Darkness Descends (Part 1)

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Two days later, Merlin finally came to. He woke up feeling a cold cloth against his forehead, his vision hazy as he tried to get everything into perspective.

However he did not expect to see a certain golden haired girl attending to him. He sat up with a start as she gasped in surprise.

"Oh!" she exclaimed her eyes sparkling with delight. "You're awake. How are you feeling?"

Merlin looked around for a moment trying to make sense of why Cecilia was in his room attending to him. It was strange for him as he was always used to waking up to Gaius' face instead.

"Where is Gaius?" he asked a confused expression on his face.

"Oh, Gaius is laying down for awhile. You see, he wasn't feeling well and the fact that you were out for two days sort of wearied him, so I offered to help take care of you. I thought it was the least I could do for you," Cecilia explained to the confused warlock as she began to clear away the medicine bottles and bandages she had been using.

"Hang on," Merlin said after awhile. "You said that I was out for two days?" His face was wrought in incredulity thinking of how much time was spent with Arthur not knowing anything about Lord Murrin.

"Yes," Cecilia answered, giving Merlin a soft smile.

"I need to get to Arthur," he said getting up but he failed as she placed a firm hand on his shoulders.

"No, no," she said wagging her finger in the air as if he was a naughty little boy. Her grin set Merlin's stomach aflutter but he ignored it as he tried to be stern.

"There is something important that Arthur needs to know. I have to tell him." Merlin realized that his pleas were falling on deaf ears so he settled on pouting. Cecilia let out a hearty laugh as she shook her head at him.

"Merlin! You can tell him after lunch. I'll wake up Gaius and make us something to eat," she told him, exiting the room with Gaius' medicine bag carried against her hip.

The three of them sat down for lunch.

"It's good to have you back, Merlin," Gaius said regarding him with a mischievous grin. Merlin rolled his eyes in response and turned his attention to the girl sitting next to him.

"So, Cecilia," Merlin began, "how are you still here?"

Cecilia took a sip of her water before answering. "Well, since I have recovered, Gaius helped me get some work in the palace. He has been very good to me and even taught me some things regarding medicine," she finished off and continued to eat.

Merlin watched her thinking back to the banquet hall where he first met her. Gaius grinned at him again and then continued to eat.

"Uh, where are you from?" Merlin asked trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

"I am from Cenred's kingdom," the girl said. "My parents passed away a year ago, so I decided to come to Camelot and see what all the fuss was about the new king. I also thought that perhaps I could start a new life here; maybe even meet someone." She blushed at her last statement and looked away from Merlin.

His cheeks went red at her last statement as well. Gaius looked at the young pair in front of him and shook his head amused.

"I, uh," Cecilia began awkwardly as she stood up to clear away the dishes. "I have to get back to work. I will see you later then?" she asked Merlin shyly.

"Uh, yes, ahem! Sure," he replied awkwardly. She giggled and left the chambers.

Gaius turned to face Merlin, chuckling lightly. "Well," he mused. "This is quite the development." Merlin rolled his eyes again, it seemed that was his only answer.

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