Chaper 14

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The day of tour:

Layne's POV:

I had to work early the next morning before we left for tour. I got up at 4:30am to work at 6am making sure not to wake Kelly i movemy pillow so hes snuggling it as i slip into my bathroom and shower quickly and eat some breakfast and head to work kissing Kelly on the forehead and rubimg his cheek " I Love You Kelly " I whispered as i left. On The drive to work i listen to the New album Cocked and Loaded. "Hey Heather?, Can i talk to you about some stuff?" Yea no problem " Heather your boss answers " Ok So i just found out last night that i will be going on tour with my boyfriend for a couple months so i just wanted to see if there was anything i can do like paper work to fill out saying i will be gone and come back or something like that?" you ask as you clock into work " We leave today after i get off btw?" " Oh honey you are fine ill put in a note and you come back when its or as soon as you need " She says with a smile" Just have fun and enjoy it " " OK thank you sooo much " i say excitedly. ......... Skip to 12pm : " Hi, How ar you? " i asked the next customer as i start scanning his Groceries " Im good thanks" he answered. As you finish up someone taps me on the shoulder" Hi where could i find the cereal?" They ask as you turn around knowing the voice " KELLY!" you exclaim as you hug him tighly " Hi baby How is your day so far ?" he asks spinning you around and setting you down " Good alittle bored want to come home" i pout sticking my bottom lip out " AW its ok baby only an hour" he says with a smile " Ahh is this the boyfriend you told me about? " Heather asks walking towards you " Yes this is Kelly, Kelly this is Heather my boss " you say as they shake hands " Nice to meet you " she says shaking his hand " Same to you " he says with a smile " Well if you want Layne you can leave now and start your vaction early " she says taking in your drawer. " Awesome thank you " i say as i clock out. So what are you doing here i ask as i hold his hand as he walks through the store" Well the guys and me are here and we are getting some food for the bus" he says as he looks for the guys hearing them but not seeing them " Nice " you smile " LAYNE !!" They cheer as they run down the isle to us with a full cart " Hi guys " You giggle as they stop in front of us. " Are you guys done?" Kelly asks " Yea ready to go to your place and get ready " Tracii Says with a smile" Ok lets head out ." Kelly says walking back to the checkout" Ow god damn it Phil " Kelly said through grit teeth " Dont push the cart into my ankles you ass " kelly said as he stopped and let phil in front " You Ok?" I giggle i laugh as i lay my head on his arm and walk " Yea i just know he does that shit on purpose "He laughs as we get to the check out " Lets go out to your car and head home so you can shower or change " He says asyou guys walk out to your car " Ill drive baby he says taking the keys and starts the car driving to your apartment.

Kelly's POV:

"So when are we leaving today?" Layne asks as she sets on her bed grabbing and packing some last minute things. " Umm i think 3 so we have a couple hours " I smile as i lay and watch her " Cool she says sitting on the side of the bed, " I think im gonna shower and get in some comfy close if thats alright" she said laying back on my chest "Of course beautiful" i peck her cheek as she smiles " I Love You Kelly, Be back in a few " she smiled shutting the bathroom door. Im so happy shes gonna be with me and see everything i do that i love and she loves and so strongly supports and encourages, i think to myself as i hear Layne start to sing " This is Dedicated to the one i love " by the mamas and the poppas I get up and open the bathroom door a little, ive never heard her sing for real and its so beautiful, i smile and sit down still listening when i hear the guys enter the apartment " WERE HERE !" Phil yells as they plop on the couch " Quiet!" i say as i shut the door to the bedroom, "Sorry is she sleeping?" Phil says " No But you dont need to yell whenever you enter a room . " I say with a laugh as i light a smoke" Jeez someones ankle still hurts " Phil says with a laugh " i flip him off as i hear Layne shuffling in the bedroom and open the door peaking only her head out" Kelly babe could you come here pls ?" she asks shutting the door. I walk in and shes in a towel with two outfits set out. "which should i wear? I know its just some comfy clothes but one of them is a shirt i cant wear a bra with" she says looking at me " Umm well im gonna have to choose the grey nike hoodie with the blue tank crop top and shorts since im sure thats the one you dont need a bra for " I say as i place my hands on her hips and back her against the dresser" Kelly " she giggles as i kiss her neck " Yes Darling?" " not right now baby " She says as i lean up and play with her towel " But why ?" I pout " Because the guys and we have to leave soon and im not in the mood for quick i want time slow sex right now" she whispers as i freeze and look at her shocked " I Will totally tell the guys to leave ?" I say excitedly " Noo this tour is important baby " she says laughing. " Ugh was that a joke then because its not funny " I whine sitting on the bed leaning back on the palms of my hands , She walks forward dropping the towel and straddling me " Im not joking baby i want to but we just cant right now" she smiles as she kisses my lips softly as i lay back and look at her ontop of me " You tease me " I smile as she leans down kissing my neck " You love it and you know it baby " She says with a smile as i hold her hips " Get dressed before you change your mind " i smile and playfully smack her ass " Oww " she pouts " Oh you like it " i laugh as she gets dressed and sits on the bed next to me. " So where is the first show at ?" Layne asked as she slips her converse on" Ummm i think seattle " I say as i rest my hand on her thigh and kiss her cheek. " Cool ive always wanted to go there and i cant wait to see you guys live and be there" she smiled. We walk out and the guys just stare at us " What were you guys doing in there that long ?" Steve asked " I dont Know " i say as i sit down with Layne in my lap " The world my never know " she says with a laugh " Well you were too quiet for it to be sex " Phil said with a grin as we all laugh" Ok Lets go tracii said the bus is loaded and here " He says standing up " Alright finally " Mick says as he lights a smoke along with me. We load the bus and me and layne take the room and sit back there since i know shes tired " This is a nice bus " she said as she looks around and lays on the bed as i sit in the chair next to the bed " Come here babygirl" I say opening my arms as she crawls and sit on my lap facing me. I kiss her and pull her close hugging and snuggling her " Im so excited i love you baby" i say into her neck as she holds me tight " Aww baby i love you too " she smiles as i sit up and she lays her head on my chest and kisses my jaw and puts my hands on her hips again " My baby " She smiles looking up through her eyelashes with an innocent smile. I kiss her and pull her as close as possible kissing her deeply. she giggles and hides her face in my neck as my hands grip her ass" Stay just like that ok baby " i say grabbing her camera " Ok " i say as i roll the waist of her shorts showing more of her ass " Ok Look out shyly at the camera" I says as she does and i place one of my hands on her ass and postiton the camrea taking the picture. " Perfect" i smile as i shake the picture, She giggle and blushes "wow thats a great picture Baby "  she smiles looking at it " Its going in my wallet for sure " I smile " Ok baby lets nap i say carring her to the bed " I love you " i whisper as she nuzzles into my chest and kisses it softly " I love you too Kells" she smiles before we both drift to sleep.

 " Perfect" i smile as i shake the picture, She giggle and blushes "wow thats a great picture Baby "  she smiles looking at it " Its going in my wallet for sure " I smile " Ok baby lets nap i say carring her to the bed " I love you " i whisper as ...

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A/N:  Thats her outfit and the "Picture"

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A/N:  Thats her outfit and the "Picture"

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