𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜

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finn was at a new years party with his friends, his mind on a certain red haired girl that he had lost a few months ago. no, not lost as in she died, just lost as in he could no longer see her anymore since she was across the ocean. lost from his grip persay.

he and his friends were drinking and making toasts to the new year ahead of them or their memories from the last year. a lot of them talked about sadie and finn felt his mood go down a little more each time someone brought up a memory with her.

when it came his turn to make a toast he nervously held up his glass and said, "to the year ahead of us that hopefully will be better than the last." he knew that they all knew what he meant when he said that, he had been most affected by sadie's leaving. and for that reason they hadn't expected him to talk much about her either during his toast so none of them forced him to. 

once the countdown to new year started finn felt his surroundings leave from around him and the noises became muffled. when the ball dropped and everyone around him exclaimed happy new year he felt his heart break and suddenly felt like he couldn't breathe.

he made his way to the bathroom and clenched the edges of the sink as he let out some breaths before heavy hot tears started falling down his face. he was crying, over a girl. it was pathetic and he knew he should of been stronger than this but he just couldn't. he missed sadie too much, because he loved her so fucking much.

a few mintues later his friend caleb came in and opened his mouth to ask if he was okay when he noticed the curly haired boy was crying and shaking. "finn what's wrong?" he asked worriedly as he made his way over to him, putting a hand on his back which finn quickly moved away from, backing up and almost losing his balance.

"woah woah easy there," caleb said as he placed his hands gently on finn's shoulders to help steady him. finn looked to the ground before looking up at caleb, him trying to speak but nothing besides sad breathless sobs escaping him.

no one knew how to comfort him whenever he was having a breakdown or panic attack. no one but sadie. who wasn't there. who was the reason he was even crying in the first place.

caleb tried to help, telling finn to take some deep breaths and advising him to try and calm down. it helped a little bit but not enough and finn only started crying more at the thought that sadie wasn't there to help him like she had used to be so often. she wouldn't ever be there to help him again. he would have to deal with his breakdowns and panic attacks all by himself for now on and he wasn't sure if he was strong enough to do so.

now you're probably wondering why sadie left and where she is. after the filming of stranger things was finished she left to go to france because she wanted to be a translator. she was so busy with her work she could never visit anyone and barely had time to call anyone. she was usually just limited to texting.

caleb called in millie and noah since he knew finn was closer to them and they might be able to help more than he could. but it didn't. being surrounded by all of them just made him feel small and anxious and he didn't like it.

"p-please leave me a-alone," finn managed to get out. but they didn't leave quick enough for him. he pushed past all of them quickly and headed out, outside of the house into the crisp cold air of the new year.

he started walking. where? he wasn't sure but he just wanted to get away from everyone. he took some deep breaths, able to calm down a little bit but he was still crying and having a bit of trouble breathing because he was choking on his tears.

once he finally stopped he pulled out his phone and with shaky hands unlocked it and clicked on the beautiful picture of sadie he had for her contact. he hit the call button and hoped to god she would answer.

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