𝚌𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚎

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the directors and castmates new finn was sick of filming in a different location than the rest of the cast. and they knew it was because he missed someone. sadie.

it was something they knew he would never admit but it was so obvious to them that he liked her and with each passing day his eagerness to see the rest of the cast, which meant her, kept growing.

so for a christmas gift, more or less, they all decided they would go to atlanta and be with the rest of the cast, they were done filming  in new mexico anyways.

finn was complaining during the drive, thinking they were going to drop him off at home for the holidays. he had no idea they were going to atlanta.

after a little while millie got a little fed up with his constant complaining, "finn could you stop complaining so much? we're not-"
she was about to spill that they weren't going to canada but noah elbowed her in the side a little to get her to stop talking.

she did stop but not without getting a confused look from finn who eyed the two carefully for a moment. "we're not what?" he asked as he narrowed his eyes a little bit.

millie shook her head then shrugged, laughing it off. "i don't remember what i was going to say," she lied convincingly, hoping he wouldn't be able to see through it. he studied her for a moment before his expression relaxed and he nodded, "okay."

the rest of the drive was relatively quiet and once they arrived at their destination finn groaned as he made his way out of the car, only to notice that they clearly weren't in canada. he looked around for a moment and realized they were on set in atlanta.

his mood immediately lightened at the realization and his mouth formed a smile as soon as he saw sadie walk out of her trailer. sadie looked up and met his gaze, obviously surprised. she hadn't known about this either.

finn rushed over to her and immediately hugged her. she hugged him back as she let out a small laugh. "i'm so happy to see you," he muttered as he gave her a small squeeze. "it's nice to see you too," she replied as she then pulled away and looked up at him.

he gave her a smile as he brushed a strand of her hair behind one of her ears. she smiled back a little bit as she looked past him to see millie and noah along with charlie  and winona. she gave one of his shoulders a small pat before walking past him and going to greet the others that had arrived with him.

finn watched her as she hugged all the others, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets. caleb approached him and slapped him on the back lightly as he said, "don't tell me you're jealous about her hugging the other castmates."

"i'm not caleb," finn said back honestly. he wasn't, he was just simply watching. sure maybe he wished she would have hugged him as long as she had hugged millie but he wasn't jealous. he knew her and millie were closer anyways and he was happy that they had hugged at all.

"really?" caleb asked, the disbelief in his voice obvious. finn looked over to the older boy and gave him an annoyed look. "yes really. now if you're only going to bug me about her go to your trailer. i'm not in the mood," he said back, not trying to sound mean but knowing he did anyways.

"geez someone doesn't like talking about their crush," caleb said back as he laughed a little bit, starting to walk away. but finn followed after him and stood in front of him as he said, "she's not my crush." caleb rose an eyebrow as he gave the curly haired boy a smile of amusement.

"okay fine, someone doesn't like talking about their girlfriend," he said back as he let out a small laugh. finn let out a huff as he lightly smacked one of caleb's shoulders. "she is NOT my girlfriend," he shot back.

"but you wish she was," caleb replied with a pointed expression. finn opened his mouth to reply and deny it but he couldn't think up a reply so he just shut his mouth after a moment, letting out a sigh of defeat which got another laugh from caleb.

"she is your crush. whether you want to admit it or not," caleb then said in a type of victorious tone. finn let out a scoff before leaving caleb and heading to sadie's trailer, hoping she was there.

once he got there he knocked on the door and waited. surely enough a moment later the ginger opened the door and stepped aside to let him walk in. once he did she shut the door and moved to plop down on her bed, it was obvious she had been watching some show before he came.

finn did the same thing, plopping to sit down behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, giving her another hug of sorts. sadie let out a small gasp of surprise at the gesture then tried to pry his arms off of her, but to no avail.

"finn i swear half the time you act like you like me," she said as she let out a soft sigh as she finally gave up on trying to pry his arms away. "i do like you," he said back as he rested his chin on one of her shoulders, his arms still firmly wrapped around her.

"i mean like as in more than friends," sadie explained back in response. "still true," finn said, not afraid to hold back from letting her know the truth. he wanted to be honest and he just couldn't go any longer without her knowing.

sadie tried to turn around and did so successfully since finn loosened his grip which allowed her to move. she gave him a look of surprise as she studied him for a moment, it was almost like she didn't believe him.

"stop looking at me like that," he told her after a moment, when his cheeks had started to burn and he felt butterflies gathering in his stomach. sadie widened her eyes a little bit as she gave him a curious look, "why?"

"because..." he said, unsure of what to say. he knew why he wanted her to stop looking at him the way she was but he didn't want to tell her. he knew if he did it would probably make the situation more awkward than it already was.

sadie kept the curious expression as he didn't really give much of an answer. she adjusted a little bit so she was sitting taller and could be more eye level with him, moving her face to be right in front of his. "finn, because why?" she asked again.

finn became extremely nervous at the closeness between them and he couldn't help but to glance down at her lips for a moment. and that didn't go unnoticed by her, "it's obvious you want to kiss me finn."

"y-yeah?" he asked back with a small nervous stutter as he directed his gaze downwards, feeling too awkward to hold her gaze anymore. sadie let out a small laugh as she then said softly,  "and you can, you know."

his head shot back up as he met her eyes again, "what?" "you can kiss me," she said as laughed a little bit again and gave him a warm smile.

"really?" he asked in disbelief. he was having trouble believing that she would actually let him kiss her. sadie rolled her eyes at him and knew he would probably question her words at least several more times so she decided to make the first move and leaned forward, pressing her lips against his for a soft kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

finn immediately responded, despite his surprise at the action. he wrapped his arms around her waist again like he had earlier as he kissed her back. it was a soft quick kiss that ended before it even started it seemed like to him.

once she pulled away she smiled a little bit, her cheeks flushed. "i didn't know you could be so bold," he said as he laughed a little bit, returning the smile she was giving him.

"that's what you got for not believing me," she said back as she gave him an amused look. he rolled his eyes playfully before saying, "well then maybe i'll have to not believe you more often now."

she let out a scoff as she went to try and hit him on the shoulder but he grabbed her hand before she could and leaned forward to kiss her, wanting to feel her lips against his again. she let out a small gasp at the gesture but accepted the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck again.

"this was the best christmas surprise ever," they both mumbled at the same time once they had pulled away. they burst out laughing before they leaned in to share yet another kiss.


wrote this a few days ago because i decided i wanted a little christmas themed one to publish on christmas so here you go, i hope you liked this christmas gift :) merry christmas and happy holidays!! ❤️

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