Mystery of a Stranger

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Merlin entered the library, Geoffrey was sitting in his spot.

"Ah, Merlin," the old man greeted him. "What or who are you after today?" Merlin had lost count of how many times he had been in the library over the years, but even with all the chaos he created, Geoffrey was always willing to help him.

"I am certain you know why I am here," Merlin said meaningfully. "I need to know everything about him." The librarian nodded and led him towards a row of books on the left.

Merlin followed as they came to a shelf that contained books of enormous size. "The book that you're looking for is on the third shelf from the top, six books from the left." Merlin used his magic to levitate the book down towards him.

"Unh!" he grunted when the book landed in his hands.

"This is part of the collection of records that contains the names of all the citizens of Camelot as well as their history. It should give you the answers you're looking for," Geoffrey said then left Merlin to do his research.

Merlin took the book to an empty table and began shuffling through the pages. He went straight for the "M" section, looking to find the Murrin family line.

"Sirus Murrin, son of... Mayan....."

He continued to go through the families until he finally came to Lord Murrin:

'Alidor Murrin, father: Tymar Murrin, descendants: Axel Murrin.'

'Axel Murrin, father: Alidor Murrin, descendants: none.'

Merlin looked back and forth between Murrin's ancestors hoping to pick up a familiar name or someone of importance, but all he saw was a line of Murrins, simple, ordinary folk. In some ways it made sense why Arthur allowed such a man of simple standing to be a member of the court; he always wanted his people to be properly represented.

However, this confused Merlin, as one from such a background would not have dealings with magicians or sorcerers, but even he knew that people should not be taken at face value. He decided to look through the other books.

Unfortunately, after two more hours of searching, Merlin had no luck, but he was not going to give up. He would get to the bottom of it, he always did.

Thus he decided to put it on hold, getting up to get the horses prepared for the patrol.


"Did Lord Murrin have any more information for you?" Merlin asked Arthur when they were clear of the city.

The forest was peaceful during this time of day, the sun rays casting columns of light through the trees making one want to laze in its warmth. The air was so light, but the minds of the two men patrolling were anything but.

"Unfortunately not much," Arthur replied disappointedly. "He only apologised for the way he behaved during the council meeting, but nothing behind why he said those things. Now I'm even more confused. His disposition and behaviour in the council was so passionate and driven. It seems like he has a history with magic, and perhaps he may even have magic."

"No he doesn't," Merlin replied quickly. "If he did, I would have sensed it." He and Arthur continued to ride down the path, each lost in their own thoughts.

They felt the weight of responsibility upon their shoulders, for the fate of Camelot rested in both their hands. However, Merlin wondered, if he could defy the prophecy concerning Arthur's death, how many more could he defy?

Suddenly there was a scream.

Merlin and Arthur were ripped from their thoughts. They didn't even think twice as they dismounted, Arthur drawing his sword. They crept towards the place where they heard the scream.

They came upon a clearing where a girl was being pushed around by a group of men. They were not hurting her but merely teasing her cruelly.

"Not yet, Merlin!" Arthur whispered when he saw Merlin getting ready to use his magic. Ever since Merlin's magic became known to the council as well as to the residence of the castle, Arthur and Merlin agreed that only under extreme and necessary circumstances would Merlin use his magic.

They watched as the men left her alone before they crept slowly towards her, but they were spotted.

"Get them!" a man called out to the others as they went after Arthur and Merlin.

But, then the girl got up.

She screamed so loud that the men around her were knocked out. Arthur and Merlin looked just in time to see her collapse.

"She has magic," Merlin said, looking wide eyed at Arthur.

They both hurried towards the girl to check if she was alive. Merlin removed her hood and halted in shock.

"What is it, Merlin? Is she dead?" Arthur asked. Merlin went pale when he saw the girl's face.

"Arthur," he replied, "this is the girl I was with at the banquet."


Arthur and Merlin rushed into Gaius' chambers as they laid the girl on the table.

"What happened?" Gaius asked getting his glasses before examining the girl.

"She collapsed, but there was no injury or any signs of illness. She just collapsed," Arthur explained.

"Gaius," Merlin said getting his attention "She has magic. She used her powers to knock out the men who had captured her." The scars on her wrists were proof that she wasn't there of her own volition.

"Let us move her to your bedroom, Merlin, and we will continue to watch her closely until she wakes up." Merlin nodded as he and Arthur carried her into the bedroom.

"Let me know if there are any developments, Gaius,"Arthur said to the physician then left.

"I'll watch her," Merlin said to Gaius, settling down in the chair next to the bed. He studied the girl closely.

This girl whom he saw in the forest was not the same girl he met at the banquet. That girl was so shy and innocent, but the one that lay in front of him was strong, determined even.

He wondered who could she be.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now