𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚘𝚛 𝚍𝚊𝚛𝚎?

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the six main actors of stranger things were sitting in a circle in the basement of millie's house, playing truth or dare. it was caleb's turn to ask someone truth or dare and he had chosen sadie. "sadie, truth or dare?" he asked her with a grin. "dare," sadie replied after a pause, she had definitely put a little thought into her answer. "i dare you and noah to act like a couple for the next day," caleb told her as he laughed a little. it wasn't in any way a serious dare and just some stupid one he came up with because it was would be funny to watch. but it was also because he wanted to see something. sadie fake gasped then laughed a little as she looked over to noah who laughed also. 

but the dare was no laughing matter to finn wolfhard. his face had immediately fell and he lost his smile when the dare was given, he was jealous. he didn't want to see noah and sadie acting all couple like, whether it was fake or not. 

noah and sadie both agreed in laughter that they would do the dare as sadie then turned to finn. "truth or dare finn?" she asked him with a smile. finn glanced at her, his chin resting in one of his palms. he didn't want to play anymore, his mood had just declined to a low point and he felt overwhelmed. "i-i have to go use the restroom, continue playing without me," he said quickly as he got up and went into the restroom, slamming the door shut behind him. 

sadie furrowed her eyebrows as she looked to everyone else only to be met with equally confused looks. "is he okay?" she asked curiously, unsure of why he had seemed to be upset. caleb shrugged and gave gaten a 'i messed up' look. gaten knew that caleb had had some sort of plan tonight but didn't really know what so the two of them excused themselves to go get snacks in the kitchen upstairs so they could talk about it. 

once they got there and were out of earshot of the others downstairs gaten asked, "what happened?" "okay so i only gave sadie the dare so i could see if millie or finn would get jealous over it," caleb explained. "but why would finn get jealous?" gaten asked back as he furrowed his eyebrows. he thought it was obvious that millie would get jealous since she liked noah but not finn. "i think finn has feelings for sadie," caleb then explained. gaten nodded slowly, thinking about what caleb was saying. 

"and i think it was clear he was jealous. his face fell as soon as i gave her the dare and then he didn't want to play anymore? i think i may have done more than just made him jealous though, i think i really upset him," he added in a concerned tone as he frowned. "he shouldn't get that upset though over a dare," gaten replied. "you're right. but it's finn, he's upset by the simplest things sometimes, especially if it relates to sadie," caleb said back matter of factly as he sighed. "do you think he's okay? should we check up on him?" gaten then asked after he had nodded in agreement. "yeah," caleb answered as they then headed back downstairs with some random snacks, set them down and headed over to the bathroom door. 

"finn! come on buddy! what's wrong?!" gaten yelled as he knocked on the door a little. he knew what was wrong now of course but he wanted to try and get finn to talk. "leave me alone!" they heard finn yell back. the two boys exchanged worried glances as caleb then said in a cheerful, friendly tone, hoping maybe it would make finn more likely to come out, "let's continue to play the game! loosen up, have some fun!" "you go ahead and play the stupid game without me! i'm done!" finn yelled back, sounding angry and distraught. caleb and gaten sighed and rejoined the group in the middle of the room, knowing it was no use. they wouldn't be able to coax him back out. once they had sat down sadie looked over to the bathroom door, very worried about finn. what had upset him so much that had caused him to lock himself in the bathroom? 

gaten noticed sadie's worry and said lightheartedly to hopefully lighten her mood, "he's just on his period." sadie looked over to him and instead of getting a smile or laugh like he expected he got a glare from her as she said, "that's not funny." it was very rare to see sadie get annoyed so this scared them all to see this unfriendly and intimidating side of her. she got up and headed over to the door, pounding on it a bit. "go away!" finn shouted. "finn it's me, sadie. what's wrong?" she asked calmly, hoping he would talk to her rather than yell at her to go away and leave him alone like he had done to caleb and gaten. the chances of him actually talking to her were a little higher since he was closer friends with her but she wasn't getting her hopes up. 

there was no response for a minute but finn eventually said once she had been about to give up and rejoin the circle, "it's stupid. it doesn't matter." "well i want to know what's wrong if it's caused you to lock yourself in the bathroom finn," she said back in a motherly tone. "ask caleb, he probably knows," finn said back simply and she could hear him sniffling from the other side. 

sadie looked over at caleb for a second before quickly approaching him. he shrunk a little, actually afraid she was going to smack him or something. "let's go talk upstairs," she said in a threatening tone as she pulled him up harshly before she headed upstairs, waiting for him to follow. before he did he shot a nervous glance to the rest of group and they all mouthed good luck to him. 

once he got up there sadie rose an eyebrow at him, "so what's up with finn?" caleb didn't really know how to explain and he didn't just want to give away finn's feelings for her. he knew finn would be so mad if he did and he wouldn't know how sadie would even react. "he's upset about the dare i gave you," he said simply, it was kind of vague but he didn't want to explain further but figured he would have to. "what? why is he upset about that?" sadie asked in obvious confusion as she gave him a confused expression. caleb let out a sigh before he looked directly at her. 

"look. finn has feelings for you sadie. that's why it upset him. he didn't like the dare and didn't want to see you date noah, even if it was all fake. i don't know why he's so upset about it, but he is," he explained slowly and as calmly as he could. sadie nodded back at him, taking in what he had said. it made sense yeah but she also didn't get why it had upset finn as much as it did, he was overreacting. "okay," she said softly as she then made her way back down into the basement. 

millie, noah and gaten all gave her curious glances as she looked over to the bathroom door to see that finn was standing in the doorway, getting ready to walk out, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. she quickly rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, feeling the need to comfort him. finn was surprised by the sudden gesture but hugged her back, needing her comfort in the moment. "finn there's no reason for you to be so upset about the stupid dare. it's just a dare and means nothing," she said softly to him. "i'm sorry, i just get jealous so easily and i like you s-so much and it just h-hurts a lot more than i thought it would," he said back as he stuttered a bit, holding back tears. so even if caleb hadn't told her that finn liked her she would have found out. he was vulnerable and upset so he was being insanely honest. 

sadie rubbed his back and let out a sigh. she couldn't believe how sensitive he was, it was quite ridiculous in all honesty. "you're such a baby finn," she said back as she let out a small laugh. "i know, i need to learn to grow up, right?" he asked back bitterly as he pulled away and looked at her with a serious expression. sadie sighed again as shook her head. "not right now but you will need to eventually. but i'll still love you even if you are a huge baby," she replied as she smiled a little. finn gave her a small smile back as she hugged him again. everyone else sat watching awkwardly, all thinking pretty much the same thing. 

sadie would start to fall for him too sooner or later. 


okay yay here's the first kind of longer one i was willing to publish! and one with the overused cliche that finn is a sensitive baby lmao :)) this one is bad but i hope you enjoyed it anyways

i think my longest one is like 6118 words but i doubt i'll ever publish it because it time skips a bit and seems more like a part of a story and two separate chapters than anything and as of right now i have it ended in a random spot that isn't a happy one so uh yeah 😳 

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