•Chapter 15•

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Elara Beck

"Right come on come on. Where's the bag? You have a bag right? Oh god."
"Finley your panicking is not helping." I snapped as he raced around the room. Just as if anything couldn't get more manic, Agnes burst into the room in her pyjama shorts and a massive jumper.
"I heard yelling. Oh my god it's time isn't it?!" She squealed and I nodded.
"Aggie could you take the bag and I'll help Beck downstairs." Finn directed and Agnes nodded taking the bag off of him.
Everyone was panicking.
I wasn't meant to be having this baby today. I was meant to be staying at home next week with Mum and Dad to have the baby there, but she was a week early and boy was she ready to come into the world.

Finn helped me down the long flights of stairs and down to his car. He was trying to be as calm as he could but I could see the panic in his eyes. I could tell he felt responsible for getting me to the hospital in one piece. I got my seatbelt on, after wrestling with it a while, and we set off.
I couldn't help but feel scared. My parents weren't here to help me and reassure me and there was still part of me that wanted Shawn to be here. Frances was his daughter.
But I couldn't think about him now. I had to focus on getting through this. I closed my eyes and just focused on staying calm and my breathing.
Finn put a hand over mine which was rested on my stomach. He didn't look over at me but I knew that that was his gesture of reassurance.

As soon as we got to the hospital, I was placed in a wheelchair and taken to a room. I had to change out of my clothes and was placed in a room on my own which i was grateful for.
Agnes and Finn sat at my side in silence as I groaned in pain.
"Are you scared? I'd be scared. Pushing something that big out of somewhere so small." Agnes rambled. I turned to her and gave her a stare.
"I'm sure that's not what Beck wants to be hearing right now Agnes." Finn said just as another wave of pain hit.
"Stupid fucking boy. Giving birth to his daughter at nineteen years old. He's not even here. He doesn't have to deal with this shit." I said and tears started streaming down my cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" Finn said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"I just didn't expect that this would be the situation in which I would be bringing a baby into the world. I just feel overwhelmed and disappointed for her." I cried but Finn stroked my back to try and comfort me. But Agnes, being the best friend that she was, pushed him away and held my hand looking deeply into my eyes.
"You listen to me. Don't you give him another thought right now. This is you. You have to do this. Get your backside into gear and your head screwed on. Because if you don't, that little girl has no chance in this world ok?" She said and wiped away my tears quickly.
I nodded and she nodded also.
"Agnes shes doing the best she-"
"No she's right. I need to get my head screwed on." I sighed taking a deep breath in and out.

It took eight more hours of sitting in that stupid hospital room before Frances decided that it was time.
Agnes and Finn spent most of it walking round the hospital, getting drinks or sleeping in the wooden chairs, each taking it in turns to watch over me.
My parents had arrived about an hour before the birth and waited outside the room at my request. In fact, Agnes and the nurses were the only ones in there with me. Finn had walked out half way through feeling sick. Typical.

But after Frances was born healthy it was a sigh of relief. Agnes had wiped the sweat off my forehead as she was handed to me. Agnes went to get everyone but I focused solely on watching Frances, waiting for her little eyes to open.
She cried for a little while but after her crying and a few rocks and a feed, she calmed down and I finally got to see her bright eyes. I couldn't help but smile, tears filling my eyes, as a pair of browny, hazel eyes stared up at me.
I held her close to me and her little mouth dropped open before her eyes fluttered shut again.

I knew as soon as I saw those eyes open and land on mine that we would be just fine. We would be absolutely fine whether Shawn decided to be involved or not.

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