Chapter 15

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Layne's POV:

I wake up in the back of the tour bus alone i panic and look around for Kelly not finding him or anyone on the bus, i walk out and see the guys standing around talking and smoking, " Hey baby " Kelly says with a smile as he blows the smoke out. I sigh and walk over to him and hugged him" How was your nap baby?" he asked looking down at you as you rubbed your eyes with a smile " good did you take a nap?"  " Yea i slept a little then went and talked with the guys" He said as he kissed my forehead " Come on lets get back on the bus we have a couple hours left " he said taking me to the bus with the rest of the guys " So Layne, You think we can see any of your instrumental skills when we get there?" Mick asked as he takes a sip of his beer. " Maybe, Maybe Not, Havent decided yet" I Laugh as kelly pulls me into his lap" Aww Cmon Layne we wanna hear you play, quit being a tease" Phil said " How in the world am i being a tease if? If it wasnt for Kelly you all wouldnt even know i play an instrument " I said as Kelly laughed at my Attitude as he wrapped his arm around my waist " Calm down baby" He smiled pulling me back kissing my neck softly, " Phil Started it " I said with a laugh " I will play but you guys have to not be around or looking at me in the begining or i will get super nervous ok?' they nod and go back to talking to eachother as i lay my back on Kelly's chest and play with his hands while he jokes around. I smile and just enjoy the moment and Kelly's laugh and smile and the whole enviornment and vibe as i laugh along with them " Babe you wanna go to the back again with me?" he smiles " What are we gonna do back there?" i asked with my hand wrapped around his index finger" Well me and you can talk , even if its about nothing, or we can just cuddle and just be here in the moment with eachother." He eplains as he pulls me close with his left arm " Ok sounds good" I say guiding him to the back of the bus. "Finally alone and quiet me and you " he exclaimed as he sat on the bed and i sat next to him. " So umm you know i talk to my mom every week along with my dad right?" i say as i looking up nervously, " Yea of course" He smiles " Well i told her and dad about you and they both wanna meet you " I say " Well whats wrong with that " he askes worriedly " Well the problem is they are divorced you know so its like to panic attacks in one" I ramble nervously " I already know my mom is gonna love you, but i keep thinking it could turn, and my dad is the biggest ass in the midwest and " Its hard to see my babygirl with a rockstar"  i keep rambling and i know it doesnt matter but i dont want my dad to keep talking about howhe either doesnt like you when we get married or talk about what a mistake im making even though you ARE NOT a mistake" I say breathelessly as i finish in a panic " Woah baby, its alright i know your dad is the stubbourn one and gonna be hard to please but i think with all do respect to your father that your moms opinion of me is more valued because what i hear from you about them is that he was a dick and treated her like shit so if i need anyones approval to marry you it would be hers. ill meet your dad just because i know you want me to" he says placing my face in his hands " Also i didnt know you talk to your mom about me soo much and ididnt knoe you talk about marriage with me " He says kissing the tip of my nose " Of course i do i know not right now but sometime we will hopefully be married " I blush looking into his eyes " You Will be Mrs. Nickels baby i promise you beautiful are my soulmate, no matter how stubborn, or hot tempered you are at times " he laughs and kisses " Aww " I tear up and giggle " Im gonna be your wife soon" He kisses me and smiles. He moves the the corner of the bed sittin against the wall " Come sit with me baby" I sit between his legs as he rests his hands in my lap.


" Hey turn up my amp more, we need more bass " I say to the roadie as we do our soundcheck. We got into Seattle yesterday and today is the big show so we are doing the usual soundcheck and shit.  " Hey lets take a break and get some lunch"  Corky says as he sits and talks with Layne on the side of the stage " How did we sound " i ask picking her up" Good you didnt really play anything though" She laughed" Oh yea should probably ask you after the show" I laughed " You eatting lunch with us? " Yea be right there baby" she smiles as i walk to the dressing room where the food is. (3 minutes later) " Dude who is playing my drums? Everyone is in here. " Steve said opening the door " Wait where is Layne?" i ask standing up as i hear Love Removal Machine by The Cult being played on drums " Holy shit Kelly thats Layne playing that " Steve poitnts as i walkout to see her behind the drums playing like shes at a show. " Woah shes fucking great" Phil and Tracii said as i stood still watching her complelty rock the song. The song ends and everyone cheers as i run up to her clapping and cheering "That was fucking awesome " I said "Thank you baby " She answers shyly as she hugs me " You Fucking Rock " the guys said pulling her into a group hug " Thanks " She says " There know you know how my drums sound" She laughed. She heads back with me and the guys and eats as we start getting ready and dressed for the show at 9 tonight. I cant wait for her to hear and see me live.

A/N: Sorry this is a short chapter hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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