Chapter 6

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A/N: I made a shirtless Kelly collage because we all appreciate seeing him shirtless :) I also added the concert im watching in the story

Layne's POV:

Oh my god you thought to yourself its so hot watching him play hes all sweaty and throwing his head back and flipping his hair and singing just everything about this is so sexy watching some one do what you and him love and looking so damn good while doing it you bit your lip and tried to hide your face from Kelly as he had already asked if i was ok and is now watching me the whole time. Like he doesnt know what im thinking its pretty obvious i think as i cover my face. I decide to look over at Kelly who you guessed it is already looking at me with a smirk, " So, Do you like it Layne? " He asks leaned over whispering in my ear looking up waiting for my answer as you just nod and try to sspeak " y-yes its a great show you say not making eye contact with him. " Good he says with a smile patting my thigh as he goes back to watching. A few minutes later the video is over and its getting dark out " So do you guys wanna go to The Cathouse and maybe watch us jam kelly asks looking at me'' sure Phil says. You nod and follow them. Fuck he knows  i panic walking behind him to the car. Lets see how this goes i think to myself sitting in the car as we drive away.

Kelly's POV:

I can tell that Layne liked watching us play on the video so i thought she would like to see it in person more even though the whole band wasnt here im sure Taime would let me jam with him and a couple other people if i asked him i thought to myself as we drove off. I Look over at Layne who is sitting side ways with her legs on my lap as she talks to Phil about various things im not really paying attention to the conversation im just watching Layne smile and laugh while she talks, her laugh is amazing its a genuine and so cute, i stop staring when i see Phil watching me since the last time i was staring Taime told on me. When we get to the cathouse i see Taime outside and he walks over to the car " you're here to jam arent you he says with a smile " Yea i answer and look at him " Why is tonight a bad night?" Yea we have a band on now with another at 9" "Oh Ok then i guess we can just hang out " i say with a sad shrug " Awesome Layne says getting out of the car and walkin in " Dude i wanted to jam so Layne could see in person i said upset " Sorry dude maybe we can try tomorrow" Taime says patting my shoulder" Why you wanna play for Layne shes seen a live band before?" he says with a chuckle " Dude i showed her our live video from japan and im pretty sure she got alittle tuned on or atleast found it hot " I said some what quietly and embarrased with a blush, " Really ?!" Taime and Phil said " You do know you could just ask her out like a normal person instead of saying you want her to come here so you can play" Phil says in a sarcastic tone looking at me " Yes i know but you know how i am. ill date someone and then ill fuck it up by either being away for too long or being on tour and lonely and cheating because of it. so im trying to be her friend and go slow because i really want to be with her and have her be my girl" i mumble shly " Dude dont worry about that you being  gone for too long Layne always has supportted anyone she knew or my band so she will be there no matter what she knows you wouldbe doing what you love and what she loves and she loves it because thats what maks you happy. thats just the Kinda girl Layne is she wont hold the band against you if anything she would love to be involved for years she handed out flyers for me and the cathouse " Taime said reassuringly. " Really" i said with a smile " see thats what i love about her she is the coolest sweetest person iv ever met and she supports and understands everything, but that also scares me because what if i end up like those other guys you said she had proble,s with? " Dude you wont just work things out and talk through stuff with her all these other guys shes been with have been so fucking fake and used her and litterally just fucked her and left after they drug her along making her feel specail and like they were gonna be the one for her " i exhale angerly " Why the fuck would they treat her like that she deserves so much better" Taime looked and me and said " Then go get her Kelly you're the only guy i trust and want her to be with and i have thought that since before ive seen you guys to get her thats why i called you and asked for your help, this is the happiest ive seen her in months and it because of you." i smile as Taime says that and runin there. " Hey Layne!" I smile as i see Layne drinking a vodka on the rocks " How Old are you?" i ask thinking she looks young but not old enough for drinking " Oh im 19 almost 20 next month." i look at her shocked  Why how old are you?"  she said nervously" Oh Im 24." i said smiling" just asking i just wouldnt think you would drink with out being old enough" i say sitting next to her " Oh ok " she smiled. Layne and me sat drinking and talking and listening to the live  band when suddenly this guy comes up to her and started talking to her " Hey you wanna come home with me? " He asked brushing her hair away from her neck. She looks at me scared and uncomfortable as she answered him" Um no im with someone already she says pointing to me as i wave with a disgusted look on my face. " Come on Baby" He says running his hand up her thigh as she pushes him away but he wont move. I stand up pissed and  spin him around facing me " Hey Buddy she said no leave her the fuck alone before i kick your ass i say grabbing Layne and placing her behind me  " Dude just let her go home with me she looks like she gives it to anyone with the way shes dressed he says with a smirk " Well she fucking doesnt asshole shes with me " he shoves me back and thats when i lose it. i punch him in the face and he falls to the ground. " DONT YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH HER AGAIN dont even look at her" i say through gritted teeth i grab Layne's hand and take her to the car. " Are you ok?" i ask Layne as i sit in the car with her. "Yea just in shock" she said looking at me i didnt think of you ass the kimda guy to fight someone." Well i dont i usually just walk away but i cant have him touch you and act like that to you i say looking down " Hey im not upset honey thank you for doing that and protecting me." she says smiling at me " Dont worry im not gonna run away because of this im not some bitchy scaredy cat girl" she says with a laugh " ok im just glad you're safe and you were with me when this happened" i said still holding her hand " oh sorrry" I said letting go of her hand and blushing" No its ok i dont mind" She takes my hand again and smiles as she turns on the radio " Hey Layne i have a question" I say nervously" Yea " She smiles waiting for my answer" Umm will you be my girlfriend and go on a date with me saturday?" She smiles widely" YES KELLY !!!!!"  she says excitedly and scoots closer to me kissing me softly as i pull hercloser into my lap and pull away hugging her" Of course ill be your girl Kelly" She smiles. I smiles and think to myself i got her i got the girl, i got the girl i never thought id find.

A/N: This is not the end of my story i just wanted to end this chapter happy. I hope you guys like it!!

 I hope you guys like it!!

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