A Kingdom Divided

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Author's Note (real quick)

Trumpets sound off the royal fanfare

"Hear ye! Hear ye!"

In honour of her 21st birthday, Aaliyahaniff, due to her generous soul, thus inspiring me to be generous to you, I hereby give to you the remaining chapters of...

Albion: The Beginning of the End (Book 1)

Please, enjoy :)


The next morning, Arthur burst into Merlin's room, which startled Gaius from his sleep.

"Any improvement?" Arthur asked the physician looking over at Merlin. He was up all night hoping and praying that his friend would soon come to; for the council was to convene this morning further discussing the use of magic in Camelot.

Merlin also had to relay the information he had obtained from Axel concerning Lord Murrin, but ever since Merlin was found laying out cold in the castle halls, Arthur was still in the dark.

"No, sire. He did not stir at all through the night. He just lay there as if he were dead, but his breath is the only indication that he is not." Gaius stood up from his chair that was next to Merlin's bed.

The king and his physician exited the warlock's room, both exhausted from a disturbed night and worried about their friend.

"Gaius. I need you to tell me everything that you know," Arthur said, his tone drenched in worry. "We cannot allow this to keep happening to him. There is something at work, something that is beyond the work of nature. I may not be a physician, but I do know when someone is sick, and Merlin is certainly not."

The men sighed and stood silent for a moment before Gaius replied.

"Arthur. There is something going on," he began to explain. "The first time Merlin went under, he saw a black, cloaked figure. He saw it try to attack you, the night of the banquet."

Arthur's face morphed into confusion as he tried to remember seeing a figure that night.

"But there was no one that night trying to attack me,"he said. "I didn't even sense a presence near me."

"That is why it is concerning," Gaius replied. "And then, when Merlin came to the next day, he told me that he saw that same figure in a vision."

Arthur perked up at this. "What did he say he saw?"

Gaius glanced back at the bedroom door and then turned back to Arthur. "I know Merlin would not be upset about me telling you this, but I do think it is imperative that you know this. We would want to prevent this from happening again."

"What is it, Gaius?" Arthur asked, his voice low.

"Merlin said he saw Morgana as the black, cloaked figure. She told him that he would pay for saving your life by defying the prophecy."

Arthur took a step back, trying to make sense of what Gaius told him. "How would he pay?" he asked after a long silence.

The old man sighed as he shrugged his shoulders, but his face contorted into confusion. "That, I do not know, sire. But as I told Merlin, so I tell you; we need to be alert. We may not know what price Merlin has to pay, but what we do know is that you and Merlin are destined to bring about Albion. You both need to stand by each other. After all two is better than one." Gaius gave Arthur an encouraging smile then began to prepare for the day.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now