𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚔𝚒𝚜𝚜

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trigger warning for this chapter a little ig? nothing bad happens there's just some brief mentions so i'm putting a warning just in case 


finn was staring off into space again for the millionth time that week as they were waiting to go out for an interview and sadie noticed. she waved a hand in front of his face but it didn't work so she shook him a little which got him out of his thoughts. he blushed out of embarrassment as she asked, "are you okay?" she was concerned to why he had been staring off so much lately. "never been better," he said back and she couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

"finn seriously what's up?" sadie asked once the interview was over and they were back in their hotel room. "what?" he asked back. "why are you staring off so much and seeming so distracted?" she asked again. because of you he wanted to say but didn't. he bit his lip as he shrugged. she studied him for a moment, not understanding why he wasn't answering her. "finn if there's something going on-" she started, thinking maybe something really bad was happening with him but he interrupted her, "it's nothing. don't worry about it." "i'm going to worry about it since it's causing your performance to go down and stuff and this isn't like you so i really am worried something's up, even if it's something as simple as your anxiety being bad," she said back stubbornly. 

finn looked at her for a moment and sighed. "it's nothing, seriously. please believe me sadie," he said back, basically pleading for her to leave him alone with it now. sadie frowned at him before nodding slowly, she knew he wasn't going to tell her anything. "okay. but please please come talk to me whenever you're feeling down and all, alright?" she said to him, hoping he would actually do so. finn nodded, "i will. thanks sadie." "of course finn, you're my best friend," she said back with a kind smile. 

best friend. 

he hated that phrase so much. 

he tried to prevent himself from frowning but unfortunately she noticed the quick frown he had before he changed his expression to a fake smile. she furrowed her eyebrows at him and cocked her head to the side, "finn why'd you frown? do you not feel like i'm your friend or something?" the idea of him liking her never as more than a friend never occurred to her because she seriously doubted it. finn frantically shook his head then got up to leave quickly, he made things awkward and did not want to end up revealing anything to her. 

before he could open the door sadie grabbed one of his wrists to stop him. "seriously what's going on? you're acting so different," she said, worry laced in her voice. he looked down to her hand around his wrist then looked back up to meet her gaze. she looked very worried and he hated making her worry so much about him. as they held eye contact finn felt an urge building up in him, an urge to admit his feelings or to somehow show her he wanted to be more than friends. but he was scared and figured she probably didn't feel the same and he would only make it awkward between them. 

finn glanced down to her lips after a moment, wanting to kiss her so badly. sadie noticed this and felt her heart drop, in both a good and bad way. "finn-" she started softly before her lips were met with his. she barely got to kiss back before he pulled away. once he did he pull away from her grip he quickly opened the door and left. "finn wait!" she exclaimed. they needed to talk about this. she hated how he had ran away after he kissed her, like he regretted it.

which of course he did. 

finn regretted what he had done so badly and figured sadie was probably mad at him. he was mad at himself for being so stupid. he didn't know where to go but he just went into an elevator and headed up to the top floor. once he got on the roof he walked towards the edge, looking over at the city all around and below him. it was a stunning view and he wanted to stay there all night. he sat down on the edge, his legs dangling off the side. he wasn't scared of falling and honestly didn't care if he did. 

he remained quiet for a moment, thinking to himself as his ears were filled of late night city sounds. after a moment he brought his face into his hands as he started crying. "how could i have been so fucking stupid?" he asked himself. he didn't know what to do at this point. he was really convinced that he had fucked up, badly. 

sadie tried to follow finn and see where he went but she didn't get on the elevator at the same time as him. she noticed he went up and immediately panicked that he was going to the top to jump off. she didn't know if finn would actually do such a thing but it still worried her of the possibility that he would so she made her way to the top as fast as she could. once she got up there she spotted him sitting on the edge. he seemed like he was crying. she didn't like where he was, he could so easily fall off and die. 

she was just glad to see he was there and hadn't jumped off though like she had been so worried about. she was afraid of approaching him or saying anything because she didn't want to scare him and make him jump since that would lead to the risk of him falling. but she had to make her presence known somehow. "finn?" she asked quietly but loud enough for him to hear. he pulled his face away from his hands and turned to look back at the red headed girl, regret swallowing him up as he did. he didn't say anything as he turned and looked back forward, staring ahead and getting lost in the building lights.

sadie came over and joined him, sitting next to him but a little behind since she didn't like the idea of being so close to the edge. "finn what's wrong? why'd you leave after you kissed me?" she questioned, wanting to know answers. finn let out a sigh. "i felt stupid. i shouldn't of done that. i don't know what i was thinking. and i know you don't like me that way so i regret it," he said back in a very quiet voice that was a little difficult for her to hear over the wind. but she luckily was able to understand him. "finn don't regret it. it wasn't stupid," she replied to him reassuringly. he looked over his shoulder back at her and gave her a confused look, "why not?" 

sadie glanced down to the concrete ground of the roof before looking back up at him, him still having the same confused look. "i do like you that way. i have feelings for you too," she got out calmly as she let out a breath. "you're just saying that to make me feel better about it," finn said back with a frown as he then hugged himself and looked ahead again. there was no way she felt the same, his anxiety wouldn't let him think otherwise, at least not easily. 

"no, i'm not. i really do have feelings for you finn," she said back, really hoping he would believe her. finn didn't reply for a moment as he thought and tried to wrap his head around what she was saying. he found it hard to believe and this felt more like a dream, this couldn't be reality, could it? "really?" he asked as he finally looked back over to her. she nodded as she smiled a little, "yeah really." he let out a soft sigh and smiled a small smile. 

they remained there in a quiet and comfortable silence for a bit until sadie stood up and held her hand out for him to take. "come on, get away from the edge please, it makes me nervous," she said worriedly. finn looked back at her and let out a laugh before getting up with the her help. once they were both up she intertwined one of her hands with his and lead him back into the hotel and to their room where they fell asleep, his arms wrapped around her. 


yet another longer one! this is one of the ones i actually like too lmao. this one does feel kind of repetitive to me though but idk. also what is this title lmao. anyways i hope y'all liked it 

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