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finn reached around blindly until one of his hands came into contact with something soft and he opened his eyes to see that he had grabbed a cardigan, he immediately knew whose it was; sadie's. he brought it and held it to his chest for a moment as he let out a breath. he missed her. he froze though when he heard a small groan from beside him. maybe he didn't have to miss her after all. 

he cautiously flipped over to see a head of red hair under the covers and knew it was sadie. he looked at the article of clothing he had in his hand and wondered to himself what happened last night that had led to her sweater being taken off. had they just made out or did they go further than that? 

he let out a sigh as he set it down next to him before moving closer to the girl so much shorter than him and wrapped his arms around her waist as he nuzzled her neck. he felt her bare skin under his hands and knew that answered his previous questions. it was okay to do this after what they did last night, right? even if they weren't dating? he wasn't sure but he didn't care. 

she groaned again as she tried to pry his arms off her but it didn't work as she was weak from how exhausted she was. "finn get off," she whined in a baby voice. "why?" he asked back childishly. she let out a sigh before curling up some more, making his grip around her waist harder to keep. he smiled to himself, taking her silence as a win for him. 

he pressed a light kiss to her neck, unable to help himself. "no more hickeys... already too many," she spoke in a sluggish tone, it was clear she was about to fall back to sleep. he pulled away at her words and removed one hand from around her up to her neck, brushing back some of her hair to see how many hickeys he had given her on just the part of her neck he could see. 

he spotted two which he didn't think was too bad but he was a little worried to know how many were elsewhere, especially places besides her neck. he brought his hand back down to where it was before just nuzzling her neck again which she giggled lightly to. after a moment he knew she was asleep again which he didn't really mind as he didn't want to leave her yet and he wasn't sure when he would be ready to leave. he ended up falling asleep also.

"finn finn finn-" he heard a soft voice saying almost in a sing-song manner as he felt someone tapping his head. he opened his eyes to see sadie right above him and realized she was laying on top of him. "uh hey," he said awkwardly which made her laugh. "i love you," she spoke softly and before he had the chance to reply she kissed him. once she pulled away he furrowed his eyebrows at her. 

they weren't together so why did she tell him she loved him? the thought of her still being drunk was a possibility but he knew the alcohol would have got out of her system by now. maybe it was just because she was tired and not fully thinking yet. 

when he came back to reality he noticed the pouty face she was giving him so he asked, "what?" "are you not going to say it back?" she asked and he knew what she was talking about. he let out a small sigh before saying with a smile as he brushed back a strand of hair from her face, "i love you too." 

this felt like a dream. this couldn't be real, could it? 

apparently not.

he woke to find he was in a bed alone. in his apartment. all of it had been a dream. all of it. "holy shit," he mumbled to himself as he looked around a little before sighing. he noticed the red cardigan he had clutched in his hands and could smell the scent of lavender coming from it. the dreams had been a cause of the stupid scent reeking from it that reminded him of the girl he loved. 

he hadn't gotten this cardigan because they slept together or anything, he had got it because she forgot it after they had went swimming in a hidden spring a few days ago. he had every intention of giving it back but he didn't want to because it was the only thing that reminded him of her whenever they were apart. but if it was going to cause these dreams he would give it back without a second thought.  

he looked up when he heard the door creak open and blinked when he saw sadie standing in the doorway. "finn? are you okay?" she asked in her concerned motherly tone. he took a moment to pinch himself, trying to see if this was real or just another trick his mind was playing on him. "uh yeah, what are you doing here? in my apartment?" he replied, wanting to know why she was even there. "are you sure you're okay? i'm here because i'm your girlfriend finn, we live together," she answered simply and that's when he knew he was dreaming again.

when he actually woke up for good he woke up in a screaming mess, shouting loudly several times, "no!" he was brought back to reality by someone shaking his shoulders and when he opened his eyes to see sadie he shook his head and kept mumbling no to himself. it couldn't actually be her, it just couldn't. he was just dreaming again.

"finn calm down," she said softly as she started rubbing his shoulders, trying to soothe him. after a moment he had calmed and when he looked at her he couldn't help but to ask, "are you real?" "yes," she answered with a confused look though she didn't question him. he nodded before hugging her as he let out a breath. "i'm losing my fucking mind," he mumbled to himself as he took in her scent, the same scent the cardigan had. 

she hugged him back before asking, "how so?" "my dreams are so realistic and they are torturing me," he said simply. "how are they torturing you?" she asked curiously. "by making me think i'm with the girl i like even though i'm not," he answered and based on his question earlier sadie knew it was her he was talking about. she didn't say anything about it though, knowing he was too tired now to have that conversation. 

she just let out a small sigh as she gave him a squeeze and let him continue hugging her, knowing he needed the comfort. 


um idk what this one is. it was just a random one i wrote while listening to cardigan by taylor swift (hence the title). i didn't really know where else to take it so that's why i ended it the way i did but yeah. if you want a sequel to this one please let me know in the comments! i wanna know what you guys think :) 

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