The Council

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The air was cold underneath the moonlit hallways.

The light of the full moon cast shadows on the walls as two dark figures met at that hour.

The smaller of the two began, "What news of the council?"

"They intend to meet in the morning," the larger one replied.

"Just as we thought," the small figure smirked.

It turned to face the larger one. "You remember what was discussed?" The larger one nodded in response. "Good."

The larger figure turned to leave but stopped to ask the smaller figure, "Do you think it will work?"

The smaller figure smiled, "You're forgetting how well I know him. Just use your words and intellect, as you did when you were brought into the council. The king and the council will fall into doubt and division and then we will begin. I must go."

The smaller figure disappeared in a black cloud before vanishing completely. The larger figure exited the hallway.


"Merlin wake up! You're going to be late, again!"

Merlin bolted up at the sound of Gaius' voice. He looked around at the mess of books and papers that were strewn about the room.

"Oh no." Merlin held his head when he remembered that the council was to convene soon. He rushed to get himself ready.

"Save some breakfast for me!" he called out in response to Gaius dishing out porridge into the second bowl.

He raced out the door as Gaius shook his head in amusement. With all his magic, Merlin still couldn't keep time.

Thankfully, Merlin reached the doors of the council chambers with a few seconds to spare. He used that time to straighten himself up; he was not going to enter as he did last time. As dignified as he could be he opened the doors and entered.

It would seem that luck was on his side today, because all the members were still standing around conversing with one another.

Merlin sighed in relief sitting down in his spot. He surveyed the room when his stomach growled loudly.

I guess you will have to wait, he said to himself silently.

Finally the lords of the council began to take their places.

"I hope you are ready, Merlin," a dark haired lord said as he sat next to Merlin. He smiled and nodded in response, because frankly he was feeling nervous. He just hoped his stomach would stay quiet during the meeting.

Arthur stood up to greet the council. "Lords of the council. I thank you all for taking the time to review the laws concerning the use of magic. I hope that today will prove to be a fruitful discussion. So without further ado, I would like to open the discussion to anyone who would like to raise their concerns." Arthur nodded as he took his place.

There was an air of hesitancy amongst the members as they looked between themselves and the copy of the laws that lay before them.

The silence was broken by the clearing of a throat which belonged to the lord sitting next to Merlin.

"My lord, if I may?" he asked, referring to Arthur.

"Certainly, Lord Murrin."

He gestured for the lord to continue.

"First, I would like to congratulate, my lord, on the announcement of the heir to the throne of Camelot. I wish you everything of the best." The lord placed his hand upon his heart as a gesture of sincerity.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now