The Dawn of the Day

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Merlin ran as if his life depended upon it, which, if he thought about it, kind of did. He burst through the council chambers satisfied only for a millisecond, because on the other side of the room he saw the face of the King, and unfortunately his best friend.

"Merlin," Arthur greeted beratingly, "it is so wonderful that you could join us today. As the Royal Sorcerer of Camelot, we have a different set of rules for you compared to those of the council members." Arthur pointedly stared at him as Merlin took his seat next to Arthur.

"Apologies my lord and members of the council,"Merlin said as he equally stared back at Arthur but passed pleasant looks towards the council members.

"I was up all night as I took the liberty to make a draft of the laws and regulations concerning the use of magic in Camelot."

Never in his entire existence did Merlin think he would be presenting this to the council of Camelot with him being the forerunner of the legalization of magic. This was, indeed, a momentous occasion for him.

Ever since Merlin saved Arthur from his mortal wound, thereby stopping the prophecy from coming to pass, Arthur decided to make Merlin the chief leader within the council of legalizing magic. Gaius had thought it a very wise idea and immediately supported him. Thus after much discussion within the council, it was agreed upon that they would appoint Merlin as the Royal Sorcerer of Camelot. This then allowed him to be a part of certain council meetings and this morning's meeting was one of them.

Arthur took the parchment from Merlin and skimmed through the words. He could not believe that this was happening. All his life he was taught that magic was an evil. But after he understood and witnessed the true purpose of magic, his heart began to ponder on all the teachings of his childhood. However, after months and months of guidance from and discussion with both Merlin and the council members he saw the importance of magic.

He passed the parchment on towards the rest of the council members to look at. "Remember you still have my chambers to clean and armour to polish afterwards," Arthur savagely whispered to Merlin. "And don't think you can get out of it, you're still my servant." Merlin smirked as he thought of a rather witty comeback when they were interrupted by Geoffrey of Monmouth, the royal scribe and recently advisor.

"My lord, royal sorcerer and fellow members, I would like to request that a copy of this draft is to be made for each member of the council to review and consider. And a week from now we shall convene and discuss what are the implications and ramifications." The old man looked around as the rest of the council nodded in agreement.

"This is wise and prudent Geoffrey and I concur wholeheartedly," Arthur replied with a satisfied smile. "The necessary arrangements will be made accordingly. The council is dismissed." Everyone stood up and bowed to the king as they all shuffled out.

"Well," exclaimed Merlin. "That went better than I thought." He grinned as Arthur replied, "Well if that is how these council meetings are going to start I have no hope for the future of Camelot." Arthur brushed past Merlin, but Merlin caught up easily.

"Come on Arthur! You're happy. You are at peace. I like this Arthur." Merlin smiled as he scanned his best friend's face.

"You are quite right Merlin, and so much so I have decided that you should muck out the stables as well," Arthur said, smiling brightly as Merlin rolled his eyes.

Some things never change, but that was quite alright, because Merlin loved nothing more than seeing his friend alive.


"My Lord!" someone yelled at the end of the hallway.

Merlin and Arthur turned to see Gaius hurrying towards them. He had an unreadable expression on his face, something like concern mixed with a tinge of excitement.

"Is everything alright Gaius?" Arthur asked. "My lord," Gaius said breathlessly, "You need to come with me."

Gaius turned without waiting for a response as Merlin and Arthur exchanged confused looks and followed the physician. Arthur was surprised when Gaius led them to the royal chambers, he wondered what nonsense Merlin did this time.

"Merlin! What did you do now?!" Arthur whispered ferociously. "Nothing! I swear!" Merlin held his arms up defensely as they rounded the corner to the royal chambers.

Upon entering, the three gentlemen were greeted by the sight of Guinevere sitting on the bed. "Guinevere, is everything alright?" Arthur asked concerned.

Guinevere always loved the way her name sounded on his lips. It felt right, and would always set a flame in her heart but this time it created a forest fire in her heart as their eyes met. "Arthur..." the queen said softly to her husband.

"Merlin I think it's best we leave them alone," Gaius quietly said as he nudged Merlin towards the door.

"But-" Merlin protested but stopped short when he saw a small smile on Gaius' lips. The doors of the royal chamber closed, but two pairs of ears were pressed tightly against the wood.

Guinevere slid down from the bed as she approached Arthur, her gown sweeping the floor beneath her feet. "Guinevere," he said again a little more worried, "are you alright?"

She reached to take his large hands into her small ones as she caressed his knuckles with her lips, her eye lashes lifting up as her eyes slid, for a mere moment to his lips, up the gentle slope of his nose to finally meet those dazzling blue eyes in which she could get lost for all eternity.

Those blue eyes that were now dark with worry but bathing in undying love as they looked down at her. "Arthur. I have something to tell you. Something that I have dreamt of telling you for many years."

A smile crossed his lips as he brought up her hands to kiss them tenderly. "Arthur," she began as tears started to form, "we are going to have a baby."

The look on Arthur's face would be etched in Guinevere's mind for the rest of her life.

"Wha- we- baby?" Arthur gasped as he tried to register the words that just came out of his wife's mouth.

"We are going to have a baby?! I am going to be a father?!" He looked at her so wildly she thought he was going to faint.

"Yes, my love. You are going to be a father," replied Guinevere smiling sweetly as she stroked his cheek.

Arthur stopped. He looked deep into Guinevere's eyes. " I am going to be a father?" he asked again, but this time there was a weight in that word,


Guinevere cupped his face and looked just as deeply into his as he did hers. "Yes Arthur, you are going to be a father."

The look, the atmosphere, her voice, all took him back to that morning many years ago when he finally realized that this was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The day when he saw that this was the queen who he was going to build his kingdom with. The day when they shared their first kiss in a small house under the magic of love.

Arthur could not stop himself as it all came to mind, when he embraced Guinevere and kissed her with that same love and passion that he had done so many years ago. This was their moment.

Just Arthur and Guinevere.

The place where their love began and would remain for all of eternity. And now almost a decade later they get to share that moment with the person born out of that undying love.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now