Old and New Memories

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Six hours later, a very tired Merlin collapsed in the chair next to the fire. The chamber that he shared with Gaius for so long was a place that always brought him comfort and peace.

For years it was the only place where he could completely be himself, for Gaius was the one who taught him the true meaning and purpose of magic.

Without this elderly gentleman that he had grown so fond of, he would've been in the same state, if not worse off than Morgana.

Morgana, he thought. He would remember that day for as long as he lived. He stared into the fire the scene unfolding in front of him as if he were transported back in time.

(Flashback to a year and a half ago)

The limp body of Morgana Pendragon lay cold on the ground as Merlin dragged an almost lifeless Arthur towards the lake of Avalon.

"No Arthur! I am going to save you! I will!" Merlin cried desperately as he saw his friend's life slip away.

"Merlin... just...just hold me," Arthur said painfully.

"No Arthur," Merlin said determinedly, "I am going to save you."

Arthur chuckled weakly and said, "Even with all your power Merlin, you cannot save me."

That was when something inside Merlin clicked. It was a force more powerful than he had ever experienced.

A power that came from the bond he shared with Arthur.

Merlin lifted up his eyes to the heavens and with a mighty voice commanded the time to stop.

All around them grew still.

There was no wind, no birdsong.

The air itself stood still.

Merlin's eyes were fiery as he called the mighty dragon to his side. The flapping of wings could be heard from miles away, like a pin drop in the midst of a silent crowd.

Killgarah landed as the Dragonlord looked into his eyes with power and authority. "I have one more favour to ask of you, old friend." Merlin could not be resisted as the power radiated off of him like waves.

Killgarah carried the Once and Future King, and the Greatest Warlock to the Lake of Avalon.

Merlin dismounted and dragged Arthur's limp body towards the Lake. There was barely a pulse from Arthur, but Emrys had hope.

"You cannot save him, young warlock," the dragon sadly commented.


The warlock's heart-breaking cry sent a shiver through the scales of the dragon. It was then that the ancient creature realized that the bond between the King and the Warlock would be unbreakable, thus giving Merlin the power to do more than he could ever imagine and that gave the dragon more hope than he ever thought he could have.

"Very well, young warlock," the dragon said slowly. "If you wish to save your King, you must cast a spell to open the gates of Avalon. Once the whirlpool appears place Arthur within alongside the sword that was forged in a dragon's breath. For that will assure the people of Avalon that Arthur is indeed the Once and Future King."

Merlin felt his power begin to wane as he knelt in front of the Lake of Avalon.

He felt the weight.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now