Estranged Family

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Gaius was preparing lunch when Merlin exited his room.

"What did she tell you?" Gaius asked stirring the pot of soup.

Merlin sighed and answered, "Well, she is feeling better and she can't remember anything, the best part being that she doesn't recognise me." He huffed and sat down.

Gaius gave him a sympathetic smile dishing out the soup in the bowls.

"I save Arthur, I saved Camelot, and yet I can't seem to find love." Merlin was forlorn thinking of his unfortunate circumstances. His head was in his hands as he watched Gaius prepare the food.

"Did she tell you her name?" Gaius' question interrupted Merlin's session of sorrow.

"Yeah," he answered, lifting up his head, "It's Cecilia. She is the daughter of Darius."

The spoon clattered in the pot causing soup to spill. Merlin jumped at the sound, but when he saw the look of incredulity on Gaius' face, his fright wore off.

"Gaius? What is it?" Merlin said getting up and walked towards Gaius.

The physician looked towards the bedroom door. "It can't be," he whispered still flabbergasted.

"Gaius?" Merlin said again trying to get his attention. "Do you know that name?" Gaius nodded as Merlin helped him to sit down.

He drew a shaky breath. "Yes, y-yes Merlin I do."

Merlin bent to meet his gaze. "How?" he whispered.

Gaius looked into Merlin's eyes as he repeated the words that had long died in his heart.

"He is my brother."

Merlin's face contorted into shock and surprise. Never before had Gaius mentioned anything about his childhood or family for that matter. He was a private man and only gave information when necessary.

Merlin sat down next to him digesting his words. "Wha-what happened?" Merlin ventured.

Gaius looked at Merlin. He studied him for a moment contemplating whether he should tell him. But Gaius knew that despite his tendency to keep his life private, he could not and would not keep this from Merlin. After all he loved this boy as his own son.

So Gaius decided to let Merlin into a bit of his past.

"It happened many years ago," Gaius started, taking another shaky breath.

"Gaius," Merlin stopped him. "If you do not feel comfortable, you don't have to tell me." He placed his hands on the pair of old ones.

The old man smiled at the warlock. He was grateful for his kindness. "It's alright Merlin," Gaius said, patting Merlin's hand. "I want to tell you." Merlin smiled and nodded for him to continue.

"We lived in an outlying village of Camelot," Gaius continued with his story. "It was only the four of us, my mother, my father, my brother and me. I was the quiet one, always in the books hungering after knowledge; for my love of knowledge had already begun. My mother and I would pour over books of science, while my father and brother would train outside. However, both my parents encouraged me to learn a little in combat as it would be beneficial for me. My brother would train me because I was scared of my father. He was stoic and sturdy, and frowned upon my love for reading.

One day my brother and I were training. I was a fast learner and a good observer so I decided to try something, but I did not calculate properly and I injured my brother. I had never felt so guilty before so I ran to tend to him. I did not know what came over me but suddenly there I was holding his arm and casting a spell to heal him. It worked and we were stunned. I will never forget the look on his face. There was shock but the fear in his eyes scared me. He ran into the house telling our mother and father I had magic.

Later that night we heard them arguing, my father was beyond furious while my mother was as calm as ever. After that incident, my brother and I fell apart. He would always avoid me and refused to train me.

One day I confided in my mother. She sat me down and explained to me that the reason I had magic was her fault, because she had magic. I was surprised, but somehow I knew that the reason she and I were so close was of the magic that bonded us and of course I knew it wasn't her fault, but I listened nonetheless. Then she told me something that changed my life forever.

'My son, I want you to promise me that you will never forget what I am about to tell you.' I nodded, not once taking my eyes off of her.

'Your magic is a gift. It is special, just like you. So I want you to use your gift, your magic for good. You will be tempted to use it for pleasure, but that is abuse. You must, please son, use your magic for good. For that is it's true purpose. Use it to enhance your love for science. Use it to help those who don't have magic. Do so and you will never see it as a burden.'

From that day on I vowed to keep that promise. So I left home to seek a teacher so that I could keep my promise, and that is how I came to be here in Camelot.

I never saw my family again, nor heard from them save for the letter my father sent telling me that my mother had passed and he and my brother were leaving to Cenred's kingdom, though he was but a mere child and his father reigned those parts during that time. But I found my home in Camelot. I had found my own family with Alice, in the palace, and now with you, Merlin."

Gaius exhaled feeling as though he had lost all his energy. Merlin exhaled as well reflecting on Gaius' story. They sat in silence for sometime when the soup started to bubble over. Gaius got up to attend to the soup, a weight lifting off of his shoulders.

"Merlin," Gaius said looking at the young man. Merlin raised his head to look at the old man.

"I know you won't do so, but please do not mention any of this to Arthur. I-I am not ready to tell anyone as yet."

Merlin nodded in understanding and stood up to help Gaius continue to prepare for lunch.


The sun was setting as the colour of the sky turned from orange to pink.

Merlin loved this time of day, when the dark curtains of the night slowly started to draw to a close, signalling the end of another day. Merlin watched from the window of the royal chambers.

Arthur and his knights would be finishing up their training for the day. Merlin hadn't joined them for Gaius' story still played on his mind and he did not want to be in anyone's company.

He thought of Gaius and his brother. There were many moments in his lifetime when Merlin wondered what it would've been like to have a brother or sister; to be protective over or be protected by a sibling.

But those thoughts were soon put to rest when Arthur's voice sounded from the hallway.

"MER-LIN!" Arthur shouted in that tone he always used when he was agitated. He opened the door to see Merlin already in his chambers.

"Where the hell have you been, you clot pole?! I have been looking all over for you!" Merlin walked casually towards Arthur, deliberately taking his time.

"Are you even listening?!" Arthur asked in anger. "I need to get dressed as quickly as possible. I must speak with Gaius and afterwards I am going for a walk with Guinevere. I do not want to keep her waiting." Arthur continued frantically trying to take of his cloak in the process.

Merlin shrugged in response, taking his time to help Arthur out of his armour.

But Arthur grew impatient. "Are you so thick headed that you can't even perform the simplest of tasks with haste?!" He was growing furious.

"I give up!" He threw his hands up in defeat. "I'll just go like this! And I'm sure the court physician and my wife, won't mind in the slightest that I am still wearing my training clothes!" Arthur stormed out the room, leaving an amused Merlin behind.

Oh! Merlin chuckled to himself. That was too easy! Revenge is sweet.

Albion: The Beginning of the End (A Merlin fanfic) - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now