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"hey finn?" sadie called from the bathroom. "yeah?" he asked back as he sat up. "can you come in here and help me?" she asked back. "sure," he answered as he got up and headed to the bathroom. he was nervous because he wasn't sure what he was going to walk in on. a naked sadie? a half naked sadie?

once he got into the bathroom to see she was fully clothed in a dress he mentally facepalmed. he had been worried and nervous about nothing. "what do you need help with?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows since from what he could see she didn't need any help of any sort.

"can you zip up my dress?" she asked sweetly as she smiled a little. he glanced to her back to see how it was still very exposed and she had only been able to zip the dress up a small amount. "yeah of course," he said as he moved to stand behind her. 

he grabbed the zipper before pulling it up, having to tug on it a few times because it got stuck. it was very satisfying to do, to zip the dress up and he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would have. he had a lot of weird thoughts though as he did it which made him bite his lip.

he hadn't realized it but he had stopped zipping it up halfway through and had subconsciously rested a hand on her back.

"earth to finn," she hummed as she moved a hand back to poke him in the side. he flinched and came back to reality and realized where one of his hands were and was surprised sadie wasn't saying anything about it. not even giving him a warning look either. she seemed either unfazed by it or okay with it. he slowly removed his hand and it was clear to her he didn't want to. he then finished zipping the dress up and let out a small breath he didn't realize he had been holding in.

"thank you," she said softly. "no problem," he said back with a nod, pulling his hands away from the zipper and bringing them to his sides to stuff them in his pockets. sadie smiled softly before grabbing a pair of earrings sitting on the sink and starting to put them in, brushing her hair behind her ears to do so. 

he didn't really want to leave and saw no reason why he should since all it seemed she needed to do now was jewelry, hair and makeup. besides, he was basically frozen in place, transfixed by her beauty.

after sadie put the earrings in she noticed finn was still there and seemed to be staring off into space. "finn," she spoke, turning around and flicking his forehead lightly. he daydreamed and got lost in thought way too much. he had already done it twice within the last few minutes. he blinked and felt his cheeks flush when he realized what he had been doing and seeing sadie standing right in front of him.

"you need to stop zoning out," she told him with a pointed expression but amused smile. "sorry," he muttered as he brought a hand up to his neck and started rubbing it nervously. she gave him a look that let him know it was okay before taking a step back and turning around, asking as she did so, "what do you think of my dress?"

once she had stopped twirling and he became mesmerized again he smiled. "it's very pretty and you look gorgeous in it," he said honestly. he rarely chickened out when it came to complimenting her because he was always just honest and he usually found that he couldn't stop himself anyways. besides, he wanted her to know that she was beautiful. she deserved to know. 

sadie smiled widely at his response, "really?" he nodded, "yeah really." she beamed as she hugged him quickly before returning to stand in front of the sink and mirror and putting some light make up on. he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, unable to help himself. "finn i'm trying to do my make up," is the only thing she said about it. "why? you don't need any," he said back. she smiled at his words, finding them to be very endearing.

she set her eyeshadow brush down before removing his hands from her waist and turning around to face him, her leaning against the sink and him merely an inch from her. "i'm glad you think i don't need any but i use it to help make myself feel more confident and just for fun," she explained to him. he nodded then said, "but everytime you put on make up you cover up your freckles, why do you do that?" he gave her a curious look, he genuinely wanted to know why she did that. 

she shrugged lightly, she wasn't really sure why she covered her freckles up everytime she wore make up. "you shouldn't cover them. they're cute," he then said to her when she didn't answer. she felt herself blush a little before nodding a little, "well this time i won't cover them, okay?" 

"please don't ever cover them again," he said back softly. she let out a small laugh as she nodded again. she couldn't say no to him. he always made it so hard to. but he also had a point, there was no real reason why she covered them up so she didn't need to. she hummed before replying, "okay, never again."

he beamed at her before wrapping his hands around her waist again. finn i need to finish my make up," she groaned as she tried to pry his hands off her. "where are you even going anyways?" he asked curiously. if she wasn't going anywhere important he would take the risk and kiss her.

"i'm going to a party with my girlfriends," she answered as she had stopped trying to pry his hands off her, knowing there was no use. finn nodded as he thought for a moment. a party wasn't that important. she could always go to another one. 

sadie was about to ask him to let go of her again when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers for a soft kiss. sadie tensed up for a second, surprised before quickly relaxing again. she brought her hands up to his face to cup it as she kissed him back. so that was what he wanted. to kiss her, to act on his feelings for her.

after a moment he pulled away and looked at her. her face was flushed and she looked down, biting her lip. "you have feelings for me?" she asked quietly as she reached her hands out and grabbed the strings of his hoodie, playing with them. she couldn't bring herself to look at him directly. she felt if she did that she would want to kiss him. to feel his lips against hers again.

"yeah i do," finn answered softly as he grabbed her hands, pulling them away from the strings and intertwining them with his. at that gesture she finally looked up. "do you have feelings for me too?" he asked her curiously, really hoping she did. she nodded slowly and said in a mumble, "yeah." he smiled lightly before removing one of his hands from hers and putting it under her chin to make her look at him again since she had diverted her gaze elsewhere. 

"you won't mind if you miss the party, will you?" he asked her in a gentle voice. he wasn't at all implying he wanted to do anything sexual with her. he just wanted to spend the night with her and didn't want her to leave. didn't want her to risk the chance of getting drunk and having sex with a stranger. "no, i can stay here," she said back with a small smile. "good," he hummed before connecting their lips again.


this one, as cheesy as it is, is one of my personal favorites. i might end up editing it a bit eventually but for now it's remaining the same. i hope you guys liked it :) 

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