The Pendragon Dynasty

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Merlin's eyes roamed around the throne hall as citizens and even some visitors from abroad came streaming in through the doors.

Two days had passed since he found out that Guinevere was pregnant and he could not for the life of him wipe the smile off of his face. He was beyond happy for his two best friends.

He felt at peace. The Pendragon dynasty would live on.

Going against the tradition upheld in the Camelot history, where the king would declare any news of significance to the royal court first and then to the people of Camelot, the king and queen decided to make this announcement to the entirety of Camelot.

After all that they had been through as a nation, as a people, Arthur and Guinevere saw it fit to celebrate as one.

As Merlin continued to survey the mass, his eyes fell upon a golden haired girl who was looking outside the windows opposite her. The girl had an absentminded but pleasant look as something kept her gaze beyond the walls of the castle hall.

Merlin turned to see what captured her attention when his gaze swept past a familiar face. Their eyes met and his mother waved at him. He could see the pride and utter joy in her face when he returned her wave.

Finally the noise ceased, and the heralder came up on the dais. "Milords, royal members of the court, and fellow citizens of Camelot. I welcome you as I proudly announce the arrival of His Majesty King Arthur and our beloved Queen Guinevere!"

The heralder stepped down as the fanfare reverberated through the hall. The doors opened up to reveal the beaming royals.

As the Once and Future King and Queen slowly made their way down the centre they nodded in greeting to their people. Merlin's mother gave a small wave to Guinevere when their eyes met and Guinevere couldn't stop her smile from widening as she nodded in greeting to her friend.

Once they had reached the dais, the king and queen turned to face their people. "Citizens of Camelot and visitors from afar. I, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, along with her Royal Highness Queen Guinevere welcome you with open arms!"

Arthur's smile could be seen from the back of the hall as he looked at his fellow citizens. "Over the past months there has been talk within these castle walls about the legalization of magic. I am aware that there are many who are sceptical and concerned. But know this, my people, I will not in any way put you in harm's way. I will be deliberating with the finest counsellors of Camelot" - he gazed at the council and momentarily at Merlin - "who will be your voice in the council chambers. Therefore, take heart my people, for the best is yet to come!"

There was a quaint applause as some were still wary but their love for their king overruled any doubts.

"However," Arthur continued," that is not the reason we have gathered today. For today you are here to witness a moment in the Pendragon history that has not come to pass for nearly 30 years."

The congregation began to murmur amongst themselves guessing as to what was happening.

Arthur looked at Guinevere as she placed her hand in his and squeezed it encouragingly.

"The Queen is with child!"

Arthur's proud voice boomed in the hall, but it did not compare to the thunderous applause and cheers that emanated from his people.

The citizens of Camelot were overjoyed and beyond excited that the cacophony of noise they produced would certainly have caused a small earthquake.

Then, with one voice, with one heart, the People of Camelot resounded, "Long live the King and Queen! Long live the King and Queen! Long live the King and Queen!"

Merlin saw the pride in each and every citizen's face as they chanted, however what caught his attention at that moment was a black cloaked figure that loomed in the back of the hall. He did not see a face nor anything that resembled one thereof. But he stopped himself.


Not today.

There have been too many evils that have taken away many a joyous moment and he was not going to allow that to happen to him today. He could deal with it tomorrow.

Today he was going to celebrate.

Today he was going to revel in the joy of a new Pendragon coming into this world.


The noise started to subside as the people milled out the hall. There were excited voices and laughter as they exited.

Merlin couldn't help but look to see if the hooded figure was waiting around, but as he suspected it was nowhere in sight. He sighed as he shook his head. Perhaps it was just his imagination playing with him.

He glanced over at Percival, but did not expect to see the look on his face. "You alright there, Percival?" Merlin asked.

Percival looked at Merlin with a sad look in his eyes accompanied by a sad smile. "I was just thinking of Elyan," he replied.

"I remember," he continued, "when we would go on the patrols early in the morning. He was always so talkative during that time. The rest of us were groggy and annoyed that he was an early bird."

Percival laughed as he thought of his friend. "But Elyan could be serious and when he was you felt it. He used to talk of how he would've loved to have a family of his own, how he would've loved bonding over sword training with his son and teaching his daughter to be an archer while his wife would be mildly upset. But his fierce loyalty to Arthur and Guinevere overruled those fantasies. However, he wanted a little niece or nephew so that in some small way he could do those things with the little one, even if it wasn't one of his own." Percival sighed as he reminisced about his friend.

Merlin sighed too thinking of how so much had changed for the knights and how much they had to do to fill the shoes left behind by Lancelot, Elyan, and Gwaine.

He missed them and often thought about how noisy they would be after finding out the news that Arthur was to be a father. They would probably tease him with all sorts of tricks and jabs, but they were closer than brothers and the bond between them would support them whether in battle or fatherhood.

Leon walked into the sombre moment. "Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Announcement of the new Pendragon child and you lads look as though you heard you would never get a day off for all eternity." Percival slugged Leon as he walked away.

"What's wrong with him?" Leon gestured behind him.

"He is just missing Elyan. That's all," Merlin replied with a sad smile. Leon returned it as he patted Merlin's shoulder empathetically walking away.

"Oh!" Leon turned back to Merlin. "Arthur told me to give you this. I'll see you at the feast later."

Leon handed Merlin a small piece of parchment and left. Curiously, Merlin opened the parchment and read:

"Clot pole. My robes, trousers and basically everything need to be washed, pressed and immaculate for tonight's celebrations. And while you're at it, don't come and bother me until an hour before the feast to get me ready."

Although Arthur had become a wise, just, and kind sovereign, once a prat always a prat.

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