Chapter 12

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A/N: SMUT🔥 idk what happened i got lost in the moment and thinking of kelly and yea idk what happened here🙈.  idk about this chapter anymore

Layne's POV:

I wake up late and look at the clock its 3am i look down and smile as i see Kelly's arms wraped around my waist with his head on my chest, we are both still dressed and its getting hot'' Baby" you rub his cheek as you sit up a little " Baby wake up for a minute " I whisper and kiss his cheek as i shake his arm. He sits up and looks around covered in sweat hair sticking to his forehead " What is it baby are you ok ?" He asks panicing and looking around as he pulls me closer " Aww im ok baby im just hot and think we should get out of our clothes, did you have a bad dream or something i ask as he seems a little paniced and scared" Yea it wasnt a bad dream it was just stressful and i couldnt find you but i could hear you and you sounded scared and lost, i couldnt find you and protect you " He says with a sigh as he runs his hand through his hair and looks down. " Baby im here im ok im safe and here with you and im safe because im with you" I say as i straddle him and grab his face so he looks into my eyes" I Love You Baby, i know you will always be here " I hug him as he hugs me as tight as he ever has as he starts to calm down. " Lets get out of these clothes he says as he stands up still holding me as he walks to the bathroom with me. He sets me on the sink and starts to undress as i watch and look at how perfect he looks, i watch as he undoes his belt and takes his jeans off leaving him in his boxers as he turns to face me completely without me noticing " You ok babygirl?" he asks as he rests his hands on each side of me leaning on the sink as he looks into my eyes" Y-yes " i blush and smile " Do you want to have a little fun or just enjoy looking?" He asks " I dont want to have sex i just want to stare at you and be intamint and kiss and touch you softly and " i stop talking getting shy and flustered" It doesnt make sense when i say it but i keep thinking about it " I say blushing more and resting my head on his chest. " Aww baby it makes sense i understand just get ready and we can do that before bed again he says lifting me off the sink.

Kelly's POV:

I watch as she gets undressed putting on a oversized shirt and underwear i smile to myself and think" I love how she gets flustered and wants tio be very lovey and touchy with me i was never into until i met her and when shes like this its like im feeling all my feelings from when i first met her and from our first kiss i feel electicity and i honestly get butterflies with her and anything she does, ugh this girl has turned me into a softie and i love her" Ok im ready baby she says as she takes my hand. I get in the bed and she straddles me fixing her shirt a little and lays her head on my chest as i rub her back. She gently traces my collar bones and moves down to the tattoo on my chest kissing it as she finishes and moves to my neck gently kissing and moving to the otherside slowly as i slide my hands up her thighs as the shirt rests on the back of my hands as i rub my thumbs on them gently, she smiles as she kisses my jaw and then kisses my lips as softly as she can as i pull her close wrapping my ams around her lowwer back. " I love you" i whisper as i kiss her neck gently and she runs her nails gently across my back as she kisses my shoulders, every once in a while letting out the quietest moan. I stop and sit up and put my hand on her cheek as she nuzzles into the palm and kisses my hand. " My sweet Babygirl" i say as she giggles and starts to kiss my chest, My breathing starts to get heavier and shallow as she leaves butterfly kisses across my stomach as she holds my hands. " Oh my god how innocent this is and how sweet and slow it is is driving me crazy i want her but i know she doesnt want sex right now so i have to control myself" im pulled out of my thoughts as she pulls the waistband of my boxers down alittle and kisses my vline and looks up " Fuck" I moan quietly as she moves up kissing up my sides now. She straddles me again and we make out as i place my hands under her shirt resting them on her ass. she deepens the kiss and places both her hands on my shoulders as she starts to slowly grind against my hips making me groan into the kiss making me squeeze her ass " mmm" she smiles as she sits up and kisses my neck again pressing against my hard on as she grinds more and moans in my ear. shes drving me crazy right now i love it, she sucks on my neck and nips gently as i slowly rub her through the fabric of her panties causing her to moan louder and rest her head on my shoulder as she breathes heavily against my neck, "yes Kelly " she moans as she rocks her hips against my fingers as i whisper " I thought my babygirl didnt want to play" i say with a chuckle as i speed up, she grips my shoulder trying to answer but moans throwing her head back instead " Thats it babygirl " I say as i slow down and smile as she lifts her head. She rubs me through my boxers and squeezes as she whispers " It felt right to turn it into something more" I moan and slide my hand up to her neck as she smiles and looks at me squeezing me again " Fuck yes " I Wrap one arm around her back and rub her as fast as i can as she shakes and moans with both her hands tangled in my hair tugging lightly " Good girl " I say as she cums and kisses my shoukders again as i lay back against the head bord and see her all flushed, i kiss her softly and place a strand of hair behind her ear " I love you babygirl" She smiles and clings to me tightly " I love you Too Baby " i hold her all night her on my lap and cover us up " Good night baby" i whisper to my sleeping princess.

A/N: Im sorry.

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