Albion's Doom

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"I've got break-"


Merlin's proclamation was interrupted by Arthur quieting him.

"Guinevere is still asleep!" Arthur whispered harshly pointing towards the bed. Merlin looked over at the queen and saw the dark colouring under her eyes. Although she was asleep, she did not look well.

"Is she alright?" Merlin asked worriedly.

Arthur sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, he looked anxious. "She kept tossing and turning in her sleep. She whimpered now and then as if she were having a nightmare," Arthur replied as he leaned on the table looking at his wife.

"Arthur, you need to tell Gaius. It is more than just her life at risk, it is also your child's," Merlin said softly. Arthur sighed again as he straightened himself up.

"You're right, Merlin. Come on. I'll get ready in the armoury, we should leave Guinevere to rest." Merlin nodded in response as he went to open the door.

He expected to see Arthur walk past him, but he turned to catch him planting a soft kiss on his wife's forehead. Merlin looked on sympathetically as Arthur turned to head out.

They were silent while Merlin helped Arthur into his armour. Both of them were concerned about their Queen and the future of Camelot. It seemed as though they were back to worrying.

This feeling accompanied them onto the training grounds and Arthur's men sensed that their king's mind was elsewhere.

Arthur told the men to pair up as he would be observing them today. He watched as his oldest knight, Leon, and his newest knight, Axel, paired up to train.

Then an idea came to him.

After training, he dismissed his men and called Merlin to his side.

"Merlin, I need you to do something for me. I need you to talk to Axel. If we can get any information regarding his father, then perhaps I can resolve at least one concern." Merlin bowed and turned to leave.

Arthur lingered on the grounds deciding to practice on his own.


It was amazing how Arthur had such an effect on his men. Even though they were clamouring about, there was a slight sombre feel in the air surrounding the knights.

"Is Arthur alright?" Percival asked Leon as they headed out of the armoury. "I know he has a lot to deal with, what with magic being legalised and all, but today something more important was bothering him."

"Your guess is as good as mine," Leon replied. "But there is no harm in asking him. Besides he is more than our king; he is our friend. He should not feel alone in this."

"You're right," Percival said. They continued on in silence thinking of how they could help their friend.

Merlin waited for the knights to clear out so he could talk to Axel alone. He was always the last one to leave, which Merlin could never figure out why.

The young knight was placing his armour neatly on the side when Merlin approached him. "Sir Axel, right?" Merlin asked quietly, not wanting to scare him.

Axel turned around unfazed. "Yes. You are Merlin, am I correct?" he asked pointing at Merlin.

"Yes I am. I am Arthur's servant." He smiled trying to lighten the mood. Axel nodded as he recognised the man.

"I was hoping," Merlin said, "you could help me." The knight gestured for Merlin to continue. "Could you perhaps tell me about your father?"

Axel was surprised but he quickly masked it with irritation. "I do not know much about him. He is hardly around; he never was. When I was growing up he would spend months away from home doing God knows what, and when he was home, he would lock himself up in his study. Our maid would leave his food on a tray outside his study door and go back to fetch the empty dishes later on. The only time he would speak was if he was leaving for some place or coming back from wherever he wandered off to." He looked to see Merlin's reaction at this information.

Merlin was beyond confused, he was definitely not expecting this of Lord Murrin.

"I'm sorry Merlin, but that is all I have," Axel apologised and then walked out the armoury.

Merlin took awhile to take in this information, not paying attention to the rest of the conversation.

He had to tell Arthur.


There was determination in his stride as he walked towards the royal chambers.

Merlin was convinced that Axel's information regarding Lord Murrin was vital in understanding how best to deal with this situation.

He walked down the passage way, but was stopped. That familiar feeling of cold and darkness surrounded him causing him to halt in his footsteps.

The darkness closed in upon him.

Then a figure emerged from the blackness as if it were made of the darkness itself. The warlock recognised the figure as the one in the banquet hall as well as in his vision. It hovered close enough for Merlin to look inside the hood, but there was no face to behold.

"Emrys," the dark voice echoed throughout the halls. Merlin felt faint but hid that feeling; he was not going to appear weak in front of the being that threatened him.

"You are meddling with things that you do not understand," the figure said. "You are tearing apart that which is to come to pass. If you continue, you will be the downfall of Albion." Merlin felt his heart sink deep into his toes.

How? How was he going to bring Albion's destruction when he was destined to save it?

"How am I Albion's doom?" he asked feeling his strength slowly leave him. "Am I not destined to bring about Albion?" The figure glanced down at him as he began to fall on his knees.

"You defied the prophecy concerning the death of the Once and Future King, therefore you will pay for treating the words of the Old Religion with disregard and dishonour. You will not only witness the destruction of Albion, but you will be the cause of it. You were warned Emrys, but you did not take heed. Now your fealty to the king will be your undoing."

Merlin's eyes began to close as the darkness began to vanish. He slipped into the darkness as two guards rounded the corner just in time to see the royal sorcerer fall unconscious.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now