Chapter 3

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A/N: Its short but i thought this was kinda cute chapter idea. I hope you enjoy it.

Layne's POV:

Kelly and me sat in my room for hours and talked and painted and played bass together when we then see Taime standing in the door way to my room. " Well look at you, you got your cast off !" he smiles as he enters the room giving me a big hug. " Hi taime! i did im so happy about it too," I hug him back as he sits on my bed with Kelly and me. How was recording today? i asked putting my bass down. " Oh its going good just taking awhile," Taime says with a sigh as he lays back. " What do you guys wanna do im bored as hell."  Well I wanna watch MTV i said as i got off the bed and walked to the livingroom turning on the tv. I sat on the couch and watched a few videos before i decided to lay down and then fell asleep.

Kelly's POV:

"How you been man? I havent talked to you since before the tour."  "well ive been good been recording this new album and taking care of layne some, when she lets me." Taime says with a laugh " Yea i can tell shes pretty independent when it comes to her situation" He nods and lights a cigerette " Shes a really sweet girl" He says letting the smoke out " Its cool you stayed here with her i can tell shes going crazy and shes been lonely here alone at least i think shes lonely she doesnt act like it when she paints and has her music." I Nod as i listen " Yea shes amazing and very beautiful too" I say with a smile. "I like her alot we are hanging out too if you wanna come along." Taime looks at me shocked " Dont you try anything with her Nickels." he says in a serious tone. " Hey man im not gonna try anything like that im gonna take it slow try beinging her friend first before i date her or anything, she doesnt seem like she would do anything like that or take any shit from a guy."  I say putting my hands up. " Plus i like her too much to just be like that" " AWW Kelly has a crush!" he laughs " You're right she isnt like that and she doesnt take shit like that from guys anymore.." He says looking at me " What do you mean anymore? " I'll let her tell you herself its a sensitive topic for her, and who knows she might not wanna talk about it she might just wanna let it go. Im just letting you know that she has been hurt without telling you the details."  I nod. " Hey you wanna drink? " Taime asks getting off her bed. " Yea sure." I say following him out to the kitchen, as we walk out i see Layne asleep on the couch and smile as Taime looks at her and then back at me. " If you wanna wake her up you can its time for her to take her medicine if not i can do it. I walk over and look at her again and gently rub her arm, " Layne " I say shaking her arm a little. She jumps and looks at me "Sorry, is everything ok?" Yea just need to take your medicine babe." I panic in my head and turn around looking at Taime as layne gets up unfazed by what i called her by accident, Taime of course is no help and just laughs "How long have i been asleep?" she asks as she walks to the kitchen " Not long about 30 minutes" Taime said as he handed her the pills. " Hey you guys wanna get some food somewhere?" Layne asks as she sets her cup down. " No im good Taime said looking at me out the corner of his eye. " Why dont you and Kelly go get something he says with a smirk "sure !" Layne says with a smile grabbing her purse. " Lets go Kelly" she smiles as she heads outside. " Enjoy your date Kelly" Taime laughs as i flip him off

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