful and it wasnt a staged picture" She smiled and stood on her tip toes again and kissed me softly " Thank you baby " she said as she stepped back and smiled " Oh i have some of my old clothes for you to wear if you wanna spend the night or just change out of your dress i said walking to my dresser handing her my batman shirt and some sweatpants " AW thank you." she giggles and sits on the bed still looking around " I like your room alot its got more too look at then mine she says looking at the pics again " You're room is definetly cooler plus you painted yours cooler colors and painted pictures " i say sitting next to her watching her look around " so what do you wanna do now?" i asked as she turned around still holding my clothes " Well i was gonna change then do you maybe wanna watch a movie ?" She asked looking up shyly from playing with the shirt " Yea of course sweetie, the bathroom is right outside to the left " I smile and watch as she leaves. oh my god shes so fucking beautiful im falling for her hard i think looking at the picture of her i still had in my hand and put it in my wallet. As i sat my wallet down on my nightstand Layne walked in and i stopped what i was doing staring as she walks to the other side of the bed wearing my batman shirt that was baggy and my sweatpants which fit her snuggly showing off her ass as she sits down on the bed looking over at me as i stare " Babe you ok she asks putting her hand on my cheek looking into my eyes as she giggles, all i do is nod and look down at my shirt she has on noticing she isnt wearing a bra and look up and ask her trying to make sure she didnt see me staring which did as i see her blushing and laughing a little " So umm do you know what movie you wanna watch " She laughs and answers " Yes goffball i know. i wanna watch The Lost Boys if thats ok?" She says looking at me " Ok then lets go to the livingroom " i say helping her off the bed "Awesome" she smiles. I Put in  the movie and turn around and she her still standing up. " What are you doing?" I ask confused " I Wanna sit on your lap if thats ok" She said watching me " ok " I say as i sit down and pull her into my lap and she shifts trying to get comfy. The movie starts and Laynes into it not taking her eyes off the screen and i smile. Thats my babygirl i think to myself as i rest my head on her shoulder and she begins to rub my head and play with my hair. She smiles as i hold her tight and start kissing her shoulders as she giggled, i slowly kiss my way up to her neck i hear her quietly moan and her grip tightens in my hair " Stop Kelly" she says breathlessly with red cheeks "im watching the movie " i smile " What babe im not doing anything " I say innocently as i kiss her neck again and nip and suck on it alittle as she moans and lightly tug my hair. She turns around and straddles me as i place my hands on her thighs and start kissing her slowly as she puts her hands on my shouldrs and pull me closer as my hands slowly slide up to her hips as i squeeze them and move to her ass as i pull her closer to me and squeeze it roughly slipping my tongue into her mouth. She moans into the kiss and pulls away smiling and kisses down my jaw to my neck and kisses it finding my sweet spot and i moan in her ear as my grip tightens on her ass she pulls away and giggles in my ear as she kisses my cheek. " That moan was hot"she says as she bites her lip and sits down next to me and smiles watching the last of the movie and she yawns laying her head on my shouler" Are you sleepy baby?" i ask rubbing her knee " Mhmm " She nods as she rubs her eyes. The movie ends and i turn the tv off and say' Ok baby its bed time i say grabbing her hand " come on." she stands up and following me to the bed. " Good night baby sleep good" i say as she falls asleep and i cover her up and kiss her forehead. Tonight was perfect i thought to myself and she is so amazing i say as she snuggles into me and i slowly and softly rub my thumb over her cheek as i hold her and watch her sleep... As i slowly drift to sleep holding her in my chest.

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