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"sadie i did not ask to have to share a bed with you so could you please stop hogging all the covers?!" finn asked her in a annoyed whisper. "i'm sorry! i'm not purposely trying to!" she said back in exasperation as she let go of some of the covers, letting him have half of them again. "thank you," he said as he turned to face away from her, pulling the covers over him and hugging them tightly in case she tried to get them back again.

and she did after he had fallen asleep and his grip loosened on the covers. he woke up feeling cold and noticed he didn't have any blanket again. he let out a groan before turning to face her again and scooting over closely to her. he moved the blanket over both of them a little as he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into the crook of her neck. she let out a small gasp because he had startled her awake then asked, "why are you spooning me?" "this seems to be the only way i can get some blanket too," he said back simply. "i gave you some," she argued back. "yeah but took it away again once i fell asleep," he replied. "i'm sorry. take some again i swear i won't hog it all again," she said. "no. i'm staying here. i'm going to cuddle you whether you like it or not, okay?" he said, not in a harsh or threatening tone but a soft one. she let out a breath, "fine." he hummed in response before shutting his eyes and taking in her scent which oddly relaxed him and made it easier for him to fall asleep. it took her a little longer to fall asleep, to get used to him having his arms around her and his face buried into the crook of her neck.

she woke up and noticed they were still in the same position. she tapped his hands that were around her a little to try and wake him up. he stirred and mumbled some incoherent things before opening his eyes and not seeing anything until he remembered he had his face buried in her neck. he lifted his head a little bit and blinked, "good morning." "good morning. if you could remove your arms that would be great," she said back as she poked his arms. "what if i don't want to?" he asked back seriously. "i don't care. i need to get up and get ready for the day," she said back as she tried prying his arms off him but he only tightened his grip around her and nuzzled her neck again. "finnnnnn," she whined. "sorry, you might be a little late getting ready today," he said back softly. "i hate you," she groaned as she stopped trying to pry his hands off and leaned her head back in exasperation just to hit his. "ow," he let out. she quickly pulled back forward, "sorry." "no i was saying ow about you saying you hate me. that hurt my heart," he said back in a slightly teasing voice. "oh well. i hate you. accept that," she said back as she rolled her eyes to herself. "no. you love me and you know it," he argued. she shook her head a little bit. he let out a huff before saying, "yes you do." he then gave her neck a soft kiss, not really thinking it through. sadie had tensed up when she felt his lips touch her skin but she relaxed quickly after and found she wanted more. but she wouldn't tell him that. she seriously felt like he was her boyfriend. they felt so much like a couple in the moment and she wished it could be like this everyday. once he realized what he had done he apologized. "it's okay," sadie answered. it was the truth since she had been okay with it. more than okay with it. finn furrowed his eyebrows, she was okay with it? "really?" he questioned in surprise. he would of thought she would have been mad. "yes really," she hummed a little bit. he took a moment to process her answer before nodding to himself a little bit. after he had took a moment to process and accept it he kissed her neck again, unable to stop himself. when there was no protest from her he did it again. and again. and again.

he did it until she spoke up, "finn that's enough, don't need to go crazy with the kisses." she shouldn't have let him start kissing her neck anyways since they weren't together. since they were just friends. but she couldn't help it since she had liked the feeling of him kissing her neck. because she wanted him to. because she liked him, as more than a friend. he respected her wishes and pulled away as he apologized again only for her to tell him it was okay once more. "i think i gave you a hickey or two..." he then said cautiously, knowing that she would be mad about. "what?!" she exclaimed as she forcibly removed herself from his grip and slipped out of the bed to head into the restroom and look in the mirror. he heard a small gasp escape from her as she yelled from the small room, "finn!" "i told you i'm sorry," he said back as he sat up on the bed, sighing. he ruined it. now she would never let him kiss her neck again. or kiss her in general at all. he heard some rustling in the bathroom along with some mutters and he got curious so he got up and joined her in the room, noticing she was using make up to cover up the hickeys. he couldn't help but to laugh a little which he noticed her roll her eyes to. "don't roll your eyes at me," he said. "i can if i want to," she said back as she rolled them again. "stop rolling your eyes," he warned, playfully though of course. "make me," she shot back but immediately regretted that as she knew now he would probably take that the wrong way or do god knows what with that challenge. "gladly," he purred and before she could protest or tell him she didn't mean it in that way he turned her around and kissed her, pressing her against the sink as she dropped the concealer container she had been holding. she was surprised. she wasn't expecting him to kiss her. on the mouth. maybe the neck again but not the mouth. this was their first kiss! she didn't hate what he had done of course, she was just surprised. after a moment she kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck as he brought his hands up to cup her face. "this isn't what I meant," she said in between kisses. she felt she needed to clarify that so he didn't think that she had been hoping this would be how he would react to that challenge. "it will be next time," is all he said back in response which got a huff from her that was short lived since he quickly silenced her by kissing her more harshly. she groaned as he did and brought one hand up to start playing with his hair. she wanted to speak but couldn't. she decided to grab his hair and pull him away that way. once she did he let out a small sound of pain before looking at her. "what's gotten into you?" she asked him curiously. "what do you mean?" he asked back with furrowed eyebrows. "this! the neck kisses earlier!" she said back in exasperation. "oh," he let out before nodding. she waited patiently for an answer, her hands still wrapped around his neck. his were now around her waist. sadie was pretty sure she knew what it all meant but she wanted to hear it from him. "i... uh... well," he started, clearly struggling. she let out a sigh before just saying bluntly, "you like me as more than a friend." finn met her eyes before biting his lip and nodding. she could tell he was about to apologize for the third time that night but stopped him before he could, "it's okay, i like you too." his eyes widened, "really?" "yes! why do you think i was okay with the neck kisses?! why do you think i kissed you back just a moment ago?!" she said back in disbelief as she let out a small laugh. he chuckled awkwardly, "yeah you're right." "you're so dumb sometimes," she mumbled with a shake of her head. "good thing i have you to help me," he said back with a smile. "shut up," she said as she rolled her eyes. he smirked, "make me." she let out a scoff and flicked his neck, getting an 'ow' out of him before connecting their lips again.


omg hi it's been so fxcking long since i have updated anything on wattpad. my life has been so hectic that i kind of just forgot about and abandoned wattpad.  i didn't want to, trust me. but i just lost motivation to write and didn't have time to do much on here. this is a one shot i already had done so i just decided to publish it so you guys can have a little something. i wish i had more to publish to make up for the time i've been gone but pretty much all the remaining one shots i would feel too uncomfortable or bad about posting since they're more inappropriate and not so innocent and soft lmao. i have no idea when i'll update my other things and i'm sorry if i don't update them anytime soon. motivation has been scarce lately for me.

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