An Unexpected Home

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Merlin woke up with a start, wondering why he was sleeping on a chair.

But then he looked over at his bed and all that happened came back to him. The girl was still lying fast asleep, her features were soft as the morning light gently illuminated her skin. She almost looked like a fairy, but then he remembered her aggression in the forest.

He sighed standing up, he was still confused about this girl. Merlin realized with a start that he didn't even know her name.

Gaius was preparing breakfast when he exited his bedroom. "How is our patient doing this morning?" the older gentleman asked.

Merlin sat down and yawned. "Oh! She's still sleeping, so I guess that's good."

Gaius laid out the bowls of porridge and sat down to eat with Merlin. They both sat in silence for awhile thinking about the girl in the next room.

"Gaius," Merlin began. "That girl, I was with her on the night of the banquet, but she wasn't like how I saw her in the forest. It was like two different people. When she took out those men, she didn't have that look of fear. She looked so confident, so sure of herself, it was a little scary in fact."

Gaius took his time to answer him. "Merlin, even with your powers, you are still not very knowledgeable when it comes to women." Merlin gave him an annoyed look, but Gaius continued unperturbed.

"But we must be careful. I'll look after her while you go about your duties. I'm sure Arthur will be expecting you soon."

Before Merlin said anything there was a knock on the door. "Merlin, the king requests your presence," the voice said on the other side.

"Speak of the devil," he said. Merlin smirked at Gaius as he stood up to go see what that cabbage head wanted now.


While waiting for breakfast to arrive, Arthur and Guinevere were seated at the table going through documents and letters concerning the kingdom, however Guinevere's mind was elsewhere.


"Hmm?" he replied looking up from the letter in front of him.

"What name or names did you think of giving to our baby?" Her cheeks reddened as he looked at her.

Even though she was finishing up three months of her pregnancy, they still could not believe that they were going to have a baby.

He looked at her sitting back in his chair contemplating his answer. "Well,"he began, sitting forward again and taking her hand. "If it's a boy, we should name him Thomas. Prince Thomas Pendragon."

Guinevere was taken aback by his answer. "My-my family name?" she asked, tears pooling in her beautiful eyes.

"Yes, Thomas. That's perfect." He smiled lovingly at her while he wiped her tears away.

"And what if it is a girl?" she couldn't help but ask.

"I haven't thought about that one as yet," he answered sheepishly.

"I did," she said, grinning. "We should call her, if-" Guinevere was interrupted by Merlin clamouring in with their breakfast.

"About time, Merlin. Guinevere could've had our baby already," Arthur said in that tone he always used when messing around with his friend.

Guinevere lightly swatted his arm but couldn't help smiling. She loved and appreciated these times more than she admitted.

After all that she had been through with Morgana, her father and Elyan's deaths as well as almost losing Arthur, she couldn't have asked for a better family. Because that is how she saw Merlin and Gaius; they had become her family and she would do anything for them.

She was grateful that her and Arthur's child would be brought into this chaotic and witty family. She watched as the two friends continued to banter, happily enjoying the light and carefree atmosphere they were wrapped up in.

" if you know how to cook!" Guinevere caught Merlin's last retort as she came back from her thoughts.

"Pfft! I don't need to. That's why I got you," Arthur replied smugly as he waited for Merlin's reply.

"A little out of words, are we Merlin?" Arthur couldn't help but jab at Merlin when he took awhile to reply.

Merlin huffed in response as he left the chambers leaving behind a chuckling Arthur.

Oh he is so going to pay for that! Merlin vowed to himself.


Merlin walked into the chamber, a sour look on his face.

"You could curdle milk with that face. What did Arthur do to you now?" Gaius asked amused.

Merlin rolled his eyes as he replied, "Being his usual irritating self. Nothing else."

Gaius chuckled lightly and said, "I suggest you take that look off, because our visitor is awake and I'm sure you would want to ask her some questions."

All thoughts of planning his revenge were swept from his mind when he heard the news. Merlin headed straight to his room and went in softly.

The girl was, once again, looking out the window. He wondered if she had some sort of fascination with the glass.

"Hello," he said cheerfully, hoping she would recognise him. But when she turned to face him, her eyes held a calculated look as though she was determining if it was safe to talk to him. However, it vanished quickly before she greeted him back with a guarded smile.

"H-How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"Much better thank you," she replied in that same guarded way.

There was an awkward beat of silence before Merlin tried to continue the conversation, or sad resemblance thereof.

"Ahem! I uh, I was wondering if maybe you, uh, remember me?" He scratched his head awkwardly while waiting for her response.

She tilted her head as she studied him for a bit. Merlin squirmed a little under her gaze, but then he noticed that golden speck in her eyes.

That same look which he saw in the banquet hall. Something inside him stirred ever so slightly he might have missed it, but before he could think about it, she replied, "Were you one of the men who rescued me?"

Her question sounded so innocent, it was like he was talking to the girl from the banquet. "Uh, yes I was, but do you remember me anytime before that?" he asked hopeful. She looked down at her hands scrunching her nose in concentration.

Merlin remembered how adorable she looked when she tried to solve the mystery of the missing olive. He could not believe that this girl was the same one he had met at the banquet, but somehow it felt like he was meeting her all over again, although in a way it was since he did not know her name, yet.

She finally picked up her head and looked at Merlin sorrowfully. "I'm sorry. I don't remember you at all." She sighed looking defeated.

"Oh, don't worry." He laughed awkwardly, trying to make light of it.

"Well, let me get you something to eat. Gaius has made some soup for lunch." She nodded in response and he turned to leave.

"I forgot to ask you," Merlin said turning around, "What's your name?"

Her lips formed into a small smile, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight as she gave her answer.

"My name is Cecilia. I am the daughter of Darius."

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now