Chapter 10

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Layne's POV:

We walked out to the kitchen and all the guys stopped and looked at me and Kelly. " Hi " i said with a smile and a wave"Hi" they all said in unison, " Kelly is this the girl you keep talking about ?" Tracii asked as i smiled widely and looked over at Kelly who was blushing and lookng over at me." Yea guys this is Layne, Layne this is Tracii, Mick, Steve, and you know Phil already" he said as he pointed to each of them " Hi nice to meet you guys" i said as they all one by one came and shook my hand and smiled  " He hasnt stopped talking about you and hes always looking at that picture of you he has on his wall " Mick said as he handed out plates to everyone " I have never see him like this before all in love " Mick said again sitting down on the other side of kelly who is covering his face with his hands. " Aww thats so sweet im the same way except i need a picture of him to keep on my wall " I giggle as i kiss Kelly's head as he peaked up and i kissed his nose. " AWWWW thats so cute " They all said as me and Kelly both blush and hide our faces. " So kelly told us that you play some insturments and that you are an artist." Tracii said as he we began eatting, i nodded " Yes i play Bass, Drums, Guitar, And i can sing alittle, i also paint and do some photography" I said as i eat . "Wow maybe you can take some photos of us and play for us sometime." Steve said as i smiled " Yea that would be awesome" i said as Kelly says " Why wait to hear Layne play she can do it today since we have everyone's equitment over here." He grabs my hand as my eyes get big and i look at him "What?"  he says with a smile. " Dont worry baby you'll be great dont be nervous " He kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand as the guys stared at me as i smile and lay my head on his shoulder. " so what are you guys doing today?" i asked finishing my breakfast," Today i think we are finishing the writing for our second album so we can record ." Phil said with a smile " Cool i can stay and listen right i wont be distracting you or a bother to you guys will I?" looking at all of them as the finish eatting " Of course you can stay we dont mind" Tracii said patting me on the back as they all stood up and walked into the living room as i sat up on the counter and watched them from the kitchen as they all  got ready and there equitment tuned.

Kelly's POV:

I tune my bass and we start working on the song i wrote yesterday before the date its called " Wheels of fire" we start playing and i watch as layne is watching all of us looking as happy as ever as she taps her feet along with the drums and smiles at me when she notices me staring and Phil starts to sing " I've been dreaming 'bout this night Praise the lord 2 make things right Hold so tight 2 your embrace Feel your breath against my face"  we played and countined writing some more and i notice that Layne was gone i panic as i see her come back with a camera that im sure she had in her purse as she sits down on the floor and watches taking pictures ocassionaly as she also begins to write in what i belive is her journal. Around noon we take a break and i come over to her where she is still writing and sorting pictures. " what you up to baby?" i asked kissing her head as i sit on the floor next to her " Oh i thought of this idea where i can write about my day but also put pictures to it so its kinda a scrap book of sorts" she says as i pick up the pictures and look through them " wow these are good pictures" i say looking at how clear and professional. " Thank you baby" She said as she closed the journal and kissed my cheek. " Hmmm can i look in here " i say taking her journal and putting it above my head " noo noo its private she says reaching as i stand up and and she reaches . " babyyyy" she whines " i cant jump so can you please give it back i can show you later if you want "  she says as she gives me puppy eyes "Aww ok babygirl i say as i pick her up and wrap my arms around her as she wraps her legs around me and i hold her byher thighs " here you go" i say handing her the journal " Thanks babe she says before kissing me and laying her head on my shoulder as i hold her still. as i walk to the counter putting her on it as she holds my sides and i lean down and kiss her again softly. the guys have left for lunch and we were alone again " So how are you liking band practice?" i asked as she rubbed my cheek and smiled " I love it i love getting to see the writing procces and how you find the rythm of the song" She said excitedly as she leaned back on her hands. " I really like "Wheels of Fire" its a great song "she said kicking her legs on each side of mine." hey thats good i wrote that song " I smile widely pulling her into me by her waist and hug her tight. " this is the perfect day. you're here, we have band practice and you have met everyone and they love you " i say rubbing her back as she rubbed mine. " It is perfect she says looking up and into my eyes. i carefully moved a strand of hair from her face" Beautiful " i say as i run my thumb over her cheek and down her lips as i lean down and kiss her passionately as i grip her thighs lightly as she puts her hand on the back of my neck and slips her tongue in my mouth. i pull away and rub her cheeek again as she smiles and holds my wrist as she sticks her tongue out and sucks on my thumb as she pulls me closer by the waistband of my jeans and kisses me again. Fuck shes so hot and innocent at the same time i think as i pick her up and cary her to the bedroom and set her on the edge of the bed and pin her arms above her head and begin to kiss her neck" Mmmm Kelly " She moans as she tries to move her hands to my hair as i look up and smile " Yes babygirl?" i say with a chuckle as i lick her neck and bite it softly. " Mmm !" she arches her back and pulls me closer with her leg as i kiss down her neck and slowly take her shirt off  as i kiss down her chest suck on her breasts as she grips my hair and moans. I stop and see her with her head back and her bottom lip between her teeth as i slowly kiss down her stomach. I look up at her " Is this ok baby ? " i say as i get on my knees. " Yes baby " She smiles and nods as i slightly move her waistband and kiss where it layed as i slide her sweat pants down slowly and kiss taking her pants off completly and pull her close and put her legs on my shoulders as i grab her hips. I slowly lick her clit and suck on it as she moans Loudly and tugs on my hair" Oh Kelly yes " She moans as she arches her back. i smile and lick faster as i add a finger in her soaking kitty." Ahh fuck Kelly YES " she moans as she grips the sheets and my hair. Fuck her moans are so sexy i think as i go as fast as i can adding another finger as i feel her legs start to shake as she grinds against my tongue and fngers and cums " OH YES KELLY !" she grips my hair and tugs roughly as she breathlessly says " Fuck " As i come up and kiss her holding her tight against me. I kiss her breasts again as i look up and see the guys in the kitchen who are obviously watching  and looking at Layne " Shit !" i panic throwing a blanket on Layne As i run and close the door i hear her panic " Shit did the guys see anything she asks holding the blanket against her chest. " Umm i dont think soo idk all i saw was them here " i say helping her up and hugging her and kissing her cheek " so whatif they did you looked hot any way i say pulling away the blanket leaving her naked again as i chuckle and kiss her " My beautiful babygirl" She blushes and giggles " Oh no no more playtime" she said bending down picking up the blanket and wrapping it around her snuggly " Aww ok baby" do you want another shirt ?" i ask as she walks to my closet " Yes please" she smiles as i hug her from behind and kiss her neck softly. " How about this one?" I say holding up my cut up Harley shirt " yes she smiles and kisses my cheek "Have you seen my bra?" She asks lifting up her dress from the floor "here it is" i say handing it to her. I sit and watch her get dressed and put my shirt on " Ok baby " she heads to the door come on you got practice." she smiles as we head out. " WOOOHOO !!!!!" All the guys shout as they see me and Layne " Oh my god she whispers as she hides in my chest " Shut up guys "i say as she turns around facing them as i hold her tight " You didnt see anything did you " she asked nervously " Nothing we havent seen before Phil said with a smirk " Kelly you should've closed the door she whines as she blushes and looks down," Noted " i say with a laugh as we get back to band practice as she sits back and watches us.

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