•Chapter 8•

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Shawn Mendes

I stared at the text that had just come up on my phone. I didn't know how to respond. I didn't even know if I should respond. Maybe it was better to just leave it. Maybe if I didn't respond she would just forget, and wouldn't be so hurt that we wouldn't be able to see each other again. After all it was just a little fling it wasn't like we were, or would be anything more.
It had been a week since I had seen her and though I was lonely when I had first left her, I was slowly getting over it. I was writing and recording music, going out with friends, I was doing fine. The only time when I missed the week Elara and I had was when I was alone at night.
When I was on my own I thought of the way her hands felt, the way we kissed, the way it felt when I was holding her.
"Shawn mate we're going to head out. Are you coming with?"
I didn't hesitate to nod my head and chuck on a T-shirt.

"Shawn you never told us what happened with that girl a few weeks ago!" Someone said as my friends and I sat around a table.
I shook my head not wanting to say anything about what happened but I knew that they weren't going to give up asking what happened until I gave them something. I shrugged my shoulders and thought about what I could say.
"We, er, we just hooked up, and she, she actually stayed with me for a week." I said, which earned me whistles and hollers from all the guys that were sat around me.
"A week?! Shitting hell Mendes. Was it good?"
"It was nice ok. I enjoyed it." I said sipping on my drink, hoping that they would just drop the subject.
"Why didn't you bring her with?"
"I'm not with her. It was just a fling. It's not like I'm going to see her again." I shrugged.

I looked up from my drink and over to the dance floor where my eyes landed on a girl who was already looking over at me.
It was almost like a replay of what happened with Elara. Except this girl looked nothing like Elara and was wearing something much more revealing.
I should look away from her.
I wasn't sure that I wanted anything tonight.
I just wanted to be with my friends.
Jumping into another fling or one night stand wasn't something I really needed.
I didn't want to be included in the mornings celebrity news either.

When Elara and I had come out of the club hand in hand we were all over several news and gossip platforms the morning after.
There was nothing bad said, people were just curious, especially as Elara wasn't known by anyone, and no one knew where she had come from or anything about her.
Elara didn't seem bothered by it. She was worried her mother would see but she never told me that she had seen.
If I was seen with someone else in the short space of a few weeks I can only imagine the stories and comments that would be made about me.

"Shes hot"
I turned to Connor who was sat beside me and raised and eyebrow at his words. He jutted his head towards the girl that I had previously been looking at.
"I don't know if I want anything." I shrugged and finished the last drop of my drink.
"You said it yourself, you're not going to see that other girls again so why not." He shrugged and I still shook my head.
"Can you imagine how people would react? Two girls in several weeks?"
"I guess so. But you're allowed to have fun. You're a twenty two year old super star." Connor said shaking my shoulder.
"It's not fair on Elara or whoever that girl is. Even if it was just a fling."

I didn't want to hurt Elara. She was a lovely girl and I'm sure me being seen with someone else so soon would hit a nerve. I know it would for me if I were in her position.
"What's on your mind?"
"I'm just thinking that I shouldn't have bought Elara flowers. She might think that I want more than just a fun week." I sighed and Connor shrugged.
"Your Shawn Mendes. She can't expect you to want more or be in a relationship. Forget about it. Go have fun." He winked.
I turned back to the girl who was still looking over and stood up out of my chair before heading in her direction, her smirk growing wider the closer I got.
Here we go again.

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