Author's Note

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"Hello, Merlin fans"...

... And to those who are not fans, yet. This story takes place after Season 5 (you know that heart breaking episode? Yep). But on a happier note, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. This story means a lot to me and I am grateful that you decided to click and read.


Just as King Arthur had his knights and friends to help him and guide him in his rule over Camelot, so I, being the creator of this particular story, have my girls and family to help me and guide me.

I would like to thank my loyal supporter and editor, vdeandrade, for her consistency in reading and keeping up-to-date with editing. Without her phenomenal grammar skills, this book would contain a horrendous amount of mistakes (and we wouldn't want that now, would we?)

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the artistic mind behind this creation, my dearest cousin, Reading_Lover1143, for not hindering those creative juices from flowing and for putting up with my indecisions.

Lastly, I thank my best friend, Reecie24, and my family for allowing me to go on about my theories and thoughts about this whole story, no matter how crazy they were.


However, this story would not have been born, had it not been for the one who revealed to me the magic of the Merlin series.

I wholeheartedly dedicate this story to the one who made it all happen, Aaliyahaniff.

I dedicate this story to her as a gift for her 21st birthday and as a gesture of my deepest gratitude to her for blessing my life.

Now without further ado, I hereby present to you:

Albion: The Beginning of the End (Book 1)

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now