Chapter 5

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Layne's POV:

I heard Kelly say good night as the door closed and smiled as i went into the bathroom to change. Oh My God hes so hot but hes also just plain cute as well its like a two in one. I changed into my pjs and went back to my room putting on my favorite record to sleep to which is "The Cure Disintergration" i turn it down low laying down as i think more about Kelly and our " date" tomorrow. He probably doesnt think its a date but to me it is, I also think tonight was a date and it was the best date i have ever been on in my 19 almost 20 years of life. I smile as i remember what he said to me on the beach, he said i was beautiful he thinks im beautiful hes the first guy to say that too me and actually mean it. Hes perfect and just so amazing. Im so happy Taime called me and told me he couldnt pick me up im so happy i met Kelly. I keep thinking of Kelly as i drift to sleep while the song " Pictures of You" Plays quietly in the background.

Kelly's POV:

I hear music quietly come from Layne's room as i finally lay down to sleep, she even sleeps with music playing i dont think shes stopped playing music the whole day its awesome. she has such a variety too, she can listen to L.A. Guns, Slayer, Cream, Hendrix, The Cure ( who i think shes playing now) All the way to The Beatles and The Clash. Shes so fuckin awesome i cant wait to go to the record store and she what she gets. I had a great time with her tonight she looked so beautiful today just everything about her and what makes her even prettier is she doesnt wear make up atleast not today and if she does its not alot maybe just eyeliner and lipstick or something. I lay on the couch for a few hours tossing and turning and i cant sleep i get up and go to the kitchen and get a drink stopping at Laynes door putting my ear to her door hearing her music i quietly open the door and she her streched out on the bed half covered up with her hair in her face, i smile and close the door to think just yesterday i didnt know her and now i know the coolest girl ever i think  as i sit on the couch turning the tv on watching Alf reruns  as i suddenly drift to sleep. I wake up to the sound of shuffling pans and i smell bacon cooking. I quietly sit up to see Layne making breakfast shes still in her pjs i watch as she finds the pan and stands up contining breakfast i notice shes listening to her walkman and has headphones on  as she dances a little again and stare at her she looks amazing hair up in a messy bun cropped shirt shorts dancing as she cooks just like how she was painting yesterday. I Look up and see Taime come out of his room rubbing his eyes as he walks to the kitchen and tap Layne on the shoulder and jumps Taime whispers something too her and she turns around blushing lightly as she turns back to Taime who hugs her from the side as he smiles back at me. Taime takes over the cooking and Layne comes into the livingroom and stops leaning against the doorway, " Good Morning Kelly. " she smiles as she tries not to stare at me and looks down as she walks to the couch. I smile and say " Good Morning Layne" As i blush too the way my name sounds coming from her is perfection i love it i thought as she sat down.

Layne's POV:

I sit down next to Kelly and panic inside to myself " Oh My God hes shirtless and in sweatpants oh my god i couldnt think he could get any hotter but boy was i wrong" i tired to calm myself and basically stop fangirling so i could act normal and i suddenly hear kelly ask me, " What were you listening to in there?" he says nodding toward the kitchen " Oh, I was listenig to Hanoi Rocks i say smiling. " Cool what song" he asks " Boulevard of broken dreams" Nice he says with a smile.. i panic and think about what Taime told me and how Kelly was staring and watching me most of the time, " You didnt see me dancing did you ?" He laughs and says " Yea i saw, dont worry i saw you dance yesterday too." He smiles oh my god i say as i cover my face " Aww dont worry about it, its cute he says pulling me in for a hug, " You feel comfortable around me it seems sp just be yourself." I peak up through my fingers and smile hugging him back when we hear Taime yell " BREAKFAST IS READY!!"  I Laugh and walk to the kitchen with Kelly and sit down. "So what you up to today Taime?" i ask as i eat some bacon "Im gonna hang with the guys today and try to finish the album" he said yawning " What are you doing?" "oh im going to the record store with kelly later and then hes gonna show me these unreleased videos from the first album" I said happily as i notice Kelly smiling at me while i tell him. I smile and start to eat and i listen to Kelly and Taime talk the rest of breakfast and listen to their crazy stories about before he was in L.A. Guns. " Ok guys im gonna shower ill be back in a few " I say walking to my room. I Pick out my outfit and put on my Hanoi Rocks album again and get into the shower excited to go to the record store soon. (My outfit for the day)

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