Chapter 4

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Layne's POV:

I walk outside and wait down the hall a little ways and Kelly walks out blushing and smiling as he looks at me. I blush as i walk along side him " So where do you wanna eat?" he asked smiling as he opened the car door for me. " I dont know maybe some chinese or some burgers somewhere " Ok lets go to In and Out and eat" he smiles as he gets in the car and driving off.  I prop my leg up on the seat putting my back against the door and rest my head against the seat as i smile and look at L.A. go by as my eyes drift to kelly and you stare at him and notice everything about him your, his amazing jawline, his silky and shiny black hair, His perfect nose, His muscular arms and the veins on his arms and hands, oh ny god and his neck and you notice how hot he looks driving just sitting there cigerette between his lips, his hair blowing in the wind, one of his hands tight on the wheel. you are brought out of your thoughts by Kelly smirking at you. " What are you thinking about Layne?" i panic and start to stutter as i answer. " uh n-nothing just umm i dont know im tired."  I say as sit normally in the car again looking down and blushing. " Oh" He says chuckling a little as he turns into the In and Out parking lot. " Ok lets go eat" he says opening my door as i smlie at him. " do you know what kind of burger you want or do you want me to order for you?" Kelly asked smiling. You thought and answered" Umm maybe you should order for me " I say laughing as i make my way to a table. I look out the window and think to myself " Wow Layne you got caught staring at him probably looking like a dork" I turn and see Kelly coming toward me with a bag, " Why do you have a bag I thought we were just gonna eat here and go home." I say confused. " Well you said you were a little bored being in the house all the time so i thought you might wanna eat somewhere more interresting"  He says waiting by the door " Cool where!" you ask walking towards him excitedly. " You'll see. " He smiles holding the door.

Kelly's POV:

Even though Layne didnt know or think we were on a date I still wanted to show her a good time but im concidering this a date for now till I get the courage to ask her out. I dont know why but ive never been shy or nervous around a girl usually im very confident and charming. She might like me im not sure she was staring at me an awful lot on the ride over here, I dont know maybe its just me she does like to look at stuff.  I stop thinking when i felt Layne shake my arm," Kelly... You good?" She asked giggling " Yea im fine just thinking" I smile as i pull out of the parking lot and drive. I have no idea where im goona take her but i think she wouldnt mind where ever we end up. We drove around for a while and just started eating in the car as we drove around. After a while longer I pulled over next to the beach and got out helping Layne out of the car. " Oh this is nice i havent really been too the beach yet." She smiles, " You havent been to the beach an you've been here for 3 years almost? " I asked shocked. " Well Im either working or sleeping beacuse ive been up all night at The Cathouse with Taime and the guys," she said with a laugh "plus i burn when im out in the sun because im a ginger, and it doesnt matter how much sunscreen i put on either" she laughs more as i smile and watch her. " Well im glad there is something cool you havent done yet." I smiled walking down to the water with her. " So how did you break your leg?" I asked her as we sit in the sand near the water. " Well the first time i broke this leg i was 13 or 14 i cant really remember the age and i was playing football with my brother and it stared raining and while i was running my leg slipped out from under me and all i heard was a snap. i had to have surgery and they put a screw in my leg to fix it." she said as she drew in the sand, " And the second time was two months ago i was visiting my parents and my dad was driving home and he tried to pass this truck and all the sudden the truck turns into us and my side hit head on and we flipped and my leg got pinned between the dash and my seat and i tried to get out of the car and it broke." She said looking up as she drew some more. " Wow thats crazy" I said looking ath her leg and the scar. " So you haven't had surgery on your leg since you were 14?" I asked, " No because the accident broke it in a diffferent place and all they had to do was reset it." She answered. " Well thats good." " Yea i guess i just dont like that now my leg swells and constantly looks bigger than the other." She said looking down "Hey dont get down i know it sucks but its ok just because your leg swells it doesnt mean anything its better that your alive after that acident plus your still beautiful no matter what." i said smiling at her as she smiles and looks down blushing. " Thank you" She said shyly as she leaned in and kissed my cheek and sat closer. I smiled at her and stood up " Lets go back to the house and watch some videos" I stuck my hand out and pulled her up." YES lets go." she said walking as quickly as she could to the car. When we get home we see Taime asleep stretched out on the couch. " Lets just watch tv in my room." She whispers. i nod and follow her as i watch her crawl into the bed sitting down in the middle. " Come on ," she said with a smile as she pats the bed. I sit next to her as she turns the T.V. on to MTV and sits back. " Next on the Headbangers Ball we have Electric Gypsy from L.A. Guns in the number 1 spot this week" She smiles and cheers in ecitement as the video plays. This is my favorite video ever she said as she smiled at me. " Oh my god shes so cute" i thought as i watched her laugh at me while i danced on my bike. shes amazing and so cool and chill and beautiful i smile as i continue to watch her and the video. " You know we have other videos that havent been released" I said as she looked at me. " AWESOME ! she shouted excitedly can i see them sometime?" "Yea ill have to stop by Phils house tomorrow after we go to the record store if you want." She nods. We continue to watch videos for a couple more hours and i see her start to get sleepy as i check the time, i tap her arm " Hey you should go to sleep since your tired." i said as she got up to change into pjs. " Ok sounds good ." Im gonna see if its ok with Taime if i sleep on the couch since the guys probably arent home and i forgot my key" i laugh " Ok i hope you sleep good good night." she smiles as she walks into her bathroom closing the door. " Good Night Layne i say before its shut.  I go out and see Taime somewhat awake and ask him if i can spend the night " Yea sure no problem, How was the "date" " He said smiling " Good we ate and then we sat on the beach and talked for awhile then we came back and watched videos" Sounds like her kind of date" he laughed "she loves simple stuff" I think she had a good time she fell asleep for a minute so i decided she should sleep. " Yea she sleeps alot since the wreck i think its just her healing herself. Taime said getting up off the couch handing me a pillow and blanket. " Well sleep good" He said going to his room," Thanks man " No Problem he said. I hope tomorrow goes good with Layne i thought to myself as i got ready for bed.

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