To the Haunted Mansion

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"I'm serious, Whatsit! We talked to Meg and she'd rather get fired than leave Paul" said George through the phone.

"It is what it is, George. She can no longer work with us" said Dr Whatsit.

"Y'know, instead of making things worse, why not use those fine medical skills of yours to help poor Macca get better faster" said George.

"Well... I suppose" said Dr Whatsit.

Dr Whatsit, Dr Who and Dr Which went down to Wiggletown.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Meg said.

"We're only here to help you look after Paul" said Dr Whatsit.

 The Misses found Paul laying on the Wiggles' couch.

"Paul? We're Meg's bosses. We're here to help you" said Dr Which.

Paul just smiled weakly at the three women.

Dr Who put her hand on Paul's forehead.

""The wound is the place where the light enters you." Rumi, Persian" she said.

"Or in this case, the illness" said Dr Whatsit.

Paul laughed a little. "Do I still have a fever?" he said.

"I'm afraid so, young Paul" said Dr Which.

"I've been ill for so long. Will I ever get better?" said Paul.

"We've no idea. It's been a week and five days." said Dr Whatsit.

"I suppose the only thing to do is rest. And hope it will end soon" said Mrs Which.

"So all I'm to do is hope and pray that I get better?" said Paul as his stomach sent another shot of pain.

Dr Who put her hand on Paul's shoulder.

""Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul". Dickinson, American" she said.

Paul smiled and lay back down.

"Now get well soon. Your friends are very possibly trying to find a way to help you" said Dr Whatsit.

And she was right. The Wiggles, Wags, and the kids were right in front of the Haunted Mansion.

"What are we doing at the Haunted Mansion? This is where Constance lives" said Anthony.

"Well, in order to stop her, we should know why she's all about killing husbands." said Calvin.

"So what we do is go in the mansion and see what we can find that can help us stop her" added Sam.

"But if the mansion's haunted... doesn't that mean there's monsters in there?" said Jeff.

"Just ghosts." said Charles Wallace.

"Ghosts?" said Anthony.

"Don't worry about it. You already asked Stu Sutcliffe's ghost for advice" Sam said.

"Besides, we know these ghosts. Meg does Science Club with Constances five husbands, I do fitness with the Singing Busts" said Charles Wallace.

"I do Book Club with the changing portraits, and Sam plays gin rummy with the Hitchhiking Ghosts" said Calvin.

"And I think we do have to be afraid of the Hitchhiking Ghosts" Sam said.

"But Calvin just said you play card games with them" said Murray.

"Yeah, and Ezra cheats like there's no tomorrow." Sam said.

"Our point is, these ghosts are friends. The least they'll do is cheer us on" Charles Wallace said.

"Well, that's good" said Greg.

"But, uh... Murray? I gotta warn ya. Stay out of the graveyard. Or at least don't fall in the Black Pool if you don't wanna get your shirt messy" said Calvin.

"Yeah. Remember how insane you went when you got French's mustard on your shirt? Sam gave you the business. We certainly don't want that again do we?" said Charles Wallace.

"I do hate it when my red shirt's messy" said Murray.

"Hey. I'll have you know that I'm done screaming at you, Murray" Sam said.

"Thank you, Sammy" said Murray.

"And I should say, I think it's good to get your clothes dirty. Time to step up" said Charles Wallace.

"Okay." answered Murray.

"Come on. Let's hurry" said Greg.

"Sam?" Murray said.

"Hmm?" Sam responded.

"After we save Meg and Paul... can I take you to that pizza shop where I ate that whole pizza? And then when we got back to the Wigglehouse, I threw up and you still saw the pepperoni chunks in it?" said Murray.

"Don't remind me!" Sam groaned.

"Would you let me take you there a second time?" said Murray.

"I'll let you take me there if we can avoid a repeat performance" Sam answered.

"In the meantime, we better find out more about Constance so we know how to defeat her" said Anthony.

Okay. They're at the Haunted Mansion. That's a start.

But Constance and Constantine have already decided on how to defeat them.

What's coming up? What could it be? 

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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